วันเสาร์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Get In Touch With Your Competition © 2004

Author : Sonia Colon

We all know that competition is an ugly word but competitors are a fact of life in business. If your business can't compete with other businesses, don't start it. You have to have some type of an edge.You may have an excellent product or service, but if everyone else is selling a product or service similar to yours, just how much of the market can you expect to capture?You will have to learn everything there is to know about your competition and understand their marketing strategies.The best way to research your competition is to locate those you consider the largest threat to your potential business. Take the time to make a note of and acquire a feel for how your competitors deals with their customers, then answer these questions: What appeals to you most about their website, introduction, setup etc.? How large of an inventory do they carry? Are their products display eye-catching? What is their Alexa, Google, Yahoo, and AOL ranking? Are their testimonials positive? Are their prices in line and competitive with yours? What do they offer that you could not? Do they offer discounts? Do they offer a return policy? Do they offer any special services, such as free delivery? Which areas could do with some improvement and could you improve in these areas? Do they keep their online store up-to-date? What means of promotion do they use flyers, coupons, free gifts, etc.)? Next, create a profile of each main competitor. Know how they advertise, why their customers shop there, what areas need improving, and how successfully you can expect to compete with them.You may also develop ideas for improving and promoting your own business. Your success will lie in assessing and understanding your competitor's strengths and weaknesses.Evaluate and compare your own strengths and weaknesses to stay in touch with the competition and succeed in your business. Sonia Colon owns and operates Jimson Products. She is also a writer & publisher of "My Jimson Products Ezine". Subscribe by visiting her site at http://www.jimsonproducts.com. Sonia Colon is also a Senior Independent Candle Consultant, Visit: http://www.shopaffordableluxuries.us/scolon to join her team and be part of a generous financial rewards program!

Category : General Marketing

How to Compare Instant Approval Credit Cards

Author : Eric Wasselman
Instant approval credit cards are usually applied for online. Normally a response as to whether or not your application was successful is received minutes later via email. Generally, only persons with excellent credit can apply for these cards, although a few card issuers allow those with bad credit to do so. A few persons will sometimes still have to await an answer when they apply for an instant approval credit card, however.As with any other credit cards, when comparing instant approval cards the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) must be used. Questions that must be asked when comparing instant approval credit cards are: Is there are low or 0 APR as an introductory rate? If yes, how long does this introductory rate last? Some cards will have an introductory period of up to fifteen months, others will not.Some of these cards have an annual fee that must be paid unlike others do not. No credit card comparison can be done without looking at annual and other financial fees.Is the credit card really an instant approval one or just an instant decision credit card? These terms despite sounding similar, have two different meanings and understanding these differences is important for comparison purposes. An instant approval credit card means that your application was successful and you will receive a credit card in three to seven working days. An instant decision means that the bank gives you an 'interim' approval while they get your credit report from the relevant credit agencies.Some consumers expect to be able to start using their cards once approval has been granted, but unfortunately not many credit card issuers offer this facility. Most instant approval credit card holders will need to wait until they receive an actual card to start utilizing the card. A few banks however will offer issue a temporary card number under their instant credit plan. This allows the applicant to make online purchases immediately after their online application has been approved. Only a few banks still offer this facility because of fraud concerns.Most credit cards today come with free credit rewards' programs so any decision must include examining which cards offer incentives and how these stack up against similar types of cards.To compare instant approval credit cards, Eric Wasselman recommends Find Credit Cards.
Category : Finance:Credit

DJ/Producer Bruno & LeMoch announce their 2004 Winter Music Conference Schedule and two original productions.

Author :

>March 3rd, 2004

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

LASIK Surgery - How The Excimer Laser Works

Author : Nicola Kennedy

The Excimer laser is a form of ultraviolet chemical laser, and
is the key element that has made laser eye surgery possible.
Though Excimer laser was originally used in semiconductor
manufacturing in the 1970s, its use in eye surgery is now fairly
widespread. While working at the IBM research laboratories in
1982, Dr. Rangaswamy Srinivasin and his research team discovered
the potential of the Excimer laser in interacting with
biological tissue. An ophthalmologist, Dr. Steven Trokel,
explained its connection with the corneal tissue. And this was
how LASIK eye surgery came into existence.

