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The Procrastinating Perfectionist
Are you a procrastinating perfectionist? I once read an article dealing with the fear of failure and success. The author described it as the following: "The curse of the procrastinating perfectionist".Boy did I ever associate myself with that statement. I was the kind of guy who would always wait around for the perfect opportunity to come by without attempting anything less than perfect. Did that opportunity ever come by? Not at all... In fact only once I realized what I was doing did opportunities start appearing in my life.Are you someone like this? Do you wait around hoping to achieve something perfect? Let me tell you a little secret. It's never going to happen. We simply do not live in a perfect world. Let me tell you something else to try to motivate you.Imagine the following: you are an old, crippled, lonely man. You have been waiting around almost a century for your dream girl to walk into your life. You are still dreaming of her because she has of course, never showed up. The saddest part is that it doesn't matter anymore. You'd be too old to make love to her anyway.Wake up! You're still reasonably young! Don't wait until you're 90 years old and unable to do anything. You need to realize this today!Don't let your procrastination stop you from going after what you want. And especially do not let any fears stop you. The sooner you face your fears, the sooner you'll improve yourself and eventually get what you want. You need to go out there in life and realize that if you want to achieve any success you're going to have to experience failure. If you don't believe me then read the following quote:"I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is precisely why I succeed."
-- Michael JordanFailure is not final. So stop waiting around for that perfect opportunity to come by your way. Stop procrastinating! Go out there, face your fears, and go after what you want. If you need more tips visit my website to read more of my articles.Pete Grand is the author of the breakthrough ebook: "How To Overcome Shyness: A man's complete guide on overcoming shyness". To learn more about overcoming shyness, gaining popularity and boosting self-confidence visit http://www.overcome-shyness.com
Keyword : overcome shyness, procrastination, success, failure, fear, perfection
The Mind's Fancy Dress Party -Or- A Brainstorming Session
In Berlin a restaurant opens for anorexics and in Buffalo a lawyer with a stutter wins a court case. When everything you're working on has gone STALE and your own initially promising concepts are starting to annoy you, you need a brainstorming session to get to the missing bits or generate some new ideas.The papers provide ample ideas for jump starts. A stutterer in a court case or an anorexic going to a restaurant that has opened especially for them must have no problems with ideas to keep them going for at least two weeks after their memorable experiences.Brainstorming is trix galore, right? But that's really nothing new. Our mind plays on us all the time, wherever we are, whatever we do. It thinks of a stutter as its rightful body. Or of the numb anorexic craving as its self in top form.The mind's always on a mission. Always. When faced with putting together a magazine-type product, a sales promotion concept, a new hype of some sort. It's the mind, that comes up with everything.When brainstorming, think of the stutterer. At all cost, do NOT work on losing the stutter if you wanna speak. It's only obstructing and keeping you from the ideas labeled 'good' in the recesses you're trying to access.Material to work with? Anything, so long as it is not defined. Space for now. Goal to achieve? An arrival point.Very often the best ideas are the ones born in the early seconds of a session. Here at contentClix, we call it 'performance brainstorming'. Trust your instinct rather than the treacherous mind and your first utterances prove most valuable.What DO we get at when we get at what we normally miss out on? And DO we miss out? Or does what we can't afford to miss out on catch up with us anyway?Days that we are opening restaurants for anorexix are here. Really, since last December. How about launching something with a statement. Something like "Soon, human beings don't have to think anymore and they'll still be thinking". Sounds like a reproach to technology - it's also been said 1,000 times of poetry.So we live in days that a restaurant caters for anorexics. A real-life manifestation of something we think of as an unviable concept made into a commercial venture, a marketable concept.We really are so overmarketed in our entertainment that this new theme restaurant probably doesn't even stand out any more. We can go around feeding anorexics and the poor girlies probably won't feel in any way forced to eat. Solves their problem by creating a new layer in indifference on a wider scale.Perhaps this is a consolation for those girlies with enough energy left to be on the lookout for healthier anger ventilation opportunities: of the stutterers, 80 is male.The mind's mission RIGHT NOW is getting on target. Do you feel it coming? The next thought you're likely to produce is something to do with doing your very best and losing a stutter. A marriage of idea and form! Perhaps we nearing some arrival point.Angelique van Engelen runs http://www.contentClix.com, a copywriting agency in Amsterdam. She has lived and worked as a journalist in the Middle East and London for over six years and currently lives in the Netherlands.
Keyword : brainstorming, anorexia, writing, stuttering, trix galore, the mind, a mission, contentClix
Is the Life You're Living the Life You Want?
In pre-revolutionary Russia, a rabbi was walking to the synagogue. A Russian soldier stopped him and asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The rabbi answered, "How much do they pay you for doing this job?" The soldier replied, "Twenty kopeks." The rabbi then said, "I'll pay you twenty-five to ask me those same two questions every day."Ask yourself those two questions "Who am I? What am I doing?" One of the best ways to live your life with intention is to listen to yourself deeply. Living each day with intention can be energizing and fulfilling. Too often we find ourselves waiting for some outside influence to come along and give our lives meaning.What kind of choices do I need to be making now to live out the life I want to live?It's easy to get to the point where your work (or your business) is running you, rather than your work (or business) actually serving what you genuinely want for your life as a whole. Another question you might ask yourself is, "How can I design my business to serve my life and not just have my life serve the company?"I imagine that we all have been moved by a friend's death or illness to re-think our own lives and decide that we need to be more intentional about moving from the life we live to the kind of life we want to live. So we make resolutions and plans… and then something happens that we have no control over. (My hunch is that many of us re-evaluated after the events of September 11, 2001.) We get attached to life happening exactly as we have planned. The challenge, though, is how to become more comfortable with the both/and way of living our lives. Most of us have been taught that choices we make must be either/or choices. And yet, it's by embracing the paradox that we can begin to live as comfortably in the not-knowing as in the knowing.The poet, David Whyte, describes this as being able to contain both the "Ah!" of discovery and revelation, and also the "Argh!" of driving to work through slow traffic on a gray Monday morning. It's like recognizing the grief of losing a client while simultaneously experiencing the joy of gaining a new client. It means allowing ourselves to experience the richness of the both/and.It's about making plans and at the same time not growing so attached to them that we overlook opportunities placed in front of us—opportunities that are much greater than we could have imagined in our planning. Or about making plans and becoming so attached to them that we are devastated when they don't unfold as we have imagined. This is a way to approach what life hands us in our personal lives, as well as our business lives.I have a friend who is a good example of living one's life with intention. She has made choices that have taken her out of the hurry and scurry to a very simple life in the country. Her choices have been simple, and yet the process was not without pain and grief. When she was very young, she'd made her "life list." Knowing what she wanted her life to look like, she married her best friend. It wasn't on their "life list" to have him die at the age of 29. Recovering from the blow, however, she eventually re-grouped, made necessary and appropriate adjustments and constructed a new "life list." She never stopped living intentionally; she accepted life's realities and re-directed her intentions. That is the essence of adaptation; and adaptation is the essence of growth.In her book, The Female Advantage, Sally Helgeson focuses on the strategies and organization theories of four successful leaders. These women know how to plan strategically and, at the same time, not get so attached to those plans that they miss emerging opportunities and threats that necessitate changing those plans. They are flexible enough to notice opportunities and respond to threats in a timely way. They trust that the opportunities which come their way will unlock their futures. They understand that the future cannot be reduced to a simple matter of objectives, nor achieved by the mere application of will.Living your life with intention won't be the same as your co-worker or friend might do it. I keep thinking I'm eventually going to get there. It's constantly being demonstrated, though, that it's a never-ending process. It's about being authentic; having a consistency between our words and our actions; between who we say we are and how we live. Having said that, though, we are all "inauthentic" from time to time. We have to be thoughtful in certain situations. For example, if speaking your mind to someone with the power to fire you could result in your getting fired, and if you are not prepared to suffer the consequences of speaking your mind, you might decide not to say anything. That doesn't mean you're not being authentic. It means you're being intentional about your choices at this particular time.SUGGESTIONS FOR LIVING INTENTIONALLY• Listen deeply to yourself; work on developing self-awareness.• Ask yourself "What are my choices, and what are the trade-offs?"• Take action, and trust yourself.• Find support; have a coach, a group or family to talk with.I started this piece thinking and writing about paradox and making choices, and I find myself back at the beginning. We all have made choices for which we are responsible—choices that may have hurt ourselves or someone else, though we didn't know we were making flawed choices at the time.So even though we may not make decisions perfectly, it is somehow refreshing to realize that we don't really know who we are in every situation, and we can have only so much control.Living intentionally does not spare us from mistakes or suffering; however it does mean that we have been actively engaged in making our lives more fulfilling.Julane Borth is co-founder of EWF International®, an Oklahoma based firm providing personal advisory boards for women business owners and executives. EWF International franchises are available throughout the Southwest.
