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Discovery In A Million Dollar Mistake

Author : Yvette Dubel
I have noticed that though my clients often have created a plan, many do not incorporate an understanding of themselves to execute it, and so it is not adequately customized. Unleash your ultimate success by developing a strategy that seamlessly integrates self-knowledge to increase profits and personal fulfillment. Imagine the results of integrating that into your day-to-day life? Can you logically deduce the potential benefits and act accordingly?Like me, you probably get e-mails everyday telling you about a new product that will automate cumbersome parts of your business. However, it is very easy to end up with a ton of software and books and still find yourself struggling with the same root issues.Look, if you are going to invest in yourself or your business you must examine the big picture, not just one part of it. Acting haphazardly can actually take you farther off course, away from your true aspirations.It's akin to getting bogged down in the details. There is a middle point between bogged down in details and skimming the surface.I highly advocate dealing with your relationship to self as a primary objective because it has multiple benefits on nearly every level. That is the key to unleashing the secret to your success. The place to begin is developing a strategy with your requirements and objectives at the center.You might like to know that I haven't always emphasized this relationship with self, component in my consulting practice. For a while I thought it was too personal, but time and again I saw that it was at the root of why the initial plan didn't work.The turning point came for me after I had been consulting with a recreational vehicles parts manufacturing company. The company had earned $1,000,000 in profit in its third year, so all seemed reasonably well. That is until I got inside.There were a lot of communication problems, production was six months behind, what was being produced was mostly rejected work, and this contributed to issues of lacking supply inventory, nonexistent company morale…You get the picture. After conducting my assessment, going over the production and sales logs, I made my report. Since my focus is on thought leadership and relationship marketing this was the framework in which my recommended solution was offered.The managing director was unwilling to see the situation as a relationship that was dying and he wasn't interested in "throwing anymore money at it". Long story short, within six months half of the key staff had left and the company only had one remaining account to sustain the business, so much for another year of million dollar profits.I wondered if it would have saved the company if I had pointed out that the director was at the center of the entire fiasco, fanning the flames actually. I saw enough of his personality drama to understand the tension I sensed from everyone working with him.This was a lesson to me about what is at stake if I pretend not see what is glaringly obvious. If the client doesn't see it, then that explains why they hire me. But what I witnessed did not ignite the joy that led me to go into this line of work.In my life that moment indicated the need for self examination. I required a change. I needed to experience myself in terms of making a difference through my service. I decided to offer my services to people who were truly in need, but unlikely to get the kind help I thought I could offer.I accepted the privilege of assisting women with children as they transitioned from homelessness. I became part of a mentor team. My role started out as personal coaching mostly because it became clear very quickly that a little help could go along way for someone who has never been encouraged.Out of those coaching relationships several entrepreneurs were born. Empowered to seize their destinies rather than merely being manipulated by the choices of those around them, I witnessed how the relationship with oneself can heal a life.I was privileged to benefit from the experience of others and I realized how much relationships could mean during times of uncertainty. This is as true when our professional life is negatively impacted, as it is when our personal life seems devastated. However, it is impossible to make real progress with anyone that is unwilling to make the changes required to improve a situation.Perhaps those who have lost everything are more willing to take that risk.It has been my honor to work with a number of talented, highly motivated and inspiring people. As we come to the end of this tête-à-tête, I encourage you to remain aware of the importance of relationships in reaching or staying on the top and the value in beginning with the one you have with yourself.Yvette Dubel is the founder of http://www.enhancementconsulting.net and creator of the e-consultation product line: Simple Plan System©. Enhancement Consulting also publishes "Elements of Simple Plan for Success" ezine.
Keyword : business, management, relationship marketing, personal improvement, lessons, coaching, consulting

Choice: Privilege, Opportunity and Responsibility

Author : Chris Widener
One of my absolute favorite quotes is from Dwight D. Eisenhower. If you have been a subscriber for long you may have heard me use it before. Eisenhower said that, "The history of free men is never written by chance, but by choice - their choice."What a powerful truth. We can, and do, write our own history. That is, when our life is nearing the end, we can look back and see that the history we leave behind, the legacy that we leave for our children, is the accumulation of the choices we made all along the way.As I think about this, I realize that some may view it from the back end and it may seem hopeless, but we can be proactive about it and decide now that we will begin to make choices that will bring us to our desired end.Before I talk about privilege, opportunity, and responsibility, I want to make something perfectly clear, and it is something that you must embrace if you are going to see your life continually improve and change for the better. I believe that...Anyone can have as much money as they choose to.Anyone can weigh what they choose to.Anyone can have the job they choose to have.Anyone can have the level of peace that they choose to have.Anyone can do anything they choose to do.They ability for us humans to choose is incredible, but it also brings with it philosophical truths as well. Primarily the power to choose brings with it privilege, opportunity and responsibility. When we see how all three of these play out in our lives, and when we discipline ourselves to make the choices that will bring us to our desired outcome - watch out - because you will be UNLEASHED!The Ability to choose is a Privilege. Dogs don't have it. Cows don't have it. Trees and flowers don't have it. The only living creatures that have the ability to choose are humans. All of the rest of living creatures live by instinct, or in the case of trees, flowers etc, they live wherever they are planted (I guess they must have to develop a great deal of contentment!).Have you ever viewed your ability to choose as a privilege that you have been given? That is one of the more motivating factors in my life for being disciplined and making choices. Exercise your privilege today. Make choices today that will make you, your family and your community better off!The Ability to choose is an Opportunity. Every one of us has the opportunity to improve ourselves. There are too many stories of people who have lost 200 pounds, left behind fortunes while only earning $20,000 a year and multitudes of other success stories for me to believe otherwise. In fact, I myself have seen it in my own life. What an opportunity! Yet many believe that it is impossible - that they don't even have the opportunity. Not true at all. Take advantage of the opportunity you have every single day of your life to change - because you can!! Make choices today that will make you, your family and your community better off!The Ability to choose is a Responsibility. We do not live our lives in a vacuum. We live them in the context of our families, our communities, our businesses and the organizations we belong to. We have a responsibility to make right choices that will positively impact all of those around us!
I have four children. The choices I make each day, maybe even every moment, will affect them for the rest of their lives. Do I have a responsibility to them? You bet! I want to discipline my life in such a way that they become all that they can be and that our family and eventually the families that they will start, will become great!When I think of choices that changed history, I think of Rosa Parks who made a choice that would bring her into the forefront of America's news of the day and eventually the history books. One day, Parks, an African-American, decided that she would not give up her seat on the bus to a white person. She made a choice. It was undoubtedly one she had thought of for sometime. It was her privilege as a human to make this choice, regardless of what others thought and regardless of what the outcome would be. It was an opportunity to make a statement and to stand up for what was right. It was her responsibility to generations of minorities who would come after her to make this choice. She did, and America changed.Like Rosa Parks, and countless others who daily make choices that produce change, it is those who will dare to dream of a better life, those who will risk failure, those who will make the right choices who will change themselves, their families, their businesses and organizations and yes, even their world! The ability to choose is an incredible privilege, an outstanding opportunity, and an awesome responsibility! Use it!About The Author:Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of
Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn
their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and
achieve their dreams.To see Chris "live" at the upcoming Jim Rohn Weekend Event as he speaks on
the subject of Secrets of Influence go to
http://Chris-Widener.InspiresYOU.com/ or call 800-929-0434.
Keyword : power of choice,privelege,ability,motivation,self improvement,goals,goal setting,coaching,wealth

Are You Learning?

Author : Catherine Pulsifer
Whether you are self-employed, whether you are an employee, whether you are parent, whether you are a student we all need to be learning. To stand still, to learn no more, or worse than that to think we know all there is to know, is a major mistake.Standing still, learning no more can result in relationships ruined, marriages destroyed, loss of income.Many times age is used as an excuse. I am to old to learn it is to late for me. Or on the opposite side, I have lots of time to learn.For the self-employed person,
if you are not aware of your customer's needs, of the latest developments in your field, you can be sure your competition is. You may find your competition will use their knowledge and find methods and levers that will attract your customer.For the employee,
if your rely on only your past experience and do not keep abreast of changing concepts you may find change may be needed and the change may be you. Many companies are competing in environments that previously were stable, however, today our global world is changing the playing field and companies are finding that they are competing on a world wide basis and they need their employees to keep pace and continue to develop and learn.For a parent,
if you feel there is no need to learn and develop yourself, if you rely on the knowledge of your own up bringing, you may find you will have problems in relating to your children and you will not have an understanding of their world. The world we were brought up in is very different than the world of today. A very simple example is the knowledge and information that is available through the internet. You may say well we don't have a computer, however, the majority of schools have access to computers and the internet is rapidly becoming a tool used in schools.For the student,
if you would prefer to party or watch TV rather than learn you will find you will be missing opportunities that would have been available to you in future years.For those who think they are to old to learn, then the truth is you are old. As when you stop learning, you truly do start to age. Learning is an opportunity to apply your skill to an area perhaps you only dreamed of previously. It is never to late to learn.Relationships, marriages are ruined where one person continues to learn, develop and grow and the other person stands still. What happens is the once wonderful relationship is now miles apart.There are so many ways we can obtain knowledge today, there is no reason for people not to continue to learn and grow. With access to libraries, internet, community courses to colleges, universities there truly is no excuse. Where you live is no longer an excuse, communication tools (such as the phone, internet, fax) allow us to learn no matter where our location is.By developing a continuous learning lifestyle, you will find opportunities, new ideas, the value you bring will make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you.Growing and developing yourself, does not mean you need to be enrolled in a 5 year university course, it could be as simple as learning one new thing a day. One step at a time. Small learning develops into massive learning over time. If you consciously learned one new thing a day, over time if would become a way of life for you.Don't ever stop learning.Let learning be a never ending journey!ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Catherine Pulsifer is one of the editors of Words of Wisdom 4 U, http://www.wow4u.com. You will find a collection of motivational thoughts, stories, quotes, poems, smiles, proverbs, and more at Words of Wisdom 4 U!
Keyword : learning,mistake,self-employed,parent,employee,student,opportunity,skill,continuous,lifestyle