There are several types of lasers, but excimer is the preferred
choice when it comes to corrective eye surgery. This is due to
the fact that excimer is the most technologically advanced laser
type. The excimer laser is, literally, a cool laser. That is, it
precisely removes the desired part of the corneal tissue,
without heating up or damaging the adjacent tissue. Quite
amazingly, the excimer laser is so precise that it is capable of
removing 0.5% of a human hair's width at a time. That fact
itself is enough for patients to believe that excimer-assisted
eye surgery is not a gimmick, but a true technology leveraged

With the computer technology at its disposal and the precision
offered by the laser, LASIK surgery has emerged as the number
one choice for patients with refractive error. Since the excimer
laser emits cool, minute beams that make precise incisions on
the surface of the cornea, a dedicated technician operates the
machine while the ophthalmologist performs the surgery.

Your eyes are your window to the world and your sight is the
most important of the five senses. Hence, it is all the more
imperative that, if need be, you go for an eye surgery that is
reliable and has minimal side effects. With the high-precision
technology of the excimer laser and the overall reliability of
the procedure, LASIK is the most prevalent of corrective eye

Category : Management

Iran The Unwinable War, with Unachievable Aims and Unbelievable Consequences

Author : Stephen J. Morgan

n class="view_date">March 2nd, 2007

Develop a New Habit

Author : Steven Aitchison
Research shows that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. That's 21 days of going to the gym every day or exercising in some way every day, 21 days to meditation, 21 days to eat healthily, 21 days doing, 21 days of anything. When you want to start a habit, don't tell yourself you are doing it for life, tell yourself (your conscious brain) that you are going to try it for 21 days. For example if you want to start the habit of meditating tell your conscious self that you are trying it for 21 days. Now, when you have completed this for 21 days your conscious mind has the choice of stopping it or carrying on, or so it thinks. Your neural pathways have formed already and you will more than likely continue with your new habit, you will have seen the benefits along the way your unconscious will want to continue if it has been beneficial.This can also work when trying to break a habit, however research has shown that the neural pathways to any habit could be lifelong and a cue or a trigger can cause us to start back up an old habit, like smoking.This is not a bad thing; we just have to be aware of our thoughts when we have given up a habit such as smoking.When starting or breaking any habit we tend to tell our conscious mind we are going to change and it's for life. Your conscious mind will just say is that right? I'm in charge here, I'll decide' so there will be a battle between your two sides of your conscious mind.If you tell your mind you want to try something for 21 days it won't be so unwilling to co-operate. This might sound a little strange when I say talking to your conscious' as it is your conscious talking to your conscious. We all know we have conversations with ourselves, should I go to the pub should I not, should I go to the gym should I not. There are a hundred conversations we have with ourselves everyday.When we want to start something or give up something, smoking for example, you might normally say to yourself right that's it I'm giving up for good'. Immediately your brain kicks in and says no smoking for life, and then it starts to think of all the situations it likes a good cigarette in; first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee, going out for a drink at night, at work when you're a bit stressed, just after sex etc. Your brain thinks 'lack of' instead of the benefits of. It can't really think as clearly about the benefits because it hasn't yet had the benefits of giving up smoking but it knows the supposed pleasures that smoking brings.So what habits can we start for 21 days?I have made a list for myself that I am in the middle of doing;Give up sweets for 21 days Meditate for 21 days Write in the blog every day for 21 days Get up before 6am every day (I've actually made this a habit now) Drink a vegetable juice for 21 days This is just a small list of the things I am doing. Feel free to share you 21 day new habits.Change your thoughts and you will change your life.
Category : Self-Improvement:Addictions