Keyword : Authentic Living, Intentional Living, Living With Intention, Listening
A Reason For Living in a Nutshell
In brief, my book A REASON FOR LIVING is the product of a sustained effort to answer in the most enlightening and inspiring way this single question: Why live? I started to ask myself that question about thirty years ago after my diving accident, which left the husky and lusty teenage athlete that I was a near quadriplegic. What had given meaning to my life until then had become largely impossible. As a result, my life seemed absurd."Seemed" is the operative word here. Many years of reflection and study have taught me that the lack of meaning is always a lack of wisdom. Everything I have learned and that has turned the bitter and suicidal young man that I was into a mature and serene life lover is what I impart to my reader.Listed below are some of the major points in my book:1. There can be no contentment without acceptance of the limits of reality, within which excellence and joy are possible, but not perfection and infinite happiness. Furthermore, there can be no contentment without the courage to pursue excellence and joy persistently, against failures and misfortunes. That is to say, if life is to be compared to a car ride, we had better be in the driver's seat and move forward at a good pace, but without haste, while steering in the right direction. We are responsible for our lives, even though we do not control everything, far from it.Above all, our minds are at our command and determine our moods. Independently of circumstances and results, contentment follows from positive thinking and positive action – though admittedly it is not possible without circumstances and results being at least favorable enough to permit thinking and action.2. In the pursuit of excellence and joy, the awareness of our adaptability is paramount. Change, and sometimes extensive and traumatic change, is part and parcel of life. Fortunately, we are able to adapt to this change. That is, the favorable habits we develop within relatively stable circumstances – for example eating, working, or dating habits that are conducive to our happiness – do not truly define the individuals we are. What does define them so is our innate ability to acquire favorable habits whatever the circumstances (provided the latter are not so bad that they cannot be turned to good account). In a word, we are by nature adaptable, just as the world is by nature changeable.3. The one fact that differentiates life from infinite bliss is the struggle that is required of the living to achieve satisfaction, which is never complete and permanent. We can either sorrow over that fact or rejoice at it. Why rejoice? because with the struggle comes merit, and merit is a joyful emotion that any valiant soul knows intimately and values immensely.4. Just as we cannot build a house without first securing a solid foundation, we cannot achieve fulfillment without first ensuring that our body is sound, thanks to a healthy diet and lifestyle.5. To be free to do what we please is a precious right that we have as members of a liberal society. This right comes with a corresponding duty: to respect that right in others. Indeed, we are free to do what we please if what we please is not to make our fellow creatures suffer. Mutual respect is the sine qua non of collective harmony. It is the chief principle behind human justice.The right to freedom, within the liberal society, also means that we are free to believe what we please. No institutionalized ideology is imposed on us besides the basic moral principle dictating that we respect one another so that society, however liberal, remains sufficiently ordered to be operational. The reverse of order is chaos, which only knows the law of the jungle: dog eat dog.Now, the right to believe what we please comes with a
corresponding duty: to think by ourselves and for ourselves to define our own ideology according to which we see and do things in a certain way. Again, the only imposition is the basic moral principle dictating that we respect one another.6. Within the context of my own ideology, which I cannot impose, but only propose, love is the essence of life, its essential purpose. It includes the love of ourselves, which consists in promoting our own life. This love is instinctive and foundational; it is instrumental in the love of others, as we feel solidarity with them.At a deeper level, love extends to that of everything. It proceeds from the divine principle behind the universe, thanks to which everything is the way it is, capable of being and better still, within certain limits, capable of flourishing. Like this principle, these limits can be ascertained through their obvious manifestations, but never explained. Ultimately, the universe and our relative knowledge of it are founded on a fathomless mystery.AddendumFor a wider perspective of this book and its author, including pictures, excerpts, autobiographical information, plus details on where to purchase the book, please use the following link:http://laurentgrenier.com/ARFL.htmlThank you. I wish you every happiness!Laurent Grenier's career as a full-time writer and thinker spans over twenty years. He has released various articles in art and philosophical magazines. He has also written some philosophical essays, a collection of memories and thoughts, and a compendium of physiology and nutrition, still unpublished. A REASON FOR LIVING constitutes his best work to date.
Keyword : reason, living, Laurent, Grenier, meaning, wisdom, awareness, adaptability, happiness, purpose
Careful What You Wish For...
I have always been fascinated by the concept of "wishing.", especially "collective wishing." If enough people wish for the same thing, does it make it happen? For instance, humans probably always wished that they could talk to each other without having to "go there" physically. Perhaps the invention of the telephone was actually the result of a long-standing collective wish from days of the caveman. From the long lensed perspective of human history, the telephone, which literally manifests far away voices into thin air, truly is a magical object.There are two very interesting best-selling books available about the subject of wishing. One of them is "Be Careful What You Pray For ... You Just Might Get It' by Larry Dossey and the other is "Wishing Well" by Paul Pearsall, Ph.d.. Both deal with the subject of manifestation.Wishing Well is more of a how-to book that explains the proper way to wish. The authour talksabout such basics as "not wishing too hard", "not making selfish wishes" and "wishing for the essence of a thing, rather than the thingitself."This is white witchcraft 101 whitewashed with New Age sensibilities; Harry Potter for adults.Making a negative wish can function like a curse. Pearson says that much of the crap brought upon us in this civilization is the result of collective negative wishing. This got me to thinking about John F. Kennedy Juniour's plane crash a few years ago. For generations now, people have been aware if the so-called Kennedy curse. Was it the mass belief in this curse, a form of negative wishing in itself, that finally brought down JFK's plane? Is it something that we all, subconsciously, thought should happen?According to both authours, wishes are strengthened when they are the result of a group desire and good intentions. However, when a group begins to wish negatively, from a place of hatred, jealousy or desire, then the wish usually manifests the opposite effect. I remember as a little kid, being more than well aware of the power of this kind of wishing. I use to wish for the opposite of what I wanted or wish the same thing for another (for example: "I wish my little sister would get an ice cream cone" and then I would end up with what I wanted in the first place.I think I subconsciously knew that a selfish wish would get me the opposite. I might even be taunted by the sight of other children eating ice cream cones Another principle of wishing is "wishing overkill." Wishes come true if they are more likea little nudge --done in a simple way, without anxiety and done from theheart. A well-done wish is comparable to the flapping of the butterflywings in Brazil causing a tornado in Florida. Apparently if you gently nudge the universe with yourthoughts, you're in luck. You have to be part of the universal state ofharmony. If you interrupt this balance with an explosion of will, determinism, selfishness and passion, then you often experience a lashback and see the opposite come into effect. This is similar to witchcraft's 3X3X3 rule: whatever you send out comes back to you. It also explains why disasters seem to escalate and the persistence of Murphy's Law.Another important principle, brought up by both authours is the principle of "like attracts like". If you are in a state of anxiety and wishing for "more serenity", you are more than likely to find your self surrounded by anxious people who are also wishing for serenity or in a state of even more anxiety. Stating that you lack something actually reinforces its lack. Combine this with the principle of resonance, where a wish in reinforced by the number of people thinking the same thing, than it really makes you start thinking that group negative wishing is actually responsible for many of the ills in the world.The next time you make a wish, wish well. Wish for the best thing to happen for all concerned and don't be attached to the outcome. When you wish upon a star, it DOES make a difference who you are ...Finally, I am Queen of My Domain!Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here
You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
Keyword : new age belief,white magic spells,wishing spells,wish spells,new age spirituality,spiritual saying
Opening Hearts is as Easy as Opening a Window
Two-year-old Owen goes to speech therapy twice a week. The therapist's office is small and gloomy. There is one large window, but the shade is always down and very little light comes through. Each time we go there, I can't help but feel depressed by the atmosphere.Last Tuesday the teacher wanted Owen to repeat words he knows for objects outside. They were sitting on the floor in the middle of the stagnant room. "Say tree," she said to him, and Owen mumbled, "No.""Owen, say tree," the therapist tried again. Owen just stared at her. I could tell the therapist was frustrated, but I could also see that Owen was far from being inspired. For a moment I wished I had stayed in the waiting room, where at least the florescent light keeps things bright and cheery.The therapist tried a new approach: "Owen, can you say bird?"Owen frowned.This certainly isn't going well, I thought. He talks more at home, for Heaven's sake!Then Owen got up from his spot on the floor. He toddled over to the closed window shade and pointed. "Open," he said."Owen, I need you to pay attention," the therapist said from her place on the floor."Open," he said again.Finally the therapist joined him at the window and reluctantly opened the shade. Sunlight spilled into the room, casting a new joy and energy throughout that almost seemed tangible. Owen's face brightened."Bird! Car! Tree!" he yelled excitedly. "Grass! Road!"Two days later, as we were driving into the parking lot for Owen's session, he looked out the car window and pointed. "Open," he said. He smiled triumphantly, looking at the outside of the therapist's window, which now had the shade drawn permanently up."Well, look at that," I said. "She's kept the window open!"And then suddenly it crossed my mind: With love and God's help, it's even possible for someone as young as two to plant a seed and watch it grow.About The Author**The following MUST be present in any reproduction of this article, and the URL must be actively linked!**Sarah Smiley's syndicated column Shore Duty appears weekly in newspapers across the country. Check out her website www.SarahSmiley.com for more information.admin@sarahsmiley.com
Keyword : inspiration,love,faith,spirituality,self improvement
Coming To Your Senses, Again and Again!
