วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Managing Stress - It Can Be Learned

Author : Michael Russell
Stress seems to be such a part of our lives today. Our personal lives are more complex and we seem to work harder than ever before. Support systems are often not readily available either. The result being that a major factor in a lot of people's lives is stress. A certain amount of stress may be beneficial, as it motivates some people to perform at their best, but excessive and unmanageable levels of stress with no resolutions in sight, is unhealthy and is when problems begin to arise.Fortunately it is possible to recognize when stress levels are unmanageably high, as it tends to manifest in either psychological or physical symptoms and sometimes both.Psychological signs and symptoms of stress:• Fluctuating mood swings
• Depression • Anxiety
• Difficulty sleeping
• Difficulty concentrating and poor memory
• Problems in your relationshipsPhysical symptoms of stress:• Stomach acidity
• Alternating bouts of diarrhoea and constipation
• Breathing problems
• Asthma
• Heart palpitations
• MigrainesAs soon as you begin to feel that you are no longer coping, things are getting on top of you and physically your health is starting to suffer, try some or all of the following approaches. This will help to identify and deal with the stress in your life.1) Try to identify the source of your stress and consider whether any changes can be made that will leave you in greater control.2) Learn to manage your time better. Make your work more manageable by writing a list of goals for the day in order of priority. Once these tasks are complete, tick them off. This will leave you with a sense of achievement.3) Focus on your breathing and learn to make your breaths progressively deeper.4) Avoid taking any illicit drugs such as crack, cocaine or ecstasy. They will worsen your feelings of anxiety and add to your stress.5) Become more health conscious and eat healthily. Drink alcohol and caffeine in moderation. By remaining in good health you reduce the tendency to illness and increase your ability to cope.6) Avoid substances that might increase anxiety, such as strong cups of coffee.7) Exercise more frequently and make it a habit. Exercise helps to calm you down by utilizing excessive amounts of adrenaline caused by the stress.8) Include some positive relaxation techniques into your daily routine. There are various therapies available such as yoga, massage, shiatsu, aromatherapy, reflexology and acupuncture.The following stress 'ratings' are linked to various events in our lives. This will also help you focus on the factors causing stress in your life. • Very high stress - Death of a spouse; divorce; marital separation; job loss; house move; personal injury or illness • High stress - Retirement; pregnancy; change of job; death of a close friend and serious family illness • Moderate stress - Large mortgage debts; parent-in-law problems; spouse starting or stopping work; problems with your boss and legal proceedings because of debt • Low stress - Change in work conditions; new schools; change in diet and eating habits; small mortgage or debts; Christmas or other family holidaysGet a good night's sleep is very important. Our body and our mind need adequate period of rest to function properly. The number of hours required for complete rest is different from one person to the next. Studies have shown that long-term sleep deprivation will eventually lead a person to a range of physical and psychological problems. If you are having difficulty sleeping then discuss this with your doctor. A mild hypnotic drug may be prescribed to help re-establish a sleep pattern. Overtiredness causes reduced productivity at work, as well as a major cause of road accidents. Insomnia may also be a manifestation of anxiety or depression, in which both require specific treatment.Avoid eating heavy meals, and avoid too much alcohol and caffeine late at night. Exercise during the day, which will leave you with a calming effect on your mind and body. Never exercise too late in the evening, as it will keep you awake rather than help you sleep. Practice meditation, yoga or relaxation exercises in the evening to help relax your mood leading up to bedtime.Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Stress
Keyword : stress
