วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Pin the Tail on the Oil Donkey

Author : Austin Culley

For all your kids out there trying to come up with an essay topic to write about, why not bump those grades up by doing a little research on oil. Not peanut butter oil, or olive oil, but oil - the kind that helps to run the car you hope to one day drive.DonkeysNow, first of all, what exactly is an Oil Donkey? Well, it's actually called a Nodding Donkey, and what a Nodding Donkey does is help pump oil out of the ground so that we can get our paws on it. You can find a good picture of one of these donkeys at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodding_donkey. As a matter of fact, outside of this article, you could probably find a whole lot of information about oil, otherwise known as petroleum, at this Wiki Web Site. It's a great resource for information.Dinosaurs and DiatomsOil is considered a "Fossil Fuel", meaning that it is an organic substance that comes from the fossils of animals who have long parted the earth. Many people think this means that oil comes from dead dinosaurs; however, it is more likely that oil was formed from the bodies of very small creatures such as diatoms and foraminifera.DecompositionAfter a long period of time, the skeletons of these fossils decompose to turn into thick deposits of mud. Over thousands of years, layer upon layer of this mud builds up, and the lower layers become hard as rock. Time, pressure, and heat caused from the earth's core is what is believed to turn this organic decomposition into crude oil and natural gas.DrillingDeep within the earth there are a few different places where oil and gas pockets can pool together. One of these places can be in porous rocks, such as sandstone, which is a rock that has spaces in it and looks like a sponge close up. This is one of the places we collect oil from by drilling a well hole deep into the ground to get to it. After the well hole is drilled, the oil is pumped out and refined into different products we use in everyday life, like to run our cars and heat our homes if it gets cold.Our Dependence on OilYou see, this is a great subject to do an essay on because oil is an important part of our lives. We depend on it for many things that help make our lives more comfortable. Good luck with your essay, and I hope you get an "A". About The AuthorAustin Culley is the Vice President of Oil-Net.Com Inc.http://www.oil-net.com

Category : Kids - Teen

วันอังคารที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Fiddle Tab Makes Learning Fiddle Fast and Easy

Author : Elan Chalford
Learning fiddle tab is so intuitive and so easy that a student picks it up in five minutes. This is true even for five-year-olds.Before starting this examination of fiddle tab, let's recall what standard musical notation looks like. The familiar dot-shaped notes on or between the five lines of the musical staff represent exact pitches of musical notes.The dots show the pitch. Sharp signs or flat signs influence that pitch. The clef sign also has an effect.Rhythm symbols that show the relative duration of the notes. Other musical terminology, often Italian, indicates the speed of the rhythm. Allegro con brio, for example, means "lively, with enthusiasm."Musical notation tells nothing about how to play the music on any given musical instrument. It is designed to be used with all musical instruments.Fiddle tab, on the other hand, tells exactly what string to play and what finger to use. It's intuitive and easy to learn.But it shows the information in a form that only fiddle players can use. It is not universal. Because it is so focused, it is simpler.On the fiddle tab staff each space represents a string. The top space represents the E-string, the next one, the A-string--and so on.If you placed a violin with its side, with the neck extending to the left of the body, you would see the strings in exactly the same relationship. If you then reached both hands to pick up the violin, with your left hand under the neck, you would be in position to finger the strings the normal way.Numbers indicate what finger to use. The number 1 is the first finger--the pointing finger, 2 is the middle finger, 3 the ring finger and 4 the pinkie. An 0 means use no finger. Leave the string open.The only question remaining is placement of the fingers. We begin with the placement that would produce a major scale. This is the most common tradition in Western music. It’s common to all the melody instruments that I’m aware of, and to singing as well.All music teachers start with this basic instruction: the do-re-mi of music. These first three notes of the scale are found in countless children’s songs: Are You Sleeping, Brother John?, Row, Row, Row your Boat, and, in the inverse order, Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb, London Bridge is Falling Down, Three Blind Mice.That sound, and the relationship of the fingers that produce that sound, underlies fiddle tablature, as I teach it. Any variation from that finger placement will be indicated by the letter L or H. These letters guide the student to place the finger lower or higher than usual.Rhythm indication in fiddle tab is similar to musical notation, but simplified.A simple line under a number is called a stem, just as in music notation. It shows the same thing, one beat of rhythm. Two numbers that have stems joined by another line (called a "beam" in music notation) would be played in one beat.The development of standard musical notation in Western music was a great achievement. It led to the richly complex beauty, power and mystery of great music.Learning this system is no easy matter. In Europe, a hundred years ago, kids going into music learned to sing solfeggio. This meant translating musical notation into do-re-mi.In current practice, the difficulty of learning to read music is overcome by fingering notation over the particular note. This is true for keyboard, violin, or brass and woodwinds. Numbers over certain notes aid the student in translating the symbolism of the notational pitch into physical actions.The American Suzuki Method also uses finger notations over every note. The student has only to intuit when to change string. In this respect it differs not at all from classical violin pedagogy.In the method that I use, which we may call the fiddle tab method, I show the student tab charts after the initial stage of learning to play a scale. I have never had a student fail to learn how to read tab charts in one lesson. It is intuitive, natural and easy.Making the transition to reading music later has, likewise, been no great challenge. Some students simply begin Suzuki Violin Book One, with its easy pieces. They quickly learn to read.Students who prefer fiddling can use Beginning Old-Time Fiddle, by Alan Kaufman. It has both fiddle tab and musical notation. It's an excellent resource for the transition from tab to music notation.For more information about learning how to play fiddle using tab charts, set your web browser to Learn to Play Fiddle. You will find an abundance of information and free tab charts.Elan Chalford, Fiddle Coach
Learn to Play Fiddle without Reading Music
Category : Pregnancy