When we talk about the Enchanted Self we are referring to positive states of mind and body that are unique to each of us. We are also referring to the process by which we tap into our Enchanted Self. (The name I have given to this delightful, happy, elevated part of us that knows how to have fun, feel alive and be joyful.) One step in the process is learning how to heighten and how to return to positive states of mind and body. Our memories always assist us.As autumn flows into winter this a time when most of us prepare ourselves emotionally and physically for the Holiday Season. Many of us have just come off or a great American tradition: Thanksgiving. In fact, I am sitting at my computer right now feeling stuffed--too much pie and too many nuts, sweet potatoes, ice cream and who knows what else!I am literally thankful to be sitting here, though, already 'full' both in the tummy and the heart with more good memories to bank in my personal memory account. I had the pleasure of time with my children and grandchildren and some other dear relatives. The minor aggravations already look smaller as I move away from Thanksgiving, and the good moments look larger as they take a place in my personal story. How can I even further enhance feeling good right now? How also can I get a quick fix of good emotional energies, when I need them, when I don't feel as great as I do now?The most important first step is to focus on, review and then 'bank' our current positive moments. For example, rather than focusing on how tired I felt this morning as the weekend came to a close, I reviewed all the good moments over the last few days. I used my senses to help me. I remembered visually the pleasant scenes--sitting with family, joking in the car. I remembered sounds--my grandson's sweet little voice and laughter. I remembered aromas--the smell of the fresh applesauce I made on Thursday. I remembered touch--hugging our cousins. I remembered tastes--the pecan pie brought from Pittsburgh ... yum!So, because I had some current wonderful moments I took advantage of them and literally savored them! I practiced tasting them again and again. I looked for the sensory part of each memory. A very important way to stimulate positive memories is to utilize your senses: taste, smell, touch, hearing and vision. Very simply stated, your senses provide information, which are transmitted to your brain helping you to perceive the world in which you live. You may never have paid any particular attention to your five senses but when focused upon individually or in groups, they can provide the stimuli necessary to recapture positive experiences either to help 'bank' them for further review and uplift or to go to your memory bank when you need to and take out some old memories that you can once again enjoy by remembering the smells, tastes, feelings, sights and sounds that went with them!I hope the above serves as a little 'present' for you and that you will try the following play-date with enchantment.A Play-date With Enchantment Using the Past to Your Pleasurable AdvantageHere is an exercise that can help you to retrieve positive images and sensations focusing on one or more of your senses. Begin by closing your eyes and listening to the sounds around you. Listen for a few minutes. When you feel drawn to a particular sound, stay with it. Allow yourself to mentally wonder remembering to focus on the positive. When you are ready, open your eyes and find an object to hold in your hands, such as an article of clothing. Close your eyes and explore the object, listen to the sounds around you. What positive memories and experiences are evoked by focusing on two of your senses, i.e. touch and hearing. Try this exercise mixing and matching your other senses.About The AuthorDr. Barbara Becker Holstein , originator of THE ENCHANTED SELF®, a method of bringing delight and meaning into everyday living, invites you to view her new line of ENCHANTED WOMAN products, downloadable e-books, and free gifts at http://www.enchantedself.com. Chat with others in Dr. Holstein's e-group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/encself/join, and sign up for her free e-group at www.enchantedself.com.
Order her book, THE ENCHANTED SELF: A Positive Therapy, or the CD-rom or tape version and her book RECIPES FOR ENCHANTMENT: The Secret Ingredient is YOU!, or the ED-rom version, at http://www.enchantedself.com/ordering/ordering.htm.encself@aol.com
Keyword : enchantment,spiritual,inspiration,self help,coaching
I Am...
…you are, he is, she is, they are… But you knew that already, didn't you? Or have you really stopped to think about it recently – or ever for that matter?Huh?I guess we need a little clarification on this. So…do this. Touch yourself. That's right, go ahead and touch yourself.So, what did you feel? Skin? Of course. Maybe some hair? OK. How about warmth? Sure, unless you're standing naked in your back yard in Minnesota in the middle of January. (You really need to get back inside as quickly as possible – and try to cut back on the quantity of hot toddies…)Unless you're numbed out of your gourd or weren't really paying attention, you felt YOU! So what's so special about that? YOU'RE ALIVE! Honest-to-goodness, really alive! Think about it. For about a zillion years you weren't – alive that is. You did not exist. You were only scattered molecular stardust. You could have been a little part of just about anything you can think of – oak tree, beach, chicken feathers – you name it. (Don't dwell too long on this thought. It can get pretty gross real quick if you let it.)From the beginning of time, we have been nothing more than a potential biological jigsaw puzzle waiting for assembly. And now – son-of-a-gun, here we are. From two microscopic half-cells merged in a surge of passion, the miracle of genetics has transformed that single cell into a zillion-celled, complex, functioning animal organism.'Tain't no big deal, you say? It happens every day?Oh, c'mon, now. It is a mega-deal that happens thousands and thousands of times a day. And – it happens with a terrifically small percentage of errors. As a general rule, our noses, eyes and ears wind up in pretty much the right place on our heads. We have the correct numbers of arms, legs, fingers and toes. And our innards are all positioned normally and function as they were intended. All this from microscopic cell latched onto the lining of Mom's womb!Let's take a quick inventory of "us".We all have a really cool, flexible, articulating framework as a foundation for the rest of the stuff we're made of. Over 200 bones, all connected together and hinged so we can walk, talk, stand, sit, run, bend, stoop, squat, jump, reach, grasp, point, scratch, eat, push, pull, lift, swim, lie down and perform any other maneuver or contortion you can think of. Cool, huh? In addition of course, some of this framework also does a great job of protecting our insides – brain, lungs, heart, and digestive system – from damage from excessive outside forces.All of these fairly solid hunks of material are connected and maneuvered by our tendons, ligaments and muscles. The assemblies of interconnected, expandable, contractible, cells that work harmoniously as directed to allow us to accomplish all of the things we've already mentioned.Think about it! Just the fact that we have a solid supporting framework that we can manipulate and move pretty much as we desire is amazing in and of itself!Our basic building blocks – our cells – are all individually live little bits of protein and goo that use the oxygen and nutrients they are supplied to multiply and do the jobs required of the organ that they are a part of.Our digestive system takes the raw materials we provide it in the way of food (and occasionally assorted garbage), processes it into a form usable by the cells and ships it out through our internal distribution system. The unusable excess is dumped (excuse the term) externally.Our circulatory system – heart, arteries, capillaries, veins – transport nourishment, oxygen, and an assortment of other chemicals and substances (hormones, biological warriors, waste materials and occasional invading buggies) to and from all of our body parts (individual cells).Our respiratory system – lungs and associated passageways – snags the oxygen from the air, passes it along to the transporters in our bloodstream, drags the carbon dioxide (one of the byproducts of cell life) back out of the blood and expels it out into the air.Our nervous system receives outside stimuli from sights, sounds, smells, tastes and "feels", translates it into generally comprehensible information and either uses it immediately to produce a response or stores it for future reference. At the same time, it keeps all of our internal processes functioning in a fairly efficient manner.Add to all of this, our systems and sub-systems for gathering the outside stimuli in the first place (eyes, ears, nose, etc.), fighting off disease, healing injuries, maintaining body temperature, maintaining chemical balance, growing hair, producing freckles, passing gas, reproducing, etc. and suddenly we are introduced to ourselves as an extremely complex biological organism!Holy Smokes, folks! We are one of the most complicated assemblies of parts and pieces on the face of this earth! We are so complicated in fact, that even after studying our body parts for all these years to try to figure out exactly how all our stuff works, we still don't know everything! Maybe we never will. Who knows?Are ya trackin' with me here? We – you and I – are ALIVE! We're functioning and doing all the stuff that we human-type animals do. If that's not absolutely mind-boggling, I don't know what is!About The AuthorGene, through NuPathz.com, provides an easy reading self-help blog along with affordable books and materials written to help folks find the road to a more enjoyable lifestyle, to pass on some of life's "secrets for survival" in a chaotic world & offer a few smiles along the way. It's a down-to-earth, simple approach to discovering a better life. You can visit Gene at http://www.nupathz.com/gene@nupathz.com
Keyword : self improvement, inspirational, motivation, human
Happy Ending
I'm writing to you with a completely shattered heart. I've known my wife for over five years, and we got married last August. It was a fairy tale wedding, everything we always wanted, with about 200 guests. Everyone said by the look on our faces they knew we were in love.For years before the wedding, my wife was completely into me. We spent every night and all weekend together. Our perfect weekend would be a couple of rental movies and a night out to eat. Six months after the wedding I threw a 30th birthday party for my wife and invited all her friends. She had a blast but got very drunk. People were shocked to see her like that, but I was just happy my wife was happy.After the party I noticed she acted different. My wife didn't seem to care about things we made a priority in our life, like having a baby and buying a home. One Saturday morning I found her secretly checking her voice mail messages. I guessed at her access code and guessed correctly. The message I heard was her boss saying how much he missed her and needed to hear the sound of her voice.I started shaking and felt nauseous. He is the same age as me, in great shape, and definitely her type. I went upstairs and confronted my wife. She denied it, but I could see the lie in her face. When I suggested we listen to the voice mail together, she confessed and we both cried.She explained he was there for her because I wasn't there emotionally. She said they only kissed once or twice but never slept together. I want to believe her, but I don't. She seems cold and distant and isn't the same person anymore. Part of me wants her back, and part of me thinks she's too far gone.DoyleDoyle, just because you cried together it doesn't mean you were crying for the same reason. A teenager stealing a CD from a store may cry when he gets caught, but if he succeeded he might hold the CD aloft and boast to his buddies. His tears are not tears of remorse, but tears because of his predicament.Nothing in your letter suggests you weren't there for your wife emotionally, yet she isn't lying when she makes that claim. Who was emotionally disconnected? She was, from you. She doesn't feel the closeness, the loyalty, and the bond you do.Your connection to her would prevent you from doing this to her. She was so disconnected from you she didn't consider you before becoming involved with her boss.She claims you were emotionally distant. She wants you to accept blame for something she never told you. She did not come to her husband and talk. She started dating her boss and hid it from her husband. If she was that miserable, she should have told you.Fidelity is the definition of marriage. What does that mean? When two people decide on marriage, dating stops. Intimate relationships with other people stop. Otherwise, why get married? Your wife is dating again. That kills a marriage.In one of the Upanishads there is an ecstatic passage which begins, "This earth is honey for all beings, and all beings are honey for this earth…" That passage always reminds us what marriage should feel like. A husband should be honey for his wife, and a wife honey for her husband.Home should be a refuge and an oasis. The one who shares that with you should love you simply and completely.To move forward, sooner or later you have to get to the truth. How do you get from where you are to where you want to be, with a woman whose first response was to lie and point the finger at you?Wayne & TamaraDirect Answers - Column for the week of May 3, 2004About The AuthorAuthors and columnists Wayne and Tamara Mitchell can be reached at www.WayneAndTamara.com.Send letters to: Direct Answers, PO Box 964, Springfield, MO 65801 or email: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com.