How to Network Your Way to Success

Author : Lorraine Pirihi
Successful people do not achieve success on their own, they surround themselves with a well-developed, sophisticated support network. In a world that grows more complex and more competitive each day, networking is necessary not only for survival but for high achievement"…excerpt from the best-selling book "Masters of Networking".Observing many people when I'm out and about attending various business related functions, I'm convinced that so many of them do not realize how powerful it is to make the effort to meet others and network.Networking is great for business ... if you do it right and have a system in place to follow up.Secret No. 1The successful networker always carries their business cards with them. They have stacks of cards in their diary, purse, wallet, all bags…briefcases, laptop, handbag, car and office.Before they step outside the front door in the morning, they check they have their business cards.They know their card is a crucial promotional tool and ensure that the information on it clearly says what they do, has all their contact details and the design is attractive. The super successful networker likes to stand out from the crowd and will have a card that stands out too. Often they'll have a photo of themselves on it and information on the back stating what they specialize in.Secret No. 2When you meet the superstar networker they will ask you questions about yourself and your business and they will genuinely LISTEN TO YOU. They will focus their attention on you and maintain eye contact. They will ask you for your business card and offer you one of theirs.Secret No. 3The successful networker will write on the back of your business card where they met you and a couple of key points about you, so they remember who you are. They may do that immediately afterwards or later that day.Secret No. 4The superstar networker may provide you with a contact to help you and will expect nothing in return as they know what goes around comes around.Secret No. 5The successful networker will have a follow-up system. They will enter the details of the relevant contacts they have made into their database and communicate with those people within a couple of days. They'll ring or send an email , card or letter saying it was great to meet you, include information of the goods/services they offer which may benefit you. If they sent you information they'll FOLLOW-UP usually by phone a couple of days later.Secret No. 6The successful networker knows that the power of networking is in building relationships. They will stay in touch with you via an occasional letter, email, phone call or newsletter.Get Connected And Get A Serious Return On Your InvestmentNever underestimate how powerful networking is. It works if you work it. I know because it has played a huge part in the success of my own business.Unfortunately many businesspeople waste their time, energy and money attending events because they don't know how to network effectively to get results.They usually take your business card, promise to get in touch and never do! Or they get back to the office with a handful of business cards and throw them in a drawer, never to be seen again!Now you can learn how to make the most of your time and money and learn from the people who specialise in this area.Global Networking Specialist Robyn Henderson is a living testament of how powerful the skill of networking is.Both Robyn and I have recognised that so many people would benefit from knowing not only how to network but how to manage their time so they can be far more successful from their networking efforts and get a serious return on their investment.In response to this need, we've produced a brand new product entitled "Get Connected - Timesaving Tips For Serious Networkers"(see details below).The Final WordMake the most of your opportunities in the future, learn how to network effectively on an on-going basis and you will see the dramatic impact it will have on your business.About The AuthorLorraine Pirihi, principal of The Office Organiser (http://www.office-organiser.com.au) is Australia's Personal Productivity Coach.Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life.We Offer a Broad Range of Services and Products including: Coaching for small business owners and professionals, keynote presentations and workshops, books, CD's, DVD's and on-line learning programs.Take action today! Contact Lorraine to discuss your specific needs at lorraine@office-organiser.com.au
Keyword : success,success secrets,success tips,self improvement

The Importance of Integrity

Author : Joe Love
The single most important quality you can ever develop that will enhance every part of your life, is the value of integrity. Integrity is the core quality of a successful and happy life. Having integrity means being totally honest and truthful in every part of your life. By making the commitment to become a totally honest person, you will be doing more to ensure your success and happiness in life than anything else you can ever do.Integrity is a value, like persistence, courage, and intelligence. It is your choice of values and resolution to live by those values that form your character and personality. And it is integrity that enhances all your other values. The quality of person you are is determined by how well you live up to the values that are most important to you. Integrity is the quality that locks in your values and causes you to live consistent with them.Integrity is the foundation of character. A person who has integrity also has an unblemished character in every area of his or her life. One of the most important activities you can engage in, is developing your character. And one of the best ways to develop your character is by consistently doing the same things that a thoroughly honest person would do in every area of his or her life.To be totally honest with others, you first have to be totally honest with yourself. You have to be true to yourself. You have to be true to the very best that is in you. Only a person who is consistently living a life with the highest values and virtues is a person truly living a life of integrity. If you are always honest and true to yourself you cannot be false to anyone else.The mark of people who have high integrity is, they always do the highest quality of work in everything they do. They are the people who are always totally honest with themselves in everything they do, and strive to excellent work on every occassion. People with high integrity realize that everything they do is a statement about who they are as a person.The Universal Law of Attraction says that you inevitably attract into your life the people and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts and values. This means that everything in your life you have attracted, because of the person you are. If there is anything in your life, your relationships, or your work that you are not happy with, you need to begin changing the person you are, so that you stop attracting those people and situations into your life.Your integrity is manifested in your willingness to adhere to the values that are most important to your. It's easy to make promises but often very hard to keep them. But every time you keep a promise that you've made, it is an act of integrity, which in turn strengthens your character. As you act with integrity in everything you do, you will find that every part of your life will improve. You will begin to attract the best people and situations into your life. You will become an outstanding person as well as a success in everything you do.All contents Copyright(c) 2004 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. A former ad agency executive and marketing consultant, Joe's work in personal development focuses on helping his clients identify hidden marketable assets that create windfall opportunities and profits, as well as sound personal happiness and peace.Reach Joe at: joe@jlmandassociates.comRead more articles and newsletters at: http://www.jlmandassociates.com/
Keyword : Success, Personal Development, Achievement, Happiness, Destiny, Self-Development, Financial Success