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Third Wives Club: Banner Relationships & Making Them Work

Author : Jan Verhoeff
Nobody dreams of being the Third Wife. When you marry for the first time, you're full of hopes and dreams for long-term marriage relationship, the whole shebang, including a 50th wedding anniversary and all that includes. If that relationship blows up in smoke and disaster, the average person may actually still have enough persistence to try again… And still have some hope left.When the second relationship turns to ashes, the phoenix may not reappear as a standard of hope, but an avoidance of doom. The fear of growing old alone may pound in your chest, it may keep you awake at night, and you may suffer great anxiety because of your own fears. And yet, the prospect of saying "This is my third husband" terrorizes your mind.You look back at two failed marriages and think of the karma… The weight of the world is on your shoulders. Gloom and doom shall follow you. You're a looser! You can't even make a man happy. And you loose sight of the reality…The chances are good that your first marriage ended before it began. You and your spouse married young, without the necessary understanding of what marriage was all about. Your relationship started out a miracle and sunk into despair. Without proper tools to keep it alive, it died. Quickly on it's heals someone promised you all the right things, said all the things you needed to hear, and you fell for the "line". A second marriage solved all your current problems and you struggled to grasp and hold onto 'the dream'.I'm not resolving you of any responsibility. That would be your choice and view.Justification for your position appears on the horizon and you can see some semblance of hope reappearing in your life. You have another chance. A man in your life who just might be 'the one' and you risk it. You take that step, one more time, risking your heart to yet another who might trample it into the dirt.And you wonder - how to make it work.As a single woman attempting to make it work a third time, trying to revive the hope of 'maybe', I searched for answers and found a simple page of ideas. It's even on a free site, a place where one might go just to express thoughts and hopes. http://www.freewebs.com/luckslec offered a bit of hope, a few suggestions, and a place to seek answers. Links to other helpful sites are there in the lineup, along with practical suggestions.Then I wondered… Is there hope?Jan Verhoeff is a writer. Her short stories and articles often touch the hearts of readers seeking answers and solutions. Life solutions come in short supply, but hope is everlasting. If you're seeking hope, solutions for your life, or a business answer, visit http://janverhoeff.com Jan presents marketing solutions for business of all kinds – including affairs of the heart.
Category : News-and-Society:Relationships