Keyword : relationships,coaching,counselors,inspiration,success,motivation,self improvement,dating
Myth And Reality
Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 2, 2004I am at a complete loss about what to do with my mother-in-law to be. In a nutshell, she's verbally abusive. She treats my fiance like a child, and yet he is 30. She calls me stupid. He has put up with this behavior all his life and won't stand up to her. I love my fiance, but if this is how it's going to be the rest of our lives, I'm having second thoughts.She's an unreasonable person who throws a fit whenever people don't do things her way. I've done my best to keep peace with her. I treat her kindly and do my utmost to be respectful and listen to her.I know I need to be more assertive and set some boundaries, in a kind manner of course. I believe in treating others with respect no matter the difficulty of the situation. Sadly, she could care less about others' feelings. My fiance's a wonderful guy, but how do I deal with his mom? When we announce our engagement, she's going to go ballistic.DanielleDanielle, in mythology Venus was Psyche's mother-in-law. Venus decreed she would not accept Psyche as a daughter-in-law unless she performed several preposterous tasks.Great quantities of wheat, lentils, peas, poppy seeds, barley, and millet were mixed together, and Psyche had to sort them by nightfall. Aided by an army of ants, Psyche did it. Another task required Psyche to fetch water from a mountain spring guarded by dragons. Again Psyche succeeded, this time helped by an eagle.You are writing to us as if we command magical power. We don't. You want to treat this woman as you have been, yet you want her to change. The first time "stupid" came out of her mouth the issue should have been addressed. Ground rules need to be set from the start.Pretend you are her. Why should she change? You treat her with respect . She is doing a better job of teaching you than you are of teaching her. Turning the other cheek is not appropriate because it will not stop or correct her behavior. When the food is unpalatable, you send it back to the chef.Have your boyfriend agree to stay on the sidelines, then confront his mother each time she crosses the line of acceptable behavior. If this problem isn't solved before you marry, heed your second thoughts.TamaraSight UnseenI can't believe I'm writing for advice, but I think the time has come. I have been intimately involved with my lover for two years. She has been in a relationship with another woman for eight years.Needless to say, I am the other woman in her life. I am at the point where I want to end our relationship. My problem is I don't know how. We started out as friends and have had so many fun times together I'm scared of losing that. I don't want to hurt her, but I am mature and wise enough to know the entire situation seems to be a lost cause.My lover tells me I am trying to put a time limit on when we will be together, but after two years I feel I have the right to know what the future holds for me but there are no answers.SusannahSusannah, Tamara often says, "What most letters boil down to is the letter writer is unwilling to do the hard thing." There's no point in giving you an answer because you already know the answer. But the right answer is the hard thing.When a relationship is going nowhere, you need to end it. Continuing takes away the opportunity of finding the right person. In addition, ending a wrong relationship gives you the courage to end wrong relationships in the future. It is hard to choose uncertainty, but that is where potential happiness lies.WayneAbout The AuthorAuthors and columnists Wayne and Tamara Mitchell can be reached at www.WayneAndTamara.com.Send letters to: Direct Answers, PO Box 964, Springfield, MO 65801 or email: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com.
Keyword : inspiration,coaching,self improvement,counseling,goals,motivation
Impaired Judgment
Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 23, 2002My husband has a twofold addiction problem, drinking and drugs. In the six years we have been married, he has had periods of sobriety, but they don't ever last. I feel he has not confronted the underlying problem: he was molested as a child by a family member.He is currently in jail due to getting drunk and hitting a police car. Before we met he had an arrest history for violent crime, but he was never violent with me. He has a good core to him, as well as a feeling of worthlessness. When things are good they are very good, and you know the rest of the saying.Al-Anon does not appeal to me. There are too many victims. I will not bail him out or give him money. He knows I feel he has to face the music. Luckily I am financially able to take care of myself, but I wonder if this marriage can ever be saved.I am nearing the end of my patience with him. I refuse to allow him to make more excuses. My feeling is you always have a choice in what action you take. You do not have to be a drug addict. I don't want to kick a man when he is down, but I'm very tired.Emmy LouEmmy Lou, you are not kicking a man when he is down. You have done nothing but try to help. Now it is time to decide on your best course of action and what your life will be.Sometimes helping someone, in the sense of protecting them from consequences, is exactly what they don't need. Consequences are the only thing which will make them change, because they won't change until the worst that can happen, happens.If you are drawn to individual counseling for yourself, then by all means do it. It may offer you an opportunity to talk about how you got into a relationship with someone under the influence of drugs and alcohol. How do you have a genuine relationship with someone who is chemically impaired?No one can make your husband change until he is ready. That may be long after he is out of your life.Wayne & TamaraDeterminationTell me what to do when your own mother can't stop screaming at you, when you know what she's saying has nothing to do with you. The worst thing is she knows it, too, but she still screams.Being a vent for her is not what I want. No one would want that kind of anger in their life. I hate it, but I'm turning into her. I scream the same way she does, except I do it when no one is around.CateCate, one day a man with a problem dog went to see a monk who was a dog trainer. It seems whenever the man moved toward any doorway, his dog bolted through ahead of him.The monk and the man talked as the dog lay beside them. Down a hill, a short distance away, was a gate. The monk asked the man to get up and walk toward the gate. The dog raced to the gate, and the monk called the man back.Again and again the man was directed to walk toward the gate. Each time when the dog ran before him, the monk called the man back. Each time the dog made less effort to follow. Finally the man reached the gate and went through as the dog watched. In this way, the monk broke the dog's habit.Each time your mother screams at you for no reason, walk away. When your mother realizes what happens when she screams, her behavior will change. When you realize you have power over the situation, you won't need to scream. At that point, the two of you can begin to talk.Wayne & TamaraAbout The AuthorAuthors and columnists Wayne and Tamara Mitchell can be reached at www.WayneAndTamara.com.Send letters to: Direct Answers, PO Box 964, Springfield, MO 65801 or email: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com.
Keyword : inspiration,coaching,self improvement,counseling,goals,motivation,judgement,impaired judgement
Don't Let The Door Hit You Where The Good Lord Split You!
