Author : Prince Ben Mohammed
For a long time I have encourage and inspired readers of my motivational books, tracts and articles to follow their heart's desires, be true to their dreams and let passion empower their lives. It is quite interesting to hear many inspiring and incredible result from individual that have honour their hearts desires and subsequently found happiness and success in their chosen profession. What will you do if you have a dream of becoming successful in life but you are not in a position to accomplish it? Either due to financial constrains or other pressures and obligations, you dream is relegated to a future time, and your current situation doesn't look anything like your heart's desire or dream. Here are your choices:1. Act with courage as if your dream is already real, no matter your current situation: - Every conscious man on earth has a dream of succeeding in life. Success is determined by your personal desire, passion and tenacity of purpose. Indeed everybody needs courage to succeed in any career, profession or vocation. Without courage success is a mirage. Nothing good comes easy. So, we need to be courageous devoted and determined in whatever we do or strive for. "Courage - unless a man has that virtue he has no security for preserving any other," E. Fremont said. Failure in life is mainly because of our inability to approach our beautiful ideas and visions with strong courage. The Bible says, "Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For who so findeth me, findeth life and shall obtain favour from the Lord." (Proverbs8: 34-35). Thus a man of courage is an unconventional person. Yes, it is difficult for men to wait patiently upon the Lord in times of tribulation. We need wisdom and courage and serenity to understand the word of God, because riches and honours are from Him. The fear of the Lord makes us abhor sloth, laziness, pride, arrogance, selfishness and wickedness in our lives. We should always remember to trust in the Lord with all our heart in whatever situation we find ourselves. God is going to reward us, the faithful, more abundantly. We need courage to face the realities of life. Many have failed to achieve their sweet dreams because they lack the courage and wisdom about how to actualize their dreams.2. Do what you have to do in the meantime, but keep your vision alive in you mind and heart that it will sustains you spiritually: If you choose to succeed in life, everything else you do exist in service toward that goal you have set for yourself. As an aspiring musician, your part time job as a cleaner is a vehicle toward buying a guitar. Then, you speak, think, speak and practice music as much as you can when you are not doing your cleaning job. The quality of your life depends less on what you are doing with your body, and more on what you are doing with your time and spirit. Keep your soul nourished and everything else will fall into place. As Eleanor Roosevelt rightly noted, "The future belong to those who believe in the beauty of their dream."3. Honestly identify your talent, take a leap of faith and act on it: - Some who do this succeed gloriously and consider their leap the best moment of their life. Others do not ultimately live to the vision they set out for, but create a lifestyle more rewarding than the one they left. Others return to a position similar to their original one. Be truly honest with yourself. Recognize your weak points and talents. Have the courage and daring to face the challenges of life because of fear. But most fears are just negative visualization, and changing that vision to a positive one may be all you need to take steps toward living the life you have always dreamed of.4. Make change in your present situation: - If you cann't change anything about your present job, you can bring desired qualities of your dream into your situation. If you want to be a successful motivational speaker, you don't need to stand on a stage to speak. You could start by writing inspirational articles for people in the hospitals and you will be amaze on the number of lives you will inspire and change within a short time.5. Show love, compassion and appreciate others: - With every good things you do, you are sowing a seed through the harvest you may not see, your positive attitude towards others will grow into something that nurtures and thrive. Calling a friend who is sick will brighten his/her day.A stranger you help today may save someone's life tomorrow. Your generosity towards someone in need may impact that person's children and future generation to come.Prince Ben Mohammed is a trained accountant, author and one of the most powerful motivational speakers your audience is likely to experience. He uses simple examples, funny stories and a transformational style of writing to inspire people of all strata of life to take responsibilities, to overcome obstacles and achieve success. He lives a purpose driven life graced with love, service to God and humanity. He is the President of Prince Foundation International; Publisher, Success Is Now Readers Digest; Speaker, Success Is Now Summit; and author of other international bestsellers, including:Success Is Now! Proven Steps That Will Change Your Life.; The Ultimate Revenge; and The Reality Of Man;andtheseindispensable works are acclaimed for helping people make positive and fulfilling changes in their lives with amazing grace.Prince Ben Mohammed is an award winning author, publisher and motivational speaker. He dedicates his life to helping people attain greatness in life. For more information about Prince Ben seminars, books, articles and motivational talks, call – 234-8027282767.
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