10 Compelling Reasons to Stop Singing the Blues

Author : Cynthia Barnett
Are you:- feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied with your life?- ready to stop holding yourself back from success?Is it time to:- get rid of self-sabotaging thoughts that keep you down?- say goodbye to the blues and take control of your life?Then the following life-changing information is for you!We're all born with the potential for living a fulfilled, happy and enjoyable life. Some of us achieve extraordinary success in business and in life, some of us watch others achieve it, and many wonder why they come up short.If you're among those asking where is success for me? then please read on.The following 10 principles for successful living are full of tips, tools and benefits that will ignite the fire within you to help you awaken to the fulfillment, happiness and joy in life you've been looking for.Here are some compelling reasons to stop singing the blues:1. Start thinking and dreaming bigWhen you think and dream big, you:• stop singing the blues and begin to activate your power to dream big.• can dust off the dreams you've had on the back burner and bring them into now.• see so many possibilities and want to take action to achieve them now.• look around at people who have achieved their dreams and believe if they can, you can too.• stop worrying about if you can afford it, if you know how to get it, or about any obstacles that stand in your way.• start using your creative genius to figure out how to get what you want.• are full of intention to take opportunities that come along.• surround yourself with like-minded people who are positive and encouraging, who are dream-makers not dream-breakers. The more you associate with supportive people who love and accept you just the way you are, the more success you'll attract in your life.• recognize that you are who you spend time with.2. Believe in yourselfWhen you truly believe in yourself, you:• become your greatest fan, you'll grow stronger and your life will transform beyond your wildest dreams.• will become a new person.• will be so strong that you'll know, without a doubt, that you can
have what you want, that you deserve it, and that you're worthy of it. You will let go of limiting beliefs and start believing that "whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve."• will start using your marvelous ability to reprogram yourself to have beliefs that are congruent with what you want and who you want to be.• will be encouraged to take chances, to push yourself further than you ever thought possible.• gain improved confidence that will lead to better performance at work, a better circle of friends, and better quality of life in all areas.This improved self-confidence will help you deal with all of life's challenges with a positive outlook.3. Remove fear roadblocksWhen you finally let go of success-stopping fear, you:• will finally remove the shackles of fear, you'll hit the high notes of life expressed in Johnny Nash's song "I Can See Clearly Now." As you begin to see the world as "a bright sun-shiny day," you'll end your long history of self-sabotage to live the life you so richly deserve. You will realize that fear is only false evidence appearing real.• will outtalk the negative chatterbox in your brain. As you face whatever you fear and push through it, you will understand how to focus on correcting fear-based, thoughts quickly and easily.• won't wait for the fear to go away before you take action. You will decide to take action in spite of your fears. Miraculous things happen to those who consciously choose to overcome their fears. As you move forward, your incredible inner strengths will emerge.• gain confidence in your skills, abilities and even your downfalls. As you move from victim to creator, you'll learn more about yourself, your wants, needs and desires. This will open new doors of opportunity and you'll truly be on the road to creating the life you want.4. Bounce back from obstaclesWhen you face obstacles head-on, you:• meet everyday challenges with confidence. We all face problems, but some of us get stuck while others move on. Turning setbacks into comebacks will guarantee success.• won't give up, you face the future with optimism and courage despite events.• will be able to self-reflect and gain wisdom from your experiences.• will be able to face reality, labeling your setbacks, losses and disappointments for what they are.• will find meaning and purpose in your struggles and think creatively under stress.• will expand rather than shut down when faced with challenges, and most importantly you will achieve the personal and professional success you deserve while continually discovering your greatness.5. Develop persistenceMy favorite quote by Calvin Coolidge goes like this: "Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Education alone will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."When you cultivate the habit of being persistent, you:• stop singing the blues and you make a conscious decision to train yourself to be persistent.• realize that persistence must become a way of life if you want to succeed.This speech given by Winston Churchill is still applicable today. "Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense."What separates a person's successes from failures is the ability to carry on when things go wrong. All successful people have persistence in common. When others give up, they don't. Top sportsmen and musicians practice their skills for hours and hours at a time. They never rest on their laurels. They are always trying to get a little bit closer to perfection. When you stop singing the blues, you realize that without absolute determination and perseverance, your chances of success are drastically reduced.6. Cultivate your strengthsWhen you work to develop your inner strengths, you:• polish your diamond and stop singing the blues• will become more confident, optimistic and focused. The more developed your strengths, the more likely you are to aspire to higher goals and achieve a life of great satisfaction and joy.My favorite analogy is one used by Edward Anderson and Donald O. Clifton. In their book, Soar With Your Strengths, they say: "Talents are like diamonds in the rough and strengths are diamonds that show brilliance after they have been carefully cut and polished. Just as finished diamonds start as diamonds in the rough, strengths start as talents. And just as rough diamonds are naturally found in the earth, talents are naturally found within you. But while diamonds are refined with blades and polishing wheels, strengths are produced when talents are refined with knowledge and skills."7. Let go of the pastThe benefits of letting go of the past are enormous. Psychological research is finding that being a forgiving person is essential to happiness. Even when someone wrongs you, feeling anger or hatred only causes your life to descend into misery and resentment. You are the one who suffers, not the person with whom you're angry. Forgiving, on the other hand, can lift the burden.When Buddha and Jesus and other great spiritual figures taught us to forgive those who sin against us, they weren't just pronouncing holy philosophy, rather, they were giving practical down-to-earth life advice.There is no question that you will be more satisfied with your life and will be less likely to experience symptoms of psychological distress, such as nervousness, restlessness and sadness if you let go of past traumas and disappointments. Researchers now believe that letting go of grudges may fortify the heart and the immune system. "When you're stuck in a grudge, you're isolated in your own suffering," says Fred Luskin, Ph.D., author of Forgive for Good and director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project. "The long-term damage to the cardiovascular system from bitterness and resentment is clearly established."8. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."
~ Meiser EchartWhen you express gratitude and appreciation for everything in your life, you:• give yourself a great and wonderful gift. Being grateful lifts your spirit, it helps you to renew, reflect and reconnect with yourself. You'll notice you start appreciating ordinary things and realize that every day is a gift. An attitude of gratitude will hold you together even when you are in the midst of struggles and hardships.• maintain that sense of thankfulness for life, for the chance to experience each day's sunrise. This will keep you in positive thinking mode.• have greater confidence and higher self-esteem. .• will be richer and happier and you will appreciate all the abundant gifts you have.9. Contribute to society and make a difference
As you continue creating a positive outlook on life, you will realize the importance of making a difference by giving back to your community. Giving back in terms of donations, volunteering, contributing, mentoring or just listening to a friend will make a huge difference in your life.
The benefits of giving back to society cannot be measured. When you give back by serving others you will feel a rewarding sense of fulfillment in return. The satisfaction you get from helping others will enhance your mental attitude and you will enjoy greater prosperity.10. Take great care of yourself'You are the greatest miracle and the most unique individual ever created. When you take care of yourself, you:• stop singing the blues and appreciate this beautiful gift you have been given.• will take your life and yourself more seriously. The more focus you place on you, the more joy you will feel.• will feel fully alive, vibrant and rich.• will feel in control, confident, and connected to your life's purpose.• will truly put your own needs first, you will build a reserve of energy and a safeguard against burnout.• will become more productive and energized.• will develop a habit of daily renewal. The feeling of being of purpose will inspire you to new heights - some you never dreamed possible.• will always be focused on your well-being, on what's most important to you. You will spend your day doing what matters most.When you stop singing the blues, you will truly know what it is to love yourself, the greatest gift of all...when you love yourself you are honoring the very nature of the human heart -- your source of life.Dr. Cynthia Barnett is the author of Stop Singing the Blues. In this book, you will find powerful strategies for hitting the high notes in your life. The book is filled with heartfelt stories of people who refused to let life get them down. You'll see how they use their innate powers to conquer adversity and achieve what they want. Today they live their lives with joy and passion -- as you can.Dr. Barnett can be reached at her toll free number 1-877-404-4446 or http://www.stopsingingtheblues.com/Dr. Cynthia Barnett is the author of Stop Singing the Blues. In this book, you will find powerful strategies for hitting the high notes in your life.
Keyword : success, self-esteem, empowerment, confidence, focus, dreams, beliefs in self, personal renewal

You Know How, But Do You Know Why?

Author : Laurie Hayes
An unexamined life is not worth living – SocratesAll too often we get caught up in how we should
go about achieving a specific goal. We decide
that we need to make something definite happen
and then focus our efforts on what is required to
accomplish the task.More important than knowing how to make
something happen, is knowing why you want to
make it happen.Knowing why will keep you focused; give you
strength when you need it, and keep you in action
when you are tempted to quit.An example of this would be, "I want to create wealth."
You have a winning lottery ticket and want to make
your moderate winnings work for you.You decide to start reading real estate investment
books, studying stock quotes, and enroll in a
taxation course so you can learn how to take
advantage of all the loopholes.A few months go by and you get bored with the
routine of studying and learning. A friend offers you
the opportunity of a lifetime … a month-long trip to
Europe, and for a mere $10,000.You had planned on using your lottery winnings for
creating wealth, but the commitment is exhausting
and you could really use a vacation.You cash in your savings and take the trip.Once you're back home, you have great stories to
tell and memories to hold on to, but after a month or
two, you become disheartened because you feel you
are back on the bottom rung of the ladder and have
to start all over again if you want to create any kind
of wealth.By knowing why you want to become rich, you may
have created a completely different outcome.You may have decided you wanted to become rich
because:- You are tired of being broke and working at a
dead end job that gives you no personal satisfaction.- Your parents are aging and you want to be able to
help them financially when the time comes for
increased medical care- You saw how your parents struggled financially to
survive and want to create a different future for
yourselfBy knowing your "Why" you would have been more
committed to your goal and would have considered
the impact taking a trip to Europe would have on your
long-term plan.You would not have sacrificed long-term gain for
immediate pleasure.Robert Kiyosaki, one of my favorite writers and author
of, "Retire Young, Retire Rich," shared a personal story
about why he decided to commit to creating a better
life for himself.He knew what had to be done and how to make it
happen, but it was not until he was able to crystallize
the reasons why he wanted to create wealth, that he
actually committed to taking the action necessary.He quoted the old adage, "Where there's a will, there's
a way," and discovered that once he knew what his will
was; he was able to find the way.Before pursuing a goal, determine why you want to
achieve it. What will it mean for you to realize your
dream? Once you have determined your "Why" finding
your "How" will be a lot easier and your commitment to
your goal will be stronger.Until next time, dream big dreams and know that you
can make them reality. It's all up to you.Laurie Hayes, founder and visionary behind The HBB Source™ helps government and corporate employees break free of their jobs to live their dream of entrepreneurship. To subscribe to her FREE e-zine for valuable resources designed to create business success, visit http://www.thehbbsource.com
Keyword : success,achievement,progress,happiness,life,balance,career,business,happy,

What is Your Process of Discovery?