วันพุธที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

10 Easy Tips to Save Money on Your Home Heating Bills

Author : Greg Quincy
With energy costs higher than they have ever been in recent history, it pays to find ways to reduce your home heating costs. I put together some tips that are easy, cost effective and will all add up to reduce your home heating bills by a significant amount! You don't need to be Bob Villa either. Some take just a minute or two. Even small changes will add up to big savings over the course of this cold winter!Here are the 10 tips that I have personally used to save on my home heating costs:1. Head down to the basement and reduce the setting on your hot water thermostat by about 10 degrees. I wouldn't go below 120-115 degrees. The adjustment dial is typically a red knob towards the bottom of the water tank.2. While you are downstairs, make sure you have clean filters for your central air-heating unit. A dirty and clogged filter will force your unit to work much harder and stay on longer as it struggles to fresh air through the clogged filter to heat the rest of your house.3. Check your air ducts for gaps, leaks or disconnects. If you have any disconnects or leaks in your ductwork, your heating bills could be 25% higher than they need to be if these gaps were sealed. If you can't do this on your own, hire a professional. This expert can also clean your ducts for added efficiency.4. Adjust your thermostat a few degrees lower. Believe me, this really adds up. It may not seem like much of a difference to you, but you will notice the difference when you get a lower bill each month!5. While we are on the subject of thermostats, consider replacing yours if it is not programmable. The reason is, you can set the thermostat so the temperature setting in your house is lower at night than during the day, when you are awake. Also, if you are away at work during the day, you can set it for a lower temperature and have it programmed to start heating the house a little bit before you come home. These aren't too expensive and are easy to install and configure yourself.6. Insulate your attic. Heat rises, right? If your attic isn't properly insulated, all of the heat in your house (and your money) goes right through the roof. Literally! This does require some effort on your part, but following through on this tip will save you a ton of money over the years. Measure the square footage of your attic and buy rolls of insulation, greater than R-13 but no higher than R-30. Wear a mask and gloves when working with insulation because it irritates the skin.7. Find those leaks and cracks! If you were to add up all of the small cracks and holes in your house, they would probably add up to a small window, wide open, letting cold air in and hot air out. Take the time to find gaps in windows, doors, pipes, electrical and phone lines, your dryer duct and much more. Put weather-strips around your doors and windows. You can buy insulation foam that comes in a can with a straw at the top that allows you to fill in tight spaces. It expands to fill even the smallest cracks. Of all of the tasks, this was the most fun finding and filling these gaps all around the house.8. Close the vents in rooms that you do not use. I have one room in my house that is not currently in use. I shut the hot air ducts and made sure the windows and doors were properly sealed to limit energy leakage. Why waste your money heating up extra square footage of your house that you don't even use?9. Open drapes and shades for all of your windows during the day to let the sun heat your home. In the evening, pull them back down for added insulation. It is amazing how much direct sunlight streaming into your home helps to heat things up.10. Your fireplace can help and hurt your heating costs. If you are not using your fireplace, make sure the damper is closed. When it is closed, inspect the damper and feel if cold air is still leaking in. If you are using your fireplace, make sure the heating in the rest of your house is reduced or turned off.Taking the time to implement these tips will drastically reduce your home heating bills. You can get most of them done in just one day, but the payoff will last for as long as you live there! I followed through on each one of these tips and the following winter, my bills were about 25% lower, saving about $100 a month! So roll up your sleeves follow these tips and start saving money on your heating costs!Greg Quincy is the publisher of the website http://www.financialtipsforyou.com, offering his money saving tips and other personal finance advice that he has gained from working in the financial industry and the economic challenges of raising a family. Copyright © 2005 http://www.FinancialTipsForYou.com
Category : Home-and-Family

Viral Marketing - Your Key to Gaining New Clients

Author : Al Kernek
Email newsletters are an excellent means of promoting the products and services offered on your Website. Adding two simple tools to your newsletter can dramatically increase your readership.As well as Website promotion, email newsletters are an efficient means of retaining current clients by reaching out and touching them on a regular basis. They can also be very effective in gaining new clients.By providing pertinent, high-quality information in your newsletter, readers are more likely to forward your email to interested friends and relatives. This phenomenon, called "viral marketing," is a side benefit of email newsletters. To enjoy viral marketing, always include a link in your newsletter that allows visitors to "Send (it) to a Friend." The HTML code for this is usually free through your newsletter service provider or offered in your PC newsletter application. As your distribution list grows and your newsletter gets passed along, the odds of striking a chord with a potential customer dramatically increase.To capture new clients as your email gets circulated, also include a "Subscribe to Newsletter" link within the email. In other words, make it enticing and easy for new newsletter viewers to sign up for future issues.Viral marketing offers the possibility of geometric growth in the number of your newsletter subscribers as new clients also pass your emails along to their friends and relatives. To make it work for you, just remember to concentrate on providing attention-grabbing, useful information AND make your newsletter simple to forward to new prospects who can easily subscribe themselves.Al Kernek is a real estate broker and author of "Creating E-Mail Newsletters â€" A Practical Guide for the Real Estate Community." To learn more about increasing sales using low-cost, effective Internet marketing techniques, visit http://www.renewsletter.com
Category : Current Events

วันอังคารที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Rate of Change

Author :

&lt;b&gt;The Rate of Change&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;by: &lt;b&gt;Ieuan Dolby&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;There have been many discussions and grumblings in the Western world about the ever increasing pace of change and the ability of the brain to accept it. The Internet (something uninteresting that the American Military was developing) suddenly became a required household feature. Digital Mobile Phones suddenly give new meaning to taking photographs and all those gimmicks from James Bond Movies have long since been incorporated, accepted and forgotten about in daily life.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;When in 10 A.D., Roman Engineer Julius Sextus Frontinus said, &quot;Inventions have long since reached their limit, and I see no hope for further developments he never knