Author : Ina Bliss
When Ivan Panin, during his life-work of 30 years, proved on over 40,000 hand-written mathematic pages that the Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek Alphabetic Number symbols in scripture are in perfect order, and that the only bible version reflecting that is the one approved by King James I in 1605, he sealed to all followers of Christ the foundation of wisdom.However, in spite of this eternal wisdom and its practical meaning, humanity are still focusing on the commotion (the running to & fro as in Noah's time) in order to "Make" money, something completely unnecessary, if fully aware that 'thou art rich', and to 'command ye the works of MY HANDS'.All that needs be done is simply to be clear on WHAT is wanted, and the (time-travel) bridge will be built, while the events required for the materialization of the WHAT will be drawn into ones life, without lifting one finger.The activation of the power happens through prayer and meditation. Prayer is the power to connect to the unseen substance by closing the circuit, or plugging in the light bulb, and meditation is the revival, or resurrection of the originally 2-dimensional image of things and people through animation into 3-D.Not many people seem to know this.Why?Because our so-called teachers re-shuffle empty, stale words without any meaning and none of them 'DO AND' teach, as Matthew 5:19 requires in order to be filled full with power.Is your pastor powerful?If he does not lift every one in your congregation out of their state of poverty, sickness & lovelessness, he certainly is not.If he requires a salary from your contributions, approved by the church board of trustees and his sermons are coherent with IRS regulations, he cannot possibly have asked the source directly. Other wise (different wisdom) he would be wealthy on his own merit and not have to ask you for your material tithing.What is the true meaning of tithing? If you give the source 10% of your attention, interest, decision and activation, the source will give you 100% or more of His wealth. The same difference in size between the seed and the tree can apply, if your faith, or the high-grade octane for the process is free of water drops.Your fruits depend upon what your focus is. If you focus on being wealthy, you will be wealthy, and your poverty-seeds will wither.Your source notices every nuance of doubt (the meaning of 'Satan') and will reward you with the equivalent.How can your source notice it?He lives in, or through you. You are His body cell. He feeds your right brain hemisphere with those instructions that run your body functions as well as your circumstances based upon feed-back received in the past, and he responds to the interpretative thoughts of your left brain hemisphere with giving you intelligence and memory on command.Why is your source called a 'He'?Because he is male person and principle, while His wife, Binah, is female person and principle.What is male principle?It is protean, potential, action, giving, etc.What is female principle?It is wisdom, conception, alignment, combination, etc.Both principles, when in synch, make this world of heaven and earth go 'round', as it sustains eternal life on its stage, upon which we are to 'imitate God as little children', who do not doubt in the love of their Father, whose needs and desires are being taken care of, who will never be abandoned by Him, and who will eventually realize that He is in charge, for we can do, or be nothing without His doing the work.I am calling you to DROP your stale information and begin seeing the symbolisms for God that are surrounding you.Why?Your purpose on earth is to find God.Dr. Ina Bliss, the woman of Revelation 12, invites you to take advantage of her free vicarious ministry of getting your any wish fulfilled.
Keyword : self-esteem, confidence, power, wealth, riches, success, inspiration, scripture, bible, wisdom
วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551
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