Author : Graham Harris
When Julie looks through the lens of her camera she is interested in what is in focus and what is out of focus. Sometimes what is in focus is so boring, it's the out of focus which interests her. The question that occupies her mind is: how do I bring that which is out of focus in focus?The solution, for Julie, the photographer, is in thinking differently. In thinking what if I use this lens. Will the different lens bring what is out of focus in focus? What if I approach the subject from this angle? What if I slow the speed? Each time she uses her knowledge of photography and her camera to build on what is possible. To look outside her box.Sukekawa is also interested in what is out of focus. She is one of Japan's most successful inventors. But it hasn't always been like that. In fact, she didn't start inventing until she was 57 years old.Sukekawa was a physical education teacher at a High School in Japan. Then at 57 years of age she suffered from a 'serious medical problem' that could only be treated in Tokyo. So she and her husband decided that in order for her to receive the medical treatment she needed she had to resign from her job and they would both move to Tokyo.In Tokyo, she was alone and ill, with no family and no friends. To inspire her and keep her spirits up her daughter suggested she join the local amateur inventors club.( Yes they really do have local inventors clubs in Japan)She went and within a short time found that she was a big hit. She was coming up with many useful inventions. How?Her system is simple:"I always come up with something I want for my own use".She works on the basis that most mass produced domestic items are designed by men, who, invariably, don't use the products. As a result they are poorly designed. Therefore if she has a problem using them so must every other person who buys and uses the product.She is now a 67 year old grandmother and still inventing because:"When I spot some inconvenience, I feel lucky because there is fun in overcoming it"The stories of Julie and Sukekawa are similar. They are both looking for a solution. They are both looking for a different way of overcoming the deficiency they see before them. They are both looking for different ways of achieving the impossible.When did you last look at an impossible problem and bring into focus the out of focus pieces? Do you use your past knowledge as a platform from which to jump or as a straight jacket to limit your thinking?What is your process of discovery?Good LuckGraham and Julie
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Keyword : focus,thinking,inventor,japan,solution

Success Lessons From Boxing

Author : John Watson
Sugar Ray Leonard and Sylvester Stallone recently opened an academy or gymnasium for contenders in downtown LA. The contenders are top middleweight boxers in the USA who have not been given a shot at the title.Sugar Ray and Sly Stallone are well qualified to run the academy as both have been champions in their own worlds. Sly Stallone is a Hollywood 'champion'.His films about 'Rocky' have inspired countless boxers. Sugar Ray was a 6 times world champion. He knows what it takes to be a champion: "Champions never ever show signs of quitting."Champions don't quit but more than that they don't even look like quitting and don't even think about quitting. The same attitude is essential for anyone who is serious about achieving their dreams.Sly told the contenders that they will now have a shot at the title: "You are now in charge of your own lives, your own fates. If you blow it, you blew it." Success is about taking responsibility for your own actions. Champions don't blame others for their failures.Sugar Ray speaks too: "Your family is your foundation. Your family is why you are doing what you are doing but you know what's going to make the big difference; what's going to determine who wins is this (points to his heart) and this (points to his head) If you want it, go for it."The contenders were gradually eliminated from the Academy by a weekly series of 5 round fights. The first fight taught a lot about how to succeed in boxing or anything else. One of the 'weaker' boxers challenged the boxer who was supposed to be the strongest.Alfonso Gomez from the Western middleweights was considered one of the weaker boxers but Alfredo noticed that Joey on his team who was being picked to fight the weakest of the Eastern middleweights did not look too happy or confident.He volunteered his services, instead, to fight the strongest of the Easterners! He said: "I will fight Peter Manfredo. I can beat him." Alfonso was only 10 and 2. Peter was 21 and 0."Alfonso smiled: "I'm a gambler. I'm not afraid to gamble. I am not worried about the competition. It's just about who wants it most and I know that I want it more than anything else in the world." Later Alfonso commented: "I am either going to be a hero or an idiot!"Champions have to risk looking like idiots. So does any one who wants to achieve anything out of the ordinary.Alfonso's team members were taken aback by his offer to fight Manfredo but Alfonso was so confident that the rest of his team agreed to select him as their first representative. Alfonso continued to speak with confidence: "He's going to be tough to fight but I know I can beat him There's no doubt in my mind that I can beat him. As soon as we take their best fighter the whole team is going to crumble."Alfonso Gomez was utterly determined: "I'm going to give it my heart to make it. I want to provide my family with everything they want. It's a dream and it's a dream that I am sure will come true."Gomez climbed into the ring the night before the fight to visualize his success. "A true champion never thinks: 'I'm gonna lose'. I'm going into the ring to visualize the fight. I want to visualize the fight to give me more confidence in myself. I really want to overcome any obstacles. I am confident and I say to myself: 'You're the winner; you're the winner; you're better than him. I actually imagine that I'm gonna win. I raise my hands." Gomez raised his hands again and again punching the air in celebration."If you imagine it, it can happen. If I imagine I can fly, maybe in the future I will." Champions visualize their success vividly before it happens. So should anyone who has a great dream.At the pre-fight conference a pressman suggested that Alfonso was not as good a boxer as Peter Manfredo. Alfonso like a true champion, let the criticism slide over his head: "I've always been the under dog. All I can say is: I can beat him on his best day!" His team laughed and applauded.Peter Manfredo did not have as much to say: "I feel like I always do before every fight. I feel like a killer. I will do my talking in the ring. The better man will win tonight. The only one who can beat you is yourself. This is the shot of a life time."On the way to the ring Alfonso was still sounding confident: "This is my passion; this is my dream; I will become the contender." Peter Manfredo, undefeated and ranked third in the world said "I'm a serious threat because I fight for my family. I can box; I can bang. That's why I am 21 and 0 today. I don't know how to lose."Alfonso won the first round but Peter the second. Alfonso won the third round. Peter's corner man told him: "Peter, you ain't throwing enough punches." Round four was more even but Peter seemed to edge it. Alfonso's corner told him "Die in the ring, baby!" Alfonso gave it everything and won the fifth round.Alfonso, the underdog, won the fight by unanimous decision. He was generous in victory. He held up Peter's arm and said: "Hell of a fighter! Hell of a fighter!" Alfonso's dream had come true. He laughed: "I took a risk but I beat a gorilla!"Peter was shell shocked. He had been defeated in front of his wife and daughter. He had lost his unbeaten record to an unknown. "I came here with the confidence that I was a champ but it did not happen. I feel I let everybody down. Why was it when it is my chance to shine I blow it? I've fought since I was 5 years old? Where do I go from here?"If Peter is destined to be a true champion, he will not quit. Sugar Ray himself lost 3 fights. Many true champions have experienced failure. A true champion or anyone who wants to fulfill their destiny does not quit or show signs of quitting. A champion does not blame any one else for his or her failures. He or she is usually motivated by love of their family. They are not afraid to risk looking like an idiot. They have the confidence to challenge the 'gorillas' and use tools like visualization to achieve their goals. They ignore the critics who see them as the underdog.About the authorJohn Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams. They can both be found on his website http://www.motivationtoday.com along with a daily motivational message.The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now! - Acronyms, Stories, And Pictures...Easy To Remember And Use Everyday To Grab Your Life And Soar With The Eagles"
The book can be found at this URL http://www.motivationtoday.com/36_laws.php

The book uses acronyms, stories and pictures to help readers remember 36 laws that can gradually transform your life if you apply them.
You are welcome to publish the article above in your ezine or on your website so long as you do not alter it and keep in the words about the author and the 36 Laws.
Keyword : confidence,champion,contender,persistence,belief,visualization,risk,motivation,family,responsibility

10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace - Wayne Dyer Book Mini-Review

Author : Chris Knight
Dr. Wayne Dyer published his best-selling book, "10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace" and it's an easy read. It's the type of book that you can crack open and find nuggets on pretty much every page you open it to.Unlike books that give specific advice about actions you could take to achieve success, Dr. Dyer doesn't share any advice on goal-setting, planning your future, or how to listen to older folks who have been there, done that. Instead, he wrote the book to help folks avoid feelings of inadequacy or inner remorse for not having listened to their inner guidance. While the book does have discussion around becoming a greater 'success' in life, perhaps it's more appropriate to say that the book is about finding your own 'inner peace' moreso than success itself.As I read his book, I couldn't help thinking that the 10 secrets are really reminders of what we already know to be true. Most people turn into autonomous robots going through the daily routine of life without giving any thoughts or meditation to slow down enough to listen to their own inner voice.Some of Dr. Dyer's ten principles include:
Being open to everything and attached to nothing.
Embracing silence, since meditation is the only way to truly come to know your Source.
Knowing that you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it.
Treating yourself as if you already are what you'd like to become.
"Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended"One takeaway that I took from the book that is worth sharing: When I first read the book, there must have been at least 10 times that I read something that I wished someone else in my life would better understand.Example: On Page 110, Dr. Dyer says, "Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended" and I immediately thought of someone else that I know who is easily offended or looks to be offended daily.A few years later, I came to understand that this message was for me to understand (and not for others I thought 'should' understand the concepts). Seems more important to be able to release our judgment of others who choose to become offended easily. We each create our own personal experience and really only have full control over our own perceptions of reality. Conversely, we have very little control over others. Therefore, it's the work of the ego that encourages us to judge and compare what others do against what we think they should do. Not exactly the formula for 'inner peace.' Therefore one of the secrets Dr. Dyer encourages us to consider is that there are no justified resentments.Conclusion:If you've been reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's self help books since the 1970's, you'll quickly realize that this book offers or reinforces many of the same messages he has been talking about for decades. Still, it would be hard to read this book and not take 10 things out of it before you finish the first chapter. The 10th secret is my favorite. The ISBN for "10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace" is: 1561708755 and it's worth picking up if you don't already own it.Resource Box:Chris Knight is the moderator of the fan discussion board for Dr. Wayne Dyer: Wayne-Dyer.InspiresYOU.com -- He invites you to drop by, register for free, and join the discussion. It's by fans and for fans of Dr. Wayne Dyer, and as such, is not connected directly with Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Keyword : wayne dyer, dr wayne dyer, wayne dwyer, 10 secrets to success and inner peace