I knew precisely what I wanted. I felt that success was only inches away. The excitement in my body was beginning to feel like electricity surging through my veins. Watching the events, as they unfolded, from the prevailing conditions my spirit was screaming; "Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you." So, guess what?I'll tell you in a bit.He met the challenge to change with a dogged determination. Change is a part of life. And, a guy named Charlie did it his way for most of his early life-Wrong! Refusing to accept the cycles that come and go and cause change, will undo the best laid plans of mice and men.He was born in poverty. In elementary school the sold newspapers and shined shoes. After he quit school he got involved with hoboes and derelicts. He gambled, got involved with drug smuggling, was captured and sentenced to prison at twenty one years old.Why? Charlie, , lived to be 79 years old and died in the mid 1950's. He said before he died, those early years were a time of rebellion and refusing to change. And that refusal to change brought the problems he encountered.While in prison, Charlie had a lot of time to think. I guess so. He found out what it was like to cut off his nose to spite his face. Not too much fun. But, I'm sure none of you have ever been that stiff-necked, have you? Yeah, ok, right.A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet!Something happened to Charlie one day while in the cesspool of liberation. Oh, yeah, he was a "janitorial engineer". You know, it's funny, but some of my most outstanding successes, I have ever made, came while I was in the cesspool of liberation. There's just something about that place that brings about an amazing willingness to change.Charlie completely changed the direction of his aggressive personality. He quit hating the Judge that sentenced him, he forgave the federal agents who caught him and brought about all his troubles. He took a very good look at the Charlie of the past and resolved to avoid even the very appearance of evil.This change in Charlie's attitude also brought about a remarkable change in his behavior. Isn't that amazing? Yeah, right. He began to read books that gave him inspiration, guidance and help. He could feel changes taking place inside of him that he couldn't explain. But, he knew something good was happening.A Feather In His Cap!Because of these changes, he began to get the favorable attention of the prison officials. As fate would have it, Charlie got paroled and got a job as… guess what? Yeah, a janitor. Well, I guess it's better than a slap upside the head with a wet fish. But, anyway, Charlie had a changed attitude, so slopping around in a toilet was not going to chap his rear. No pun intended. :>) hehehe!Well, as fate would have it, Charlie, with his new attitude, worked for this company for many years before he died and finished as the president of the company. Yeah, an ex-con convicted of drug smuggling. And, you know why? Cause he learned he didn't have to let the door hit him, where the good Lord split him.Ants In His Pants!You remember where I left you in the first paragraph? I do. Hehehe. There was this problem that was crawling all over me like ants. I was doing everything I could to brush them off. Then all of a sudden the cycle turned and it was like coming back from a thirty point deficit in a New York minute.I began to think about the story of Charlie. And, I knew that door was behind me, I knew what I wanted and was determined to get it. I also knew that the proverbial door back there was just waiting to give me the "big pain in my neck".Then one phrase that came to mind was all it took to see the light and cause that door to begin fading away in the horizon. "Blow this, and you'll repeat the test". Yep, that's all it took. I have learned that every time I "blow a test", by refusing to change, , I get to go through the test again.Same old test, getting a zero every time. Sometimes it's hard to let go of an obsession and accept the fact that "something" is changing. But, one of the smartest things you can do for yourself is, not to become your own worst enemy.Change is a universal law. It's like gravity. It's like H20 making water. And, things are going to change even if you refuse. Remember, the cesspool of liberation is always waiting to welcome you if need some friendly persuasion. And, I know from personal experience that it often only takes the willingness to change to turn failure into success.Change And Conquer!So, being the humble student of the "test" that I have so often failed, I told myself, not this time. I'm going to see the change, accept the change, not refuse to change, and come out of this on top. And you know; it was really exciting watching the circumstances concede to my desire, and the door not hitting me in the rear, "for a change".Some people say, "I have a problem, that's awful". I say, "I have a problem, that's good". I have learned to anticipate the downward cycle that will inevitably come, and to prepare to go upward and outward to avoid that door. If you will make a decision to accept changing cycles, and you change when the cycle changes, you can then play with the big dogs.Every living organism, be it people, businesses, nations, nature, whatever, every thing goes through cycles. They grow to a point, sometimes maturity, then levels off and dies.If you learn to anticipate these, look for them, not be afraid of them, then you can meet the challenge of change with new ideas, new blood, new energy, and a new attitude. An "attitude" that is daring a door to even look at your rear-end like it wants some of it. :>)Richard Vegas ©About The AuthorRichard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com/Articles/articles.html You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://www.richardvegas.comwebmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
Keyword : inspiration,coaching,self improvement,counseling,goals,motivation
Create Your Way Out of It
When life has you feeling less than happy, and you would like to see things different than they are, here are some tips that can help you.I learned that there IS a way out of and beyond any situation that we are less than happy about. This way is genuine, inspired creativity. Our creativity comes from one place only, and that is our connection to Divine Source.We may have looked to other people to "solve" our situation. No go. We may have looked "out there somewhere" for a solution, only to find a dead end. The ONLY solution exists within our Divine co-creative capacity to discover the solution from within, and THEN we can "see" a new view that feels inspired, lighter, hopeful and downright empowering.If you think that as a self-help spiritual author and teacher I never have a day without feeling down, allow me give you a newsflash: there are many days that I don't feel like "Ms. Born to Inspire." There are many days where my outer "image" looks the exact opposite of how I sometimes feel. There have been times when I felt like my "happy image" was a façade. Not true. I've had many, many days of bliss, and joy, as well as many, many days of tears or feeling down.There is ALWAYS a creative solution that exists within your heart to transform ANY situation to one that looks and feels exactly the way you want it to.If you feel the blues, allow it to pass. Feelings ALWAYS pass. Even the good ones, as you may well know. Well, the not-so-good feelings ALWAYS pass too!Shift your focus on to exactly what you would like to create from THIS moment forward. Allow the past to remain in the past. If you have nay-sayers in your life, PLEASE remove them from your company. Only allow the people that are emotionally supportive of you to be in your life. As for the others, simply tell them nothing, or leave the conversation to house chores, like laundry!Ask the universe to give you an idea. Ask for Divine assistance from whomever you pray to. Start to move your energy into a positive "I CAN DO IT" attitude. (I give Louise Hay full credit for that saying – she is such an inspiration!)Sometimes when life has its ebb, as opposed to flow, we don't like the stillness that much. Sometimes it's time to plant, to build a solid foundation, to go within and look into your heart for the source of your creativity to bring you higher than you may be feeling this moment.Do not "judge" your feelings. They flow, and there is no "right" or "wrong" feeling, anymore than you would judge someone for physically feeling too hot or too cold.Do not judge YOURSELF, period! You may wish to be in a different place, and you can be! The key is to become your own best friend, so that you have yourself in your corner, no matter WHAT others may say.There is always a creative solution to bring you from feeling down, to feeling on top of the world. Look for the solution, instead of focusing on the "problem." Many times, the "problem" or situation is there as a GIFT to bring you into alignment with your highest purpose – one that is lived from the inside out. NEVER live from the outside in, because then you will be chasing after goals, forever.The KEY is to FEEL a heart-centered alignment with what you are doing, and for your motive to be, do and have all you would like to see in your life because it brings you joy, and is a heart-felt contribution to uplift life on Earth.That is the greatest joy! Even if you plant a tree or a flower, you are still uplifting life on Earth.It is important that your validation comes from your heart, and not from others. It is equally important that you view yourself on equal footing with the rest of humanity, and never place yourself above or below anyone, because that would be lying to yourself.Where there is judgment, creativity is blocked. Where there is despair, creativity is blocked. Where there is a genuine heart-felt desire to rise above the circumstances in your life, it is that open heart of yours that will open up the energy for Divine, inspiring creativity to flow through you. And there, is your gift.No matter WHAT you are going through, please trust that it is in front of you to take you to a Higher place on all levels. I know firsthand that this is truth.You can create your way above and beyond anything you have ever imagined. Simply believe that you can, ask for Divine assistance, Divine ideas, and watch yourself get really inspired to shift and rise on all levels.You are Divine Source Energy. Your heart is the channel of this energy. Focus your mind on what your heart would love the most, and allow the inspiration to flow through you. It will. I can guarantee that.© Copyright by Barbara Rose. All Rights ReservedBarbara Rose is an Internationally acclaimed public speaker, spiritual author of: "Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE" "If God Was Like Man"and "Individual Power: Reclaiming Your Core, Your Truth, and Your Life", founder of The Rose Group publishing company, inspire! Magazine, Institute of Higher Self Communication, and Rose Humanitarian Alliance.She works in Divine Cooperation with others to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. Through a Divine Spiritual gift she brings through information to create the highest vision of your life, and our world. Her internationally praised seminars, widely published articles, Higher Self Certification intensives, and Divinely Channeled private consultations have changed the lives of thousands across the globe.For enlightening info, contacts, books, articles and resources to help you become your highest self, visit Barbara's website: http://www.borntoinspire.com
Keyword : Barbara Rose, life purpose, God, self love, self esteem, Divine Source, overcoming life challenges
A Prison Cell?
Do you have a goal? A focus in life? Have you invested a great deal of time, effort, money to achieve and yet feel you haven't made it yet? For all your effort do you still feel that there is something missing in your life? It is obviously very important to set goals in your life. It gives you a focus a way forward a mechanism for making decisions when faced with a number of options. However, it can also be a prison cell.How can making goals and having a focus be a prison cell we hear you ask. It becomes a prison cell when you create goals based on your past experiences. You look back at your skills and capabilities and then decide what you ought to focus on. In other words you set the future on the past. It creates the illusion that you are going forward when all the time you are stuck within the boundary of your past capabilities. It's like driving your car by looking in the rear view mirror all the time. You have a great vision of what happened in the past but haven't a clue about what is coming in front of you. The point is: whatever happened in the past is not a true indication of your potential.As Alan Cohen stated: "To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally unlike your past. Your history is not your destiny."In other words if you continue to do what you have always done then you can only expect to get what you've always got. If you constantly focus on the past, the negative or on what is missing in your life you have no alternative but to create limited goals and focus. You are back in that prison cell again.You need to break the cycle. How do you do it? You change your thinking.To give yourself the chance of changing your thinking. A chance to create the life you want. A chance to create a focus and goals that you want to achieve. Start by answering the following questions. They are not easy, but they will enable you, in time, to become very focussed.Where are you now? Where are you in life?Describe your current situation.What are your priorities in life?How important are your close friends and relations to you?What influence do you have on your partner's life? How do they influence you? Do you like this?Do you like where your life is going?Where do you want to go?What is success to you? When you are on your death bed looking back at your life what would you like to think your life was about?Visit the questions often until you feel you really understand where you are now and where you want to go. How you get there will become obvious as you progress. Don't rush, you have plenty of time. Keep focussed inside, on yourself. Think of yourself as opening a bank account of the self. The more time you put in, the more credit appears on the bank account and therefore in time the more is available for withdrawal.Now the crucial question:What holds you back? What stops you going for what you want to achieve in your life?It is not enough just to create a focus and a plan. To understand where you are now and where you want to go. To change something you have to DO SOMETHING. Put your plans into action. Until you have put your plan into action, you haven't changed. You are still doing what you have always done.Become a member of the 20% club. That's the percentage of successful people in the world. Put your focus into action. It's your focus, you have thought it, designed it and built it, now have the enthusiasm, desire and aim to implement it.Change the I can't into I can. Think for a moment. Is this fear real? Or is it that your imagination has taken over, stopping you from embracing the future? Because, at the moment, you have no evidence of what is going to happen. The only evidence you have is in the past. And as you have not done this before, at this time, then you have no evidence.Don't worry about your capabilities. Can I do this? I have never done anything like this before? What will I do when……….? There is something magical about this process called life. Whenever we are faced with an incident we have never faced before somehow the answer arrives. Somehow we have the capability. They appear just when you need them most. If you look back over your life we are sure you will find, like us, that most of the time you set out to do something you didn't have the capability before you started. The biggest example is education. When you started did you know all the knowledge you had at the end or did you become capable as you went along?All you need is courage, enthusiasm and discipline. Have the courage to drive towards your goals, the enthusiasm to keep going and the discipline to create a new habit even when it is tough. Keep focussed, keep learning."The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams. "Og MandinoTo give yourself a better than average chance of success. Each night before you go to sleep ask yourself: What did I do today to bring me closer to achieving my focus, my aim and objective in life? Break out of the prison cell.Good LuckGraham and Juliewww.desktop-meditation.comAbout The AuthorGraham and JulieTo see more of our work please go to: www.desktop-meditation.comgraham@desktop-meditation.com
Keyword : goals,motivation,success,positive thinking,achievement,affirmation,self improvement,coaching
Good-Bye Yesterday, Hello Today
Many of us are unable to move forward with our lives because we refuse to let go of what no longer exist: YESTERDAY. The portal to yesterday is permanently closed; gone out of business. It is non-existent; a mere idea of what once was.It is disconcerting that so many, many people are stuck in the unyielding grip of what happened to them in yesteryears. They experience great difficulty living in the present. Yes, their bodies are here, but their minds and souls float around lost in the non-existent twilight of yesterday.Perhaps this misfortune is made even more tragic by the fact that many of these folks are just carrying around a lot of old trash that's stale and stinky and need to be disposed of. The reason many of us cannot climb to higher heights is because the garbage we cling to weighs us down.You know people and I know people who still carry grudges and hostility and resentment in their hearts over something some man or woman did to them yesterday. Some of us cannot maintain a decent relationship with our parents because of something they did to us or did not do for us years ago that we still carry around with us. Many a friendship has been sacrificed because one or both of the individuals cannot move beyond what happened yesterday.It was Shakespeare who said, "What is gone and past help should be past grief" We cannot grow and enjoy our ever-so-fleeting present because we are regular visitors to that non-existent place of yesterday where we lick our wounds and feel sorry for our "mistreated" selves. Thus, we cannot change with the times or gather new stars. We can't move on to newer discoveries and experience new things. We have found a resting place in our sad little non-existent twilight of yesterday. But until we are able to say good-bye to yesterday, we cannot say hello to today and all the wonderful joys of living today will be forfeited.When we make the decision to give up living in the "then-and-there," we will experience the great joys of living in the "here-and-now." We cannot progress as long as we keep shifting our self development gear into reverse. We keep going backwards into time gone by. We cannot live and enjoy our "now" because we are fixated in the past. Unresolved experiences of the past are the cause of many obstructions and destructions in the present. And as someone said, "No army can march forward on a retreating mind."A lack of desire to move forward leads to a steady phasing out of existence. Changing times will leave you in the wind of decay. We must make a conscious decision to let go of the past, to release that which no longer serves our growth, and to rebuild upon a new foundation. We must accept and admit the past is over, done, finished, complete and no longer a reality. Yesterday's issues have no room in your today.Open yourself to the divine power that is available to you today. God's power can neutralize those phantoms of the past and release a healing power within that pervades every aspect of your being. Then, after having been cleansed of all past debris, you can truly live in the present and look forward to the future. The "then-and-there" will lose its control over you. You will be able to say, goodbye yesterday, hello today. Rejoice in your today experience!HONEY, THAT WAS THENNo, I don't hold any grudges dear
I still consider you a friend.
Life goes on you know, time is short
This is now, and honey, that was then.We all from time to time, I am afraid
Utter hurting words that we don't really mean.
But as we grow and learn about ourselves
We know others aren't as bad as they once seemed.You see, my dear, we cannot afford to linger
On past pains and hurts and things that we regret.
The life we've yet to live is still before us
A destiny demanding it be met.So lets' give each other a great forgiving hug
And let our mutual love fuse and blend.
The mistakes we made we will no longer dwell,
For this is now, and honey, that was then.From "Room Beneath the Snow."Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org.
She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: A Grief Management Workbook, will be available soon.
Keyword : yesterday,today,hostility, grudges,power,progress,twilight,move forward,
Circles On The Water - The Impact You Make On People's Lives
When you were a child, or maybe even when you were older, did you ever toss a pebble into the water and watch the ripples that emanated from the point where it broke the surface? Or watched the effect of raindrops falling on a body of water? I have done these things and have since found myself pondering on this process, and just how much it can be compared to our lives.The pebble splashes in the water and affects the surface surrounding it. A circular ripple spreads outwards and in turn produces another and another and so on. Have you noticed also, that just how far this effect travels is dependant on the magnitude of the impact of that initial pebble? As you read this, take a moment to consider yourself as being that pebble.You may make more of an impact on people's lives than you think. When I say "people's lives", you can include your own. The impact you make in any territory, whether it be yours or that of others around you, helps to determine what I would describe here as: circles of destiny.You may perhaps have seen a photograph portraying the ability of flash photography to capture movement and freeze it in time. I am thinking particularly about a photography that shows something being dropped into a pool of milk. That initial impact of the object being dropped causes a "crown" to form as the milk splashes upward with a ridge having milky "jewels" suspended above it. As that "ridge" falls back to the surface, the radiating circles begin to commence their motion. This is the more dominant radiating force, but in the meantime, the milky jewels also land back upon the surface with each of those giving birth to their radiating existence. Such results commence a dance with multiple circles of destiny.Logically, before you were conceived in the womb, you had no effect on anyone or anything upon this earth. From the moment you were conceived however, your very existence began to cause an impact not just on other people, but on life and human development too as interaction, cause, and effect, began. During such early years, you of course, had little if any control on such interactions and reactions of those to your existence. You might have protested with the odd kick or two, but that was about your lot until you were born.As the years passed and you grew to the point where you could readily communicate with those around you, your impact on society took a more earnest stride, but let us leap forward to another time…now.How do you feel about the impact you have on the lives of others from day to day? Do you recognize that impact? Are you happy with the impact or effect you have on others? There are those amongst us who would like to be considered as more significant and yet others who would rather not be in the limelight and just quietly live out their lives. The odd thing is, that even by quietly living out your life behind the scenes as it were, you still have an impact on those who know or who are aware of you. There is no getting away from it – we are all at the centre of our own ripple effect. How much of an effect we have though, is dependent on two