Author : Gary Simpson
There is no doubt that there have been some wonderful people in this world who have given so much. They have made (and continue to make) it such a better place for them having lived. Those still living and those deceased give so much. The quality of their contributions to the human race enriches us all. Will that apply to you?People such as writers John Steinbeck, Agatha Christie, Nelson deMille, Lee Child, Dean Koontz, the Bronte sisters and so many others enrich our lives with their words. Entertainers like John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Jon Fogarty, Dean Martin, Barry White, Nana Moskouri, Judith Durham, Yanni and, again, so many others, also enrich us. I'm just picking names off the top of my head. You will have your own favorites. Just think about them as you read my words.What about famous people like Abraham Lincoln, Jonas Salk, George Washington, Jesse Owens, Winston Churchill, Marie Curie, Princess Diana, Mother Teresa, Bill Gates and others? They have all left some wonderful legacies.Then there are despicable types. I won't bother to name assassins, mass-murderers, despots, terrorists, vigilantes or the like. They have no place for being remembered - at least not in my mind. They and their evil deeds are best forgotten.What will you be remembered for? Will you leave your mark in history?You have greatness within you. All of us have. Will you share it with the world, your country, your city, your town, your friends, your family? Or will your greatness remain just potential greatness?Will the world be a richer place for you having lived? I will leave you to ponder these things.This article comes with reprint rights providing no changes are made and the resource box below accompanies it.About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Click here to go to his
Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website where you can receive his "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of his highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice."
Keyword : motivation,inspiration,self worth,self esteem,success,achievement,goals,goal setting,legacy,endeavor
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