Dealing with Difficult People--Go Ahead, Rain on My Parade

Author : Althea DeBrule
"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow."--Jerry ChinRain is vital to all life on earth, and is the main way that water from the sky fills our lakes and rivers, and provides nourishment and growth. Most of the time we do not look forward to the rain, but without it, we will most likely not be able to enjoy luscious fruits and vegetables, or experience the warm and moist feeling of green grass as it cushions our bare feet.Interpersonal conflict is like a rain shower—a small local burst of rain that lasts a short time. Rain showers are usually of light to moderate intensity and likely to start and stop suddenly. You can predict when they occur by the rapid change in the sky's appearance as they approach. The same is true of most interpersonal conflict--those small micro-bursts of anger or disagreement that seem to flare up quickly and cease just as suddenly.The aphorism rain on my parade reminds us of the unpleasantness of conflict. Yet, some unpleasant occurrences bring about better things. Conflict develops even among the finest of people. Whenever there is disagreement, a difference of opinion, a different approach, a departure from the way we do things around here, there is conflict. These little showers of light to moderate temper or anger are made to last just a short time. Yet, when we approach them the wrong way (and there is a wrong way), they can become full-blown conflict thunderstorms.Unlike ordinary rain showers, thunderstorms are rain combined with wind and lightning. They form worldwide, spit out deadly lightning, band together to form hurricanes, and can spin up the world's fastest winds inside tornadoes. Been caught in any conflict thunderstorms lately?THE REAL SECRETWhile we cannot control or change others, we can take responsibility for our own actions, attitudes, and behavior. So how do we respond when people want to rain on our parades? Use The U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A:U = Understand. Make an attempt to understand as well as to be understood. Don't let the other person's difficult behavior preoccupy you; then you can deal with it directly.M = Manage. Manage conflict while it is occurring. Look for the real issue which is usually found at the root of the problem. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by minor spats or side issues that distract and get in the way.B = Breathe. Use a variety of stress-reducing strategies when you are in the midst of conflict. Try breathing slowly and deeply to regulate stress producing adrenalin. Take a break when conversations get heated, and above all, control your impulses.R = Respond. Remain calm and act in a non-defensive and non-reactive way. The ability to be calm in the face of conflict will help you to think more clearly and carefully.E = Embrace. Go directly to those with whom you disagree or have a conflict. Avoid behind-the-back criticism. If this fails, then ask an objective third-party to act as facilitator in resolving the conflict.L = Listen. Be quick to listen and when listening do so carefully. Summarize and check out what is heard before responding. Be slow to judge, avoid name-calling, and threatening.L = Learn. Examine key learnings from the conflict. Conflict, though painful, is necessary for growth and maturity. Ask yourself, "What can I learn here? Do I need to change my behavior or offer an apology?" Enter into each conflict situation with a learning mindset.A = Accept. Conflict is a normal part of life, so accept that it will happen and most likely happen often. The people we find the most difficult are also those who offer the greatest opportunities for growth.WHAT ABOUT COMMUNICATION?Wherever conflict exists, no matter what its cause or reason, communication has played a key role. Poor communication has either initiated the conflict or kept it going. Good communication will lead to a mutually agreeable solution. It promotes a give-and-take open dialogue that focuses on the problem not the emotion.We all have difficult people in our lives—you know, those folks of radically differing viewpoints who anger, exasperate, frustrate, and nearly drive us out of our minds! Difficult people tend to rain on our parades. Just when things are going well and we're marching in the success procession, a short but violent conflict shower or thunderstorm will often break out. An instinctive response is usually not the best one because we are caught unawares. So we reply back with a storm of our own, and before you know it, a deluge accompanied by hurricane force winds floods our relationships and ruins our parades.IN THE END, YOU MATTER…You are responsible for deciding how you will respond to conflict and difficult people. The U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A along with good communication will ensure that you don't get wet!So, let it rain...It's Just a Parade!Althea DeBrule is co-owner of RADSGroup Organizational Consultants, a Stamford, CT based firm that helps organizations to increase their effectiveness and individuals to maximize their professional and leadership potential. She has over 30 years demonstrated and celebrated leadership experience both domestically and internationally in human resources and executive development. Entrepreneur and seasoned executive, she has focused throughout her career on helping workers achieve their career goals. For information on how The RADSGroup can help you with your career needs, visit http://www.radsgroup.com/
Keyword : dealing with difficult people, conflict management, interpersonal communication

Your Success

Author : Frank Schmidt
Success starts in your mind. Positive Thinking creates the advantage.Success comes with a good mood. Listen to your most preferred CD before an important meeting.Success is increased with a little attention. Give others something maybe a nice gesture is enough.Success comes when your body is healthy. Body and soul are inseparable.Success comes with partnership. Show this others by thinking for them.Success is also a question of your outlook. Do not leave it up to coincidence; instead plan carefully from head to toe.Success is determinant with your security. Everyone wants to be on the side of the winner.Success is ruled by your target. Set yourself realistic but always higher goals then demanded.Success is a question of stamina. Stay in the court! Hang in there! (Even when things seem to drift away)Success is based on systematic work. Without engagement no success.Success is predetermined. Train over and over again all possible situations.Success is a state of your mind. Check and if necessary change your old attitude towards others and situations.Success is also the success of others. It is no secret how they are successful! Watch them and let them teach you.Success is the opposite of failure. Delete the possibility of failure from your mind, since you are successful only.About The AuthorFrank Schmidt is a seasoned Management Consultant. Over the past 12 years he has worked with multiple Fortune 500 companies to assist other managers improve success ratios and performance within their organizations. Visit his site http://www.geniusone.com today for additional details.FrankSchmidt@GeniusOne.com
Keyword : success, improvement self, key to success, happiness


Author : Leslie Fieger
I'll let you in on a little secret...life delivers pretty much what you expect it will. If you want to have success in life, you must train yourself to expect success.The English word expect is actually a contraction of 2 Latin roots "ex" and "spect" and its literal meaning is "to out-picture". When you look at the world, you do not perceive what is actually there, you see what your mind expects to see. What does your mind expect to see? What it has been trained to see. The world, as you see and experience it, is just your personal internal reality picture out-pictured or expected. Your reality is first pre-conceived or visualized inside your mind. Your mind then projects that internal image onto the world and that internal picture thus becomes your external reality. What you have in life is based on your expectations.Your expectations are, in turn, built upon your beliefs... what you believe you could have, or what you believe you should have, or what you believe you deserve to have. Where do you get those beliefs about your possibilities, potentials, limitations and deservingness? Mostly, you inherit them. You just take them on, assume them without examining them for veracity or usefulness.If you ask most people "why do you believe such and such?" Most will answer, "because it is true." No matter what rationalizations or intellectual convolutions are brought to bear to attempt to prove how or why something is true, in the end it is really no different than the childish refrain, "Why?" — " Because." Only when you are able to honestly answer, "I believe in such and such because it serves me to believe in such and such," will you be in control of your destiny and success.Take a moment and check in with your self to ask these simple questions:Do you believe it is possible for you to achieve a large degree of success?Do you believe that you deserve to have a large degree of success?Do you believe that the world is set up to support your success?Do you believe that your success will come easily and naturally?Do you believe that success is your birthright or something to be earned?
Now ask yourself:Why do I hold those beliefs? How did I come by them?Do those beliefs serve me in any way? How?What personal expectations have come out of those beliefs?
From the moment we arrive in this world, we are trained to expect certain things or trained to expect for things to be a certain way. Our culture, our personal experiences, our parents, our education, our peers all serve to train us to have certain expectations in life. And, for the most part, these expectations are self-fulfilling prophecies. We expect something; it shows up; we then say, "see, it was true." We forget the fact that it is only true because we believed it to be true and then expected it to be true. We ignore the fact that if we held different beliefs and expectations, the truth would be different.Now you might say in response to the above, "I did not expect my life to turn out this way or I did not expect for the world to be this way, it just is."To which I will reply, "What exactly were you expecting?" I am willing to bet that you have pretty much the results that you were expecting to have; and that if you critically and honestly examine your core beliefs, you will understand why you were expecting exactly what you have.If you desire to have a meaningful and measurable amount of success in life, you are going to have to train your mind to expect success; not hope for; not wish for; but fully expect success.To do that training, you are going to need to provide new information to your mind so that it can be convinced to take on different beliefs. You will need to undertake a program to consciously brainwash yourself. Opt out of the culture of mediocrity and opt into the culture of success. Read success literature. Hang around successful people. Affirm your right to success. Do the things that have been proven to work. Stop doing the things that have been proven, by your own experience, to not work. Break your addiction to mediocrity or failure. Get addicted to success.© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or

http://www.LeslieFieger.com.Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
Keyword : success,belief systems,expectations,self-improvement

Is Your Life A Minefield ?