factors: force and resistance.If I were to drop a "Water Boatman" insect on the surface of a pool, it would happily scoot around on the surface and not sink once! If I jumped onto the surface of the same pool, I would do very little scooting around unless it was on the bottom of the pool! My impact on the poor Water Boatman would be pretty severe!At the point of impact, there is always resistance – a result of surface tension. It gives way dependent on the force exerted. How much impact you have on the life of another is dependent entirely on your approach i.e. how much weight you put behind it, how much insistence; how much determination.People do not always want help. They do not always want to feel of the impact you may provide, no matter how good or well intended it might be. The trouble is that once you have launched yourself in this way, you cannot retract it. Like it or not an impact will occur, all that you can do is attempt to lessen it. So how do you go about lessening the impact you are making on someone's life? There you are, already launched. How are you going to restrain the impact?I recall watching a film a while ago, in which some overeager person hit a missile launch button. The missile was enroute to target when it was realized that it was a mistake! What's the more, the self-destruct button failed to initialise the onboard sequence. They had two choices left open to them – evacuate or use another missile to destroy the first that was launched manually from an aircraft.So what are your options if your "missile" has been launched and you want to avoid the impact or at least lessen it? They are as follows:1. Send an auto-destruct sequence – can you say or do something that will stop the "missile" in its tracks and thus prevent any impact?2. Manually destroy the "missile" –Can you say or do anything that will cause any previous situation to be totally dissipated or deflected out of harms way?3. Lesson the impact – What can you say or do that although will not prevent the impact, so that it will cause the least amount of damage possible?4. Evacuate the area of impact – Can you move the target so that although they are aware and damage may be done, lives are salvaged?Personal impact is not all bad though. Notice how the ripple of impact in fluid (and even in some examples of solid impact), does not change the matter itself but simply the form the matter takes and the direction it takes. Ripples in liquid, form circular ridges flowing outward, in line with the strength of impact. In people's lives, we often cause ripples that do not change the character themselves necessarily, but do affect their direction and strength. An important factor to understand here is that such affects may be for good or bad. We all need to offload our cares and trials from time to time, and when we do this, it makes us feel good. We feel so much lighter for doing so. Our problem or concerns may not be solved, but somehow we just feel better for doing so. It is good to have friends who can share our burdens. It is important though to remember that our friends too will have their own concerns. What's more your problems will be a concern to them simply because they are your friends! Oh dear! Does this mean that we should not really be burdening our friends with issues in our lives? No not all. What it means is that we all need buffer zones. We, if you like, make ourselves targets for points of impact for each other.Impact upon the lives of others exists as natural fact. How we deal with the impacts when they occur is softened by the simple task of listening to each other. Being the listening ear – providing the shoulder can sometimes be all that is required. You may not be a "professional" in dealing with the problems of others, but one thing you can be – one thing that really lessens the impact of less thinking people upon people you know – you can be their friend – their true friend. Your impact then really does change people's lives. It changes them for the better. Go and be a friend, play a part in their "circles of destiny".About the Author
Doug Harvey,
Northampton, United Kingdom.As a Professional Life Coach, Doug changes peoples lives by helping them discover self-worth and clearing away the fog of life that sometimes restricts their view. Doug particularly helps those who have reached a stage of uncertainty in their lives and need to take control. To download two FREE chapters from his latest ebook, "Take Control Of Your Life", click here:-> http://www.lifesight.net
Keyword : people caring inspiration interaction destiny cause effect thoughtfulness positive thinking attitude
Top Ten Ways to Retire Retirement
1. Retire the word "retirement" from your vocabulary. Look it up: it means to "withdraw" or "retreat." Words can shape reality, and it's time for this one to go. Doesn't "renaissance" or "graduation" better describe your post-career life?2. Realize that retirement is a relatively new concept in human evolution. A few generations ago, before social security and full-time leisure became culturally embedded as the "norm," elders remained productive members of society, relied upon for their insight, wisdom and skills. No modern society can afford the planned obsolence of its most experienced people.3. Restructure your priorities around what is most important to you, like deepening relationships with family and friends, community service, or the arts. Now is the time to bring your professional life into line with your deeper values.4. Renew your zest for education. The learning cells of your brain are hungry for new and stimulating challenges, and the welcome mat is out at many schools and universities.5. Revitalize your energy by finding a community of people who embrace growth and change. Don't get stuck with the "been there, done that" crowd. If you rest, you rust.6. Rekindle your spirit for risk taking. "Do not fear mistakes," said jazz immortal, Miles Davis, "There are none." If not you, then who? If not now, when?7. Respond to new opportunities. Remain open to the infinite possibilities the world has to offer. Your full potential lies ahead.8. Recharge your system by moving your body regularly. Walk, dance, swim, do yoga, take up hiking or biking. Find something you really enjoy and make it a part of your daily wellness program. Buddy up to stay motivated.9. Revisit your childhood dreams. It's never too late to be who you might have been. Go for it!10. Remember that the wisdom to discover and act on your deepest passion and purpose is within you.Enjoy the journey!(Adapted from Top Ten Ways to Retire Retirement, copyright 2young2retire.com)Marika Stone is co-founder of http://www.2young2retire.com, the website of retirement alternatives, and co-author of Too Young to Retire: 101 Ways to Start the Rest of Your Life (Plume 2004). She has been a journalist, teacher of writing, public relations executive, and small business owner.
Keyword : retirement alternatives, self-renewal 50+
Everyone Has Been Hurt..... Part 5
Continued...About a year later I met my husband. I met him through his youngest sister and we were inseparable. We began to fight a lot after his ex started coming in to the picture and I could not handle it. She was a pain in my ass. She was always at his house for special occasions and for holidays, always in my life, always in his and nobody seemed to get it. I got pregnant again and made it to 4 and half mths and its heart stopped and I had to have surgery again. I went through that by myself. He wasn't there and I resented that but I still wanted to be with him.A few years later pregnant again. It was in the tubes ,had to have the tube and baby removed, lost that one. He was very upset about that one. The doctor said stop, quit trying. I went home and prayed. We got married in between those times. I prayed and I prayed, "God, just give me a son and I will never ask for another child again". About 6 mths later my wish and prayer was answered. I knew I was pregnant before I even had the test, and I knew it would be a boy and everything would be ok. I also knew he would be born at Christmas time.God blessed me with a son, I believe I had him at Christmas to heal my heart and to allow me to enjoy the holidays again. I am eternally grateful and I kept my promise. Back to my husband. I always felt like I wasn't good enough for him, like I was second to him, that he really wanted the ex and since he couldn't have her I would do. I felt like I pressured him to get married because I said if you don't I will leave you. We had been together for 4 yrs and I had wasted enough time. It was time to move forward. After all that we ended up having all that trouble and I feel like I stayed for along time because of Dakota. I wanted him to be happy and have a family, to not have the life I led.I love Dakota with all of my heart. I want him to be happy. My biggest fear was not being the mom he needed me to be. The best I could do may not be good enough. I always felt if I do nothing else right this will be the one I get right. But I doubted myself constantly. I didn't know what the right decisions were at the time. We ended up getting a divorce.Vaughn Pascal
Keyword : article submission, articles, writers, writing, publishing, ezine, email marketing, email newsletter, email
Everyday is a Gift, Open and Enjoy It
There is a bottle of perfume sitting on my dresser that I was given when I was ten years old! As you can tell I have pack rat tendencies! For me that pattern started as a young child. I could never bear to throw things away. There was more to it than not wanting to throw things away. I loved the feeling I had when I would receive something new, and would not want to spoil it by using it unless it was for something special. I would want to save it for a special occasion. A new dress would sit in the closet, until a special event to wear it. Perfume would sit on my dresser, not to be used for everyday, but for a special 'something'. This was a pattern in my life for many years.Perhaps, however, this is not the best perspective to view life. It is reminiscent of the woman on the Titanic, who when was being lowered into the lifeboat said…"If I'd known this was going to happen I would have had that Chocolate Mousse dessert." It is a view of life that speaks a lie. The belief is that if I enjoy something now, I won't be able to look forward to anything good like that in the future. This belief steals the joy from living in the present, and also lies about what the future might hold. Often it takes sad or traumatic situation to cause a person to stop and take stock their life's perspective and lifestyle. For example, let me tell you how it happened for Ruth.One day, out of the blue, Ruth got one of those devastating 'phone calls' that we all dread receiving. Her sister Jane had passed away unexpectedly. Ruth went over to the home to help her brother in law with the sad task of preparation for the funeral. They were in the bedroom deciding on clothes Jane would wear as she was laid to rest. He pulled out of the drawer some beautiful lingerie wrapped in tissue. Ruth gasped as she saw the astronomical cost on the price tag. "Jane bought this in Paris 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion. I guess this is it." he said. It was exquisitely, handmade in silk, with a delicate cobweb of lace .As he slammed the drawer shut he said something that changed Ruth's life for ever. "Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion!After the funeral, Ruth began to evaluate her life from a different perspective. She began to see life as something to be enjoyed not endured. Ruth started to make changes, although small at first, for Ruth they had great significance. She sat in the garden more and didn't worry about the weeds. She wore expensive perfume on ordinary days, after all co workers and cashiers have noses that function just as well as party goers! She lit that candle that had been sitting as a centre piece on the dining room table collecting dust. She got that cracked window fixed, that she'd been meaning to do for years. She invited those friends round for dinner that she'd seen at the last sixteen weddings, and said we must get together.Ruth determined that she would live each day as if it was her last. Now every morning when Ruth opens her eyes, she tells herself that this day is special. Every day, every breath, every minute of her life is truly a gift from God.Your life perspective changes when you start living each day as if it was your last. You start to look at all the things that you want to accomplish in life and actually get started!! You stop watching everyone else doing it. Have the courage to start thinking "It's my turn now" and do what is in your heart.Grandma Moses began a painting career at age seventy six. Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969 at age seventy one.Lucy is in her eighties and has in the last two years, been white-water rafting, and hiking in the Himalayas. She is excitedly planning her next trip!Don't wait years, or until something traumatic happens to get your attention. Start now to reflect on your life's perspective and begin living without regrets.Peter Sage, speaker and entrepreneur said:"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "Wow - What a Ride!"Barbara White is President of Beyond Better Development, which is dedicated to empower people towards excellence in their personal and professional development. The Living Beyond Better website has more
