Author : KG Stiles
Anyway, Jack had been diagnosed with stomach cancer a few months back and was not expected to live much longer. He was under hospice care at home.When I arrived at their home Fran escorted me into her husband's room. As I entered the room Jack opened his eyes and grinned. "Well," he said, "I finally get to have an experience of what my wife's always going on about."We began his session with a short attunement. Fran was given the okay to stay in the room while I performed the procedures indicated. She sat quietly in a corner of the room, eyes closed as soft lullaby music of Stephen Halpern played in the background.I administered a drop of PurePlant Essentials Heart Soothe as indicated through an AromaTest™ about mid-way through Jack's session. Jack smiled peacefully as he inhaled the aroma and said, "Ah, that's good." He was obviously relaxing nicely and enjoying himself immensely during our time together.As I concluded the session Jack smiled blissfully, tears in his eyes and said, "I feel no pain. Thank you for seeing me. Now I understand," and closed his eyes, drifting off for a moment.I said good-bye to Fran, hugging and thanking her for giving me the opportunity to work with her husband Jack. The hour spent with him had been a very moving experience for me as I couldn't help but remember my own father's passing recently. He had also died from stomach cancer. I could tell Jack didn't have many more days to live.Learn about the outcome of Jack's healing session with me in the next installment of "When Is Healing Successful Part III - A Three Part Story About Why People Heal"KG Stiles is a registered & accredited Bowenwork therapist, BodyTalk Practitioner & Aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR, USA. In professional practice over 30 years KG has facilitated healing for thousands of people suffering from personal trauma and illness. PurePlant Essentials is KG's line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. She formulates aromatic oils for: Colds and flu, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, menopause, anti-aging, skin care and more. KG's DVD & book, "Your Aromatic Signature ~ How to Formulate Blends that Heal," are scheduled for release in 2006.Learn more visit: PurePlant Essentials Contact KG through her website for a personal reply KG Stiles. KG invites you to Subscribe to Health Mastery Ezine to WIN FREE Aromatherapy Products. Learn more visit: Subscribe To Win KG Stiles Springhill Wellness Center, Ashland, OR USA
Keyword : cancer,naturalhealing,aromatherapy,essential oils,grief & loss,pain relief,self help,belief,trauma
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