Author : John Giagkiozis
Why everything has to be so hard? What have I done to deserve such torment and pain? I seems like everything and everyone around me have conspired against me.Every time I manage to find a balance in my life something happens and destroys it all. Its like I'm cursed, yeah that's it I'm cursed, there is a black cloud of misfortune upon my head and the wind stands still. Everything I touch turns to stone and dust.Does this sound like you?Guess what, many people think like that, in fact every single person in the world has gone through such thoughts. Are they right? Or should I say: Are we right?The answer is not profound as many people would like to believe. In fact the more you have such thoughts the more you are evolving to someone better stronger.The idea is rather a simple one: A person that struggles for the best, and at some point achieves it, is the person that has failed the most has been hurt the most has struggled the most and has been disappointed the most.A reason you feel bad is that everyone around you is quick to judge you and criticize as if they have never done a mistake. Parents often do that mistake they judge like they are perfect, it's true that they have the best intensions but all that they achieve by doing so, is to instil into you a feeling of inadequacy. You are not indebted to do what other people tell you to, even if they are your parents or wives or husbands or anyone. You must realize that we respect others for their talents but we love them for their flaws.I have a saying: An achiever sees hell in the future and heaven in the past, a lamer sees heaven in the future and hell in the past, and the wise man sees heaven surrounding hell, for him there is no future and past 'cause time is not of essence.
The difference between them is that the wise man lives in serenity the achiever dies serene and the lamer dreams of it.Always look for the paradox in life, sometimes in order to win you must lose.Your Friend,
John GiagkiozisJohn Giagkiozis Delivers to You An Opportunity that will make your Dreams Come True, but Not for FREE at: http://www.success-factory.net
Keyword : success, freedom, love, business, work from home, home biz, how to, money, fun, joy, psychology, att

Setting Yourself Up For Success

Author : Cecile Peterkin
Most people want to be successful in life. But success can mean different things to different people: making more money; spending quality time with your family; or learning to play a musical instrument.Since success is personal, defining what it means for you is the first step to achieving it. Once you are clear about what success looks like for you, here are some important points to help you achieve it.Steps to Success1. Know your Potential: In order to succeed at anything you need to see that you have the potential to reach your goals2. Understand your Goal: List three or four reasons why you want to achieve this goal? What is the result you want to obtain?3. Set Realistic Goals & Timelines: Often times we want overnight success. Make sure your goals and the time frame you have set are realistic.4. Create a Plan: This is by far the most important document of all. It allows you to keep track of everything involving your goal.5. No Shortcuts: Shortcuts are sloppy and compromise your work and your integrity. "Anything worth doing is worth doing well."6. Have Courage: Depending on what success means to you, you will have to have courage to stand up for what you believe and desire to do, even if it means disappointing others.7. Stay Motivated: It is critical to stay motivated when striving for the big goal of success. Motivational tools will help you stay on track.8. Be Passionate: Have passion for what you are doing and working toward. You will automatically put more effort into it.9. No Excuses: If you want something badly enough, there is always a way!10. No Fear: Fear of Failure is a normal emotion for everyone. How you get past the fear determines whether you experience success.11. Create Opportunities: Make things happen rather than waiting for opportunities to find you.12. Attitude: A good attitude will allow you to turn any bad situation into a learning experience. Staying positive and surrounding yourself with friends that share a positive attitude will help you succeed.13. Make the Best of Each Day: Make the most of every day and accomplish something - even if it's something small. Every baby step counts towards your success.14. Set Daily Goals: Setting daily goals keeps you on track. Seeing your progress will help keep you going.15. Accept Responsibility: You will have help in many instances; however, the bottom line is that you are responsible for the choices you will make.16. Be Open to Improvement: Accept that you do not have all the answers and more importantly, be open to recommendations from other people.17. Paint a Picture: A great way to keep working toward your goal is to picture what it will look like when you are successful.18. Identify Procrastinations: If you have a problem with procrastination, make a list of distractions you routinely choose, so you can recognize when you are off course and get back on track.19. Want versus Need: Do it because you want it, not because you need it. When you want something, it requires and creates intention, desire, and action – all powerful tools for being successful (doing something out of need usually leads to pain, stress, and frustration).20. Believe in yourself: Your confidence is what will get you through the challenges.21. Be Efficient: Use your time and effort wisely.22. Have Balance in your Life: Make the time for both hard work and pleasure.23. Have Fun: Fun is a crucial element of success, but one that often forgotten once we get into the process. Find fun and joy in what you are doing, even in the midst of the challenges.Copyright 2004-2005, Cecile PeterkinCecile Peterkin is a Certified Career Coach, Retirement Coach and Speaker. With over 17 years of managerial, leadership, empowerment counseling and personal development experience, Cecile specializes in helping Middle Managers overcome the "Middle Syndrome" of being stuck in a middle position in mid-life. To learn more about Cecile, visit her website at http://www.cosmiccoachingcentre.com or call 416-782-5001, Toll-free:1-866-486-4112.
Keyword : goal setting articles,self motivation tips,success strategies,business success

Associate with Losers And You're Courting Failure

Author : John Madden
"You will be the same person in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read." … Charlie JonesThink back and see if you can remember, by individual, all the people who had an influence on your life – good and bad. Do you find that the bad ones stick out like a sore thumb? And why is that?We are told that failure is sometimes good because we learn from it. I believe true failure is when we don't learn. If you continue to associate with people who are unreliable, are complainers, are unethical, or self-serving, there's a strong chance you'll catch some of those traits and become what they are.Why do we hang out with these loser types anyway? Well, some of them are friends and we all need a friend or two. Some are work or business associates, while others are clients; and then there may be a relative or two in there. Some of us have a strong need for the company of others, so we spend time with losers if we don't have any winner friends.How do you identify those in your life that should be avoided like the plague? Consider these:1. People who constantly complain about their company, their job, their spouse, the government, their neighbor, etc.2. People who are totally self-focused and rarely inquire about your day, your life interests, or your challenges - business or personal.3. People who promise to call on a specific day, or agree to meet you but rarely keep their word, and frequently cancel with vague excuses.4. People who promised to take care of something for you more than once, but didn't.5. People you don't feel comfortable with due to their pompous and inconsiderate behavior toward service people.6. People who've persuaded you to invest money in their enterprise, and you later discover their lack of ethics.But, you ask, "Surely some of those people can be changed with a little encouragement and some of my positive influence?" The simple answer to that is RARELY! It's like having a bad employee who is talented but non-performing and a troublemaker. So you give him a raise to motivate him to better performance – which lasts for a day or two, then it's back to normal. The correct solution? Get rid of him!A large portion of your success and happiness in life will be determined by the quality of the relationships that you develop in your personal and business activities. The more people you know and who know you in a positive way, the more successful you will be and the faster you will move aheadFive steps to meeting the right people - the winners – and avoiding the wrong people – the losers1. Be aware. Keep your eyes and ears open to read people quickly and know if he or she is someone with whom you'd like to associate. Hang out with positive people, who are optimistic and happy, who have goals, and who are moving forward in their lives. Get away from negative complaining people. As someone wise said, "If you want to soar with the eagles, you cannot scratch with the turkeys."2. Have a mindset of giving service and adding value to everyone you meet. Very successful people owe their success to the contribution they made to the success of others – even in some small way.3. Build and maintain a network of high-quality relationships. Networking is the great habit of the success-minded businessperson. Do that by joining your local chamber of commerce and your trade and industry association, and go to all the meetings and get involved in the groups' activities.John Madden is an international speaker, trainer, and author of "Leap, Don't Sleep!" (How to get different results by doing something different). He helps businesses and individuals become more profitable through customer service training, coaching skills for managers, stress management through humor, time management, and interpersonal skills. You can reach him at (316)-689-6932; e-mail john@LeapDontSleep.com ; web site: http://www.LeapDontSleep.com
Keyword : losers, winners, failure, business associates, plague, mindset, avoid, complainers, habit, whiners.