self improvement resources
Keyword : enjoy life, life perspective, live fully, self care, self improvement,happiness
Israel Is My Son
"And thou shalt say unto Pharoah, Thus saith the Lord, "Israel is my son, even my first-born. And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me;and if thou refuse to let him go, behold I will slay thy son, even thy first born(Exodus 4.22)."The story of "Exodus"is a parable of the soul's escape from the house of bondage called Egypt. The Pharoah is your outer
mind, the human consciouoosness formed by sense gratification. The Lord is the God within, the I AM THAT I AM. Israel is the Christ consciousness that is formed in you by the union of these two houses in scripture, the house of Israel and the house of Judah represented in the anagram, Is
ra el as two kinds of energy, one with a positive polarity of desire( ra ) and one with a negative polarity of feeling(is). This union can only be with the Lord, the God within(el) in whose image man is made(Gen 1.26). Judah, meaning praise, represents your feeling body, of the emotions, negative in polarity with the house(consciousness) of Israel, meaning having power with God.This outer mind, called the carnal mind is king of your consciousness and will not let the people of God go. If the outer personal ego represented by the king of Egypt, does not surrender to the God within, then the judgement of the living God within is to slay, or kill, all sense of mortality called the firstborn of Egypt...through the plagues sent against the house of Egypt, not a place, but a state of mortal consciousness in you of the sense of sin, disease, and death...all created by the outer ego as illusion. But the divine consciousness, however ,of the firstborn, your generation of consciousness according to the law of the God within, that is not mortal, but immortal...is redeemed.Note: Exodus is the second book of the Law, and corresponds to what in consciousness is deliverance, theme of Exodus...you having the mind of Christ. On the cosmic clock this is the mental quadrant of consciousness where thought is generated. Chapter 4 is on the 3 o'clock line of God control, in the house of Aries. And on this line is the 4th son of Jacob, the tribe of Judah(Gen 49.8-12). The testing of the soul on this line is overcoming all mental patterns of
conceit, deceit, ego and mental arrogance embodied and outplayed by Pharoah, who has enslaved the consciousness of the whole outer world by the illusion and delusion of the personal ego. But when the outer ego is sacrificed upon the altar of the heart(3/9 axis of the cosmic clock of God reality and God control), the soul is delivered...by union with his own Holy Christ Self. And "Israel Is My Son"-what is real in you in this God dominion over consciousness(Gen 1.26) by the right use of the first ray of God power...from which the human has gone astray, lost and is scattered, even as the kingdom of Israel became divided- ie, mind from heart, and heart from mind and lost among the nations not knowing its identity as the sons and daughters of the true God within.The first born of Egypt is in consciousness your mortal thought and feeling. This is slain when you withdraw the life from the outer senses and put your attention upon the light of God in the center of being where I AM...God Reality. There is more, where this law of cycles of the cosmic clock that is verse 22-12=10... is on the nine o'clock line of God reality in the house of libra.. this test in the threshing floor of the heart where Christ love is your gift of discernment between reality and unreality...for only love fulfills the law of being.I write on the scriptures and their correspondance to consciousness. Raised in Detroit, Mich. by disfunctional parents, I made a vow to find the truth. My quest ended in joining a spiritual community in Mt. where I am now retired.
Keyword : mind, immortal, infinite, one, Son
A Life Time of Strategic Thinking
You may be one of the thousands who think "Strategic Thinking" applies only to the "captains" of business. But consider human stages of life and how Strategic Thinking is used at the most rudimentary level.The first weeks after birth, your Strategic Thinking is getting others to give you food, comfort, or just attention.Toddler's version of Strategic Thinking is learning how to survive and explore the world of people three times larger than he or she; getting across the room to grab that enticing lamp, cup of liquid, cookie, toy and then understanding how that toy works.In Kindergarten, Strategic Thinking might be just coloring within the lines of a picture, or cutting shapes neatly along the borders.To Elementary school students, Strategic Thinking might be mastering the times tables or memorizing all 50 states.Strategic Thinking in Junior High may be getting down a hallway without being hassled or helping a friend to win the student body president seat.A high school senior's Strategic Thinking involves the big question – what to do with your life; college, military, or job?For most, Strategic Thinking during the 20's means taking those important steps to accomplishing goals that will ensure a satisfying future.In the years of 30's or 40's, Strategic Thinking may mean searching for the best methods to use resources efficiently or new technology that will increase business opportunities. Outside the profession life, it may mean finding a good area to raise children or paying your mortgage on a tight budget.During the 50's and 60's, retirement is the big question. Do you continue working, do charitable work, or relax on a beach in Florida? Strategic Thinking involves setting new goals to meet the new needs retirement will bring.So why do we need to learn Strategic Thinking if we do it every day?Consider: everyone knows how to run. But, can just anyone win the Boston Marathon or an Olympic 400 Meter Relay? NO! It requires training – knowing individual strengths and weaknesses, when to sprint or slow down, the best ways to conserve energy, and increase endurance. To be victorious with important decisions also requires training – knowing your strengths and weaknesses, when to be proactive or when to wait, and how to increase resilience and endurance. The Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness shows you how to take Strategic Thinking to this higher level, giving you tools to help you prepare for the opportunities and challenges that are yet to be.For more information about the "Applied Strategic Thinking Workshop" or our book, Ahead of the Curve: A Guide to Applied Strategic Thinking, or to speak to one of our team members, contact us at: (801) 569-3444.
Keyword : strategic thinking
Innocent Fun
Just the other day, I escaped the business of my daily life and sought refuge on the water front here in Montreal in an attempt to recharge my energies.Taking advantage of a beautiful day, I walked along the long stretch of the Saint Lawrence River, as a way of my meditation routine. Whilst observing the birds enjoying their new spring my eyes fell upon the sight of a child and his grandmother playing. They were along together, enjoying that spring day. They were together with no attachment in between. That was all the experience of their moment together.I sat down awhile watching and maintaining the thought of them in mind when a flash hit me. How beautiful the sight, looking at both souls in the way they were together with each other. The simplicity of that innocent child, with no awareness of any impact on his emotion, those may come as a result of life's hurdles that await him. Then I looked at the grandmother at the same time. She was completely at peace with herself and the innocence of her inner child, which still prevails in her old age, was enough evidence to me to realize. Our age has no relevance upon being happy within. For me, that experience was really overwhelming!Normally, I do not have the ability to see the aura that exists around people; however, I am able to feel it through my spiritual healing work. It was clear, the link that existed and the transfer of energies between them.I gazed through that experience until a thought occurred in my mind, just where did we go wrong as human beings, in between these stages in life between childhood and old age? Why did we let go of our innocence whilst growing up?We don't get this habit through our life; regardless of how tough our experiences were when growing up. It seems, somehow during our time when growing up, we lost sense of the important essence of our journey throughout this lifetime and what it's all about.Yes, it's unquestionable; we are here for these experiences, both good and bad in order to obtain the lessons, however, where comes the necessity to disregard or hide the child within us. We do not have to wait until we are elderly and preparing for our new journey in returning to spirit. Why wait to re-introduce the child when we assume nothing really matters at this point? It is never too late, whatever age we are at present, to introduce or bring back that innocent child within us.I teach in my meditation classes the value of getting acquainted with the child within, specifically between the age of 6 and 9 years old. I believe by bringing that inner child into our environment from time to time allows us the opportunity to 'let loose' for a while and it doesn't hurt! Also it is very important to get to know many things about yourself too. I am not implying that you live your life as a child would, only manifest and bring some joy to you when need to laugh and release some weight you carry through the journey of life.Both the child and the grandmother looked at me and had a smile on their faces and somehow the ball from the child came towards me in a way of an invitation to join them. I had the privilege to do so and had a great fun with the experience. We did not speak much in the beginning if like words won't matter anyway just enjoy the ride with a happy smile and have some innocent fun.This experience added many questions into my mind later on while I continued my walk. One important question kept coming into my mind was that why don't we have a very small break from all our busy schedules, our problems, work, daily routine or whatever is occupying us in reality and just have some little innocent fun with no string attached. I believe that fun can be shared between any two people together who enjoy each other's company. It might bring them into a different level of understanding of each other.I am going to leave you with that thought for the time being for you to try it for yourself. I will keep you posted on my progress in this experience because I do have many questions that occurred in my mind and still do not have the answers for. Why don't you try to have some innocent fun after all? It might be what you need to have at the moment.
Be happy!!Copyright © Joseph Ghabi
http://www.freespiritcentre.infoAbout the Author:Joseph Ghabi is an author, lecturer, and healer. Joseph provides Intuitive Numerology Consultation, Healing Childhood Experiences Consultation and PhD Candidate living in Montreal Canada.At the age of eight Joseph discovered his clairvoyance. Joseph is natural medium. Joseph started the 'Free Spirit Centre' website at http://www.freespiritcentre.info A community centre devoted to personal growth, self help, soul growth, eating disorders, relationships, healing and human issues. You can find over 800 articles on the site.Joseph task is in bringing Souls back to realization of their own personal power and into alignment with their own soul purpose and path of evolution.
Keyword : inspiration, motivation, self-help, personal growth, personal development