Seven Steps for Success

Author : Gerri D Smith
"The secret of success is to make what you are doing interesting to other people." - Florence Scovel ShinnWhen you set a goal, no matter how difficult it seems to accomplish, don't be afraid to take the risk. In life, some sacrifices are worth the challenge. So, stop making excuses. Life is too short to miss out on reaching for your goals and realizing dreams do come true. With a little effort and a little time on your part make a commitment to go for it!If your goals and your dreams are good ones a plan is required to make them real. Develop a time plan or a target. For instance, when you know the end result you wish to accomplish, you might list several mini targets to work on first.Your initial target plan might look like this:If you wish to lose 20 pounds, set up a weekly schedule. The first week you might start a daily exercise program. Second week- start cutting back on sugar and sweets. Third week - try and lowering your daily intake of calories, and so on until your goal weight is achieved.If you wish to take a trip to the south of France (or wherever), or if you desire to expand your business, the strategy would be similar. You may need to set up a weekly or monthly schedule to put a sum away toward the cost of the trip or the cost needed to purchase more space and more equipment for the business. You could cut back on your spending and put the savings aside, or take on an extra paying project until you reach your required goal. When you've accumulated sufficient funds for the trip or the down payment on the larger business space and more equipment, you can plan your next target.So that you may have a richer, fuller, more rewarding life, putting a system together to target your success and make your dreams a reality may include the following seven steps:¨ Set reasonable goals and target dates. Day to day living makes a lot of demands on you – your time, your physical and emotional energy, and your responsibilities. Do not set yourself up for defeat. Master one goal at a time and do not expect instant gratification. With the onset of the microwave, and then along comes the computer and the internet both giving ways to shortcut everything you do, trying to stay focused isn't always easy.¨ Be the master of your thoughts. Dream big. A small goal takes just as much time and effort as a giant one. Think your goal through and keep a record of your ideas and a time schedule of what needs to be done and when. Seek help where needed.¨ Choose goals that you are passionate about. Motivation and inspiration are powerful forces that keep you moving toward your goals. Positive attitudes are also helpful. And of course, never forget your faith and the knowledge that a higher power is available to help you reach your goal. Remember: Nothing is easy, and everything takes time – lots of it. So, be patient –it eliminates the stress.¨ Stay healthy and practice taking care of yourself - first. When you aren't feeling well, everyone around you is affected –your family, your friends and associates, and your business clients. Try to stay flexible and allow enough time to work on any project so you won't have to rush. The old saying: "Haste makes waste," is often true and may even cause a serious accident. And if you are a sole proprietor, when illness or accidents happen, this could mean a devastating loss of business income.¨ Don't be afraid to take risks. Fear is an internal blockage that you impose on your thoughts. It is a way of making excuses for not dealing directly with your anxiety. Or, you may not wish to face the outcome. What if it doesn't work out? Instead, replace your thoughts of fear with your own source of strength and let your inner support system guide you.¨ Keep a list of your qualities and values. What do you consider to be your most valuable asset? Do you know which of your qualities you need to make stronger? Make a list of those qualities and values that you think are the best you, those that make you feel most secure, and give you your highest self-esteem. Some of these may include: self-confidence, a forgiving nature, courage, being a good listener, trustworthy and honest, and a willingness to inspire others.¨ Keep your emotions under control. A peaceful attitude and an awareness of your surroundings go hand in hand with prosperity and success. When you are peaceful, your thoughts and actions come from a wide-awake place that is free of fear and confusion. You will see more clearly and act quickly. When you are at peace within yourself, you attract all that is good. You are more likely to bring success, happiness and prosperity to you. When you feel rich, you attract riches. And when you feel successful, you become successful.Make it your goal to attract success and prosperity!Copyright April, 2005Gerri D Smith is publisher and host of multiple Gateways to inspiration, motivation, and support for individuals, women business owners, and entrepreneurs. Gerri's internet resource offers ways to unlock the doors to your personal and business empowerment. Now is a perfect time to own your own business and discover some of the best ways to market a product. One is by letting your customers see it before they buy it. This concept is a sharing of information and is made available by the Internet. Best of all it's delivered right to your email doorstep. Why not invest in your future, now. To help you reach more of your personal and business goals, subscribe to Gerri's Free bi-monthly inspirational newsletter.Visit: http://www.distinctivebusinesswomen.com Or, send a blank email and your correct email address and mailto: gerri@distinctivebusinesswomen.com?Subject=EZ-Scribe
Keyword : value, power, business improvement, development, success, goals, power,inspiration, self-confidence

Opening Your Unlimited Potential

Author : Mary Kay Buttery
It is high time you know the truth about yourselves. You can be whatever you desire, you can do whatever you think or imagine. You have the magic key in your pocket, which opens the door to all your highest dreams and wishes, the key which opens the gates of prosperity and abundance beyond your imagination.In order to have prosperity in all areas of your life, you must be aware of it, and be open and willing to receive it, or you will actually stop the flow. Prosperity is not only having financial abundance, it is also having loving relationships and excellent health. How many of us say "I am prosperous in all aspects of my life and really mean it"? It is very important for us to be aware of our prosperity at every moment, always be grateful. This awareness brings us total peace and joy where we no longer see our self as separate from everyone around us. From this place and focus, everything we truly desire will manifest in our lives.
When we feel anxious we are focusing on the future, and often we feel anxious when we fear we will not have something we feel we need. Stop yourself when you feel anxiety, and notice focus on right now, everything is all right. Close your eyes and experience the calmness this brings you. As we experience bringing ourselves into the now moment more and more often, we begin to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are worthy and deserving, and we become aware of how abundance and prosperity naturally flow to us, spontaneously.It is very important to be aware of our belief system at every moment, because it manifests whatever is in our lives. The mind, and the beliefs in the mind, are powerful! A person says to himself, "Oh I could never do that!" And life reacts... "Oh, he doesn't think he can do that," and life never presents it to him. And another person says, "Oh I can do this!" And it is easily presented to them. The words that we say and our actions are the effects of our belief system. This is the thinking that keeps us in a constant rut, and gives us the feeling that we are going no where in life. When we begin to let go of what no longer serves us we make room for the love, peace and joy that we have longed for .One does not have to be taught or learn another form or technique. It is about choosing joy over fear, peace over turmoil, spirit over ego, and realize that when we do, we create an effortless and prosperous life.Mary Kay Buttery:
Mary Kay is an exciting and dynamic motivational speaker and trainer who engages her audiences with sincerity, humor and real-world experience.
Mary Kay doesn't just recite principles or theories. Her personal stories welcome you into her life . She speaks from personal experiences of dealing with personal adversities and finally building a prosperous life "balanced" with financial success, loving relationships, and vibrant health.She is a natural healer, passionate that people discover peace and simplicity in their everyday experiences. Mary Kay profoundly engages her listeners, while forever altering their perspective and their experience of life.Mary Kay is now hosting live events in the Las Vegas,NV area. Many of these are offered on a Love Offering basis and Drop-ins are welcome!! She is also available to schedule a phone consultaion. For more information about this and/or to learn more about her, you may contact her directly by calling 702-239-5451. e-mailing: marykay@sfgtd.com and be sure to visit http://www.sfgtd.com
Keyword : infinite abundance, prosperity thinking, wealth building, simplify life, effortless prosperity

Stress-less Success

Author : Ken Donaldson
The Eight Steps to Stress-less SuccessCreate a life vision and visit it daily.Live from the goals that reinforce your vision.Learn and implement your personal balance points.Practice boundaries, boundaries and boundaries.Participate in supportive communities.Feed your mind, body, heart and soul.Keep what is most important, most important.Consciously breathe and smile.
What is Flexible and Fluid, As Well As Being Before and After Hummingbird?"Take your work in life seriously...take yourself lightly." ~ C.W. Metcalf, author of Lighten Up."A merry heart makes a good medicine..." ~ Old Hebrew Proverb.Did you figure out the answer to the riddle? The words human and humor both start with the prefix "hum" which comes from the Latin term that means "to be flexible and fluid". Furthermore, you will find human before hummingbird and humor after hummingbird in the dictionary. All of which brings us to the connection between breathing, smiling, humor and being human.When you use healthy humor (which means that it is only directed at yourself, not others, and it does not have a negative effect on your self-esteem) you will invite laughter. Laughing will both put a smile on your face and make you breathe deeper. In fact, good deep belly laughs for several minutes have the same positive effect on the heart as an aerobic workout. Plus, it is very good "medicine" for your Soul.Norman Cousins found this out in his life. Potentials Media writes of him, "Cousins is often described as the man who laughed his way to health, a simplified explanation of the controversial healing method the author/editor employed when he was diagnosed in the mid-1960's as having ankylosing spondylitis. The degenerative disease causes the breakdown of collagen, the fibrous tissue that binds together the body's cells. Almost completely paralyzed, given only a few months to live, Cousins ordered himself checked out of the hospital. He moved into a hotel room and began taking extremely high doses of vitamin C and also exposed himself to equally high doses of humor.Slowly Norman regained use of his limbs. As his condition steadily improved over the following months, Cousins resumed his busy life, eventually returning to work full-time at the Saturday Review. Cousins detailed his journey in "Anatomy of an Illness."In December, 1980, some fifteen years after winning his bout with ankylosing spondylitis, Cousins suffered a near-fatal heart attack while teaching in California. As before, he made his body a personal laboratory. He refused morphine, changed his visiting schedule to ensure rest, and gradually improved. Cousins once again published his findings in "The Healing Heart" for millions to learn from and enjoy."Pretty powerful stuff, huh??!!I would like to invite you to find time to laugh at least three times every day. Start by standing in front of a mirror. Place your index finger on the tip of your nose. Push it back and up slightly. While holding it there, stick your tongue in and out at a rapid pace. If you would like to turbo-charge this activity, tell your friends about it and make it your "salute" that you all would use to accompany handshakes and hugs (with discretion, of course...some of the world just doesn't quite get the humor conversation quite yet...but I'm working on that).Years ago, I had the privilege of doing some "humor therapy" training with C.W. Metcalf. I won't be so dramatic as to say that it saved my life, but it certainly did change it. I learned to be less serious. I learned to let go of perfectionism (Well, at least some of it). I learned to lighten up. And that, my friends, is the power of consciously breathing and smiling through humor. Furthermore, your mood and energy are contagious, and that can't help but leave others feeling better as well.If you need more of a jump-start with your humor, then I would suggest clown noses and Groucho Marx glasses (I keep large quantities of both, in case any of my clients have emergencies). They are great to get you breathing deeply, smiling and laughing. They will help you to be more "human", at least as the word truly means. Make it as important and regular as brushing your teeth.And yes, this will carry you along even further on your journey of Stress-less Success.Ken Donaldson has been based in Tampa Bay offering counseling, coaching, and educational programs since 1987. His REALationship Coaching programs empower people to have more successful lives, businesses and relationships by building a powerful relationship with themselves first. Visit his website at http://www.REALationshipCoach.com for more information and sign-up his free e-program Illuminations and Sparks of Brilliance. Ken is also the author of the upcoming book Marry YourSelf First!
Keyword : self improvement, success, stress management

Informational Interviews: Tips for Success

Author : Sharon Teitelbaum
As a work-life and career coach, I regularly work with people who are engaged in a full-blown career change. Typically, this process involves identifying potential "next careers" through a variety of methods, and then seriously exploring them. Informational interviews are a great way to do this, but many career seekers are reluctant to pursue these kinds of conversations because they aren't sure what to ask.
Not sure what to ask the professional who's granted you an information interview? Here are some ideas to help you get the most out of your meeting. These questions are based on the assumption that you have sent your resume to this person ahead of the meeting so they have some idea of where you are coming from.Interview questions:
I understand the big picture of what you do. But day to day, what do you really do?
What's a good day like?
What's a bad day like?
What keeps you up at night?
What do you wish you had known before getting into this?
What's the best thing about this job?
What aspects of you (or skills) are growing in this job?
What would make me more marketable for the position of . . .?
What would make me more marketable generally to an organization like yours?
What other questions should I be asking you?
Can you suggest other people I should talk to?
Would you be willing to introduce me to them?
Copyright 2004, Sharon Teitelbaum.Sharon Teitelbaum, http://www.stcoach.com, a Work-Life and Career Coach, works with high achieving women with young children, people at mid-career, and professionals seeking greater career satisfaction and work-life balance. She coaches by phone and in person in Boston. Her newsletter, Strategies For Change, offers practical tips for work-life success.Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: Restoring Work-Life Balance, Sharon's first book, was published in 2005.A motivational speaker, Sharon also also delivers keynotes & workshops on work-life issues. Clients include Children's Hospital Boston, SunLife Financial, Arnold Worldwide, and many parent and alumni groups. She's been featured in national publications including The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, and Working Mother Magazine.Is your career off-track in some way? If you're considering hiring a coach to help you get back on track, contact me for an initial consultation at no charge.Married for 30 years, she is the mother of two amazing young women.
Keyword : project management, motivational speaker, motivation, time management, life coach, productivity

Success Lessons From Cricket That Can Improve Your Life

Author : John Watson
This summer (2005) huge crowds in England and Australia have been following the 5 test match series between England and Australia. The sides are evenly matched and have played some of the most exciting cricket seen for many years. Whether you play cricket or not, you will find some great success lessons in this series of matches.The first success lesson is that you and I must not dwell on our mistakes however humiliating they are. We have to be tough minded and just focus on the next ball to be bowled or the next project in our lives.Cricket is a team game but there are only 11 players fielding (bowling and catching the ball) and they are spread out on a large field. Any mistakes you make are seen at once by your team mates and the audience. The mistakes of the batting side are also clearly visible as only two people bat at a time.Kevin Pietersen, the promising England batsman, dropped two catches in the first test when he was fielding but then went on to a play a good batsman's innings. A commentator remarked that he must have a strong mind to get over the disappointment of dropping the catches enough to allow him to bat wellGeraint Jones, the wicket keeper, had also dropped two catches and again a commentator remarked that you can try to put your mistakes at the back of your mind but it is not that easy. The memory keeps recurring. However, Jones batted well in spite of the memory that must have haunted him. Later in the series, he also took some magnificent catches to make up for the ones he had dropped.Both captains, Michael Vaughan and Ricky Ponting, batted poorly in the first two tests and were heavily criticized in the papers. However, in the third test match both captains batted extraordinarily well. They both showed the fighting spirit to get over the depression they must have felt after the first and second matches and the criticism they were receiving daily.A second key success lesson is that you must not get distracted from your goal of scoring runs or anything else by mental or physical pain. In ordinary life, many painful things can happen which can demoralise you unless you are determined enough to keep going in spite of the pain. Keep focused on your goals and dreams whatever happens.Those who have not played cricket may not realise how hard a cricket ball is. It is especially hard and bouncy when it is new. Fast bowlers are usually given the new ball so that they can bounce it high to hit the batsmen in the head, throat, ribs or hands.Once the batsmen get distracted by the pain in their head or hands, they will be vulnerable to the next ball and will do something silly like knocking up a catch or failing to protect their wicket (the three stumps or sticks protruding from the ground) from getting hit by the ball.Brett Lee, the Australian fast bowler, was run out when he hesitated before running. He wanted to flap his hand to get rid of the pain. His index finger and then his thumb had been hit by fast balls. Later, however, in another match, he redeemed himself by batting well even though he had been hit hard on the head and the arm!On the second day of the first test England were bowling at the Australians who were having their second innings (chance to bat).However, the England bowlers were not harassing the batsmen enough. Boycott, the former great England batsman, commented that the ball should be whistling about the batsmen's ears and hitting their gloves:"The ball is new and hard. Now is the time to hit the batsmen before the ball gets too soft. Once the batsmen get too comfortable, they will start thinking: 'I fancy scoring a hundred.'"Even the tailenders or weaker batsmen who bat last have to suffer. The bowlers cannot allow them to stay in too long. Boycott continues:"Bowlers should hit the tailenders in the ribs or on the hand before they get too comfortable. That's what you have to do as a fast bowler. You have to hurt the opposition tailenders. Tailenders are alright if there is not a likelihood of them getting hurt. They're not too brave."On Saturday, the third day of the test, the Australian tail enders were batting. Gillespie, one of the tailenders, was hit in the stomach near the belly button. He grimaced in pain. A few balls later he was hit in the groin by a ball from Harmison and doubled over in agony. The ball was travelling at about 90 miles an hour. The crowd roared with laughter. Harmison had been aiming for the throat and the toes and the crown jewelsIt can take a good over (6 balls from the same bowler) or two to get focused after being hurt. But Gillespie is a gutsy player and practises hard at his batting. He realizes it is important for a tailender to score runs or at least stay in. He batted on bravely.The gutsy performance of the Australian tailenders had much to do with the Australian success in the first test match of the Ashes series. They had learned how to overcome sharp physical pain and recover their focus quickly.We all need to learn to accept the fact that we will suffer mental and physical pain at some point in achieving our goals. The secret is to forget the pain as quickly as possible and just concentrate on doing what we have to do.Further success lessons came from the third test match. One of them is that sometimes it is better not to listen to the critics whether they are outside or inside your own head.Australia had won the first test match and then England won the second test on the 7th Aug 2005 a date that will go down in history as the date of one of the greatest cricket matches ever played.England won the match by 2 runs only - an amazingly close margin. Much of the success was due to the England captain, Michael Vaughan, but Vaughan had not scored enough runs himself in this test or the first one. He could guarantee that the papers would be having a go at him in a big way. His solution was simple. He did not read the papers.On Thursday, England went in to bat. Michael Vaughan was in third and was under great pressure to perform. This is where his policy of not reading the papers paid off. He scored his first century of the series. The audience were up and out of their seats applauding as he succeeded. He had scored 13 fours (hits to the boundary).A captain who scores runs can lead by example. It is important that he is in form as actions speak much louder than words. In the end he made a large total of 166 runs with about 20 four's and at least one six (a hit over the boundary).He told an interviewer that before batting he had talked to the young boy who was the England mascot for the day. The lad had already had three heart by pass operations. This made Vaughan feel less tension as he realised that, at the age of thirty, he had so much to be thankful for and that scoring or not scoring runs was not that important in the whole scheme of things.He also decided to bat on intuition and not to think too much. He had already done his thinking and his practice. Once he was facing some of the best bowlers in the world, he would not have time to think. His plan worked and he smashed the ball all over the place.However, in the end Australia held out for a draw. They were saved mainly by the rain which meant that England had less time to get them out than was necessary.So then: keep going even if you make embarrassing mistakes in full public view. Regain your focus on your goals even if you have been hit by physical or mental pain. Even the great Jim Rohn lost a million dollars after he had signed a form without realising the liabilities involved. He soon regained his focus and the lost money. Refuse to fill your mind with the views of your critics and keep your life in perspective by thinking of those millions of people who are so much worse off than you. Finally,once your thinking has been done, take action wholeheartedly without worrying about the results.About the authorJohn Watson is an award winning teacher and fifth degree black belt martial arts instructor. He has recently written several books about achieving your goals and dreams.They can be found on his website http://www.motivationtoday.com along with a motivational message and books by other authorsEzine editors / Site ownersFeel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site but please include the resource box above.
Keyword : success,criticism,focus,goals,humiliation,tough,pain,persistence,perspective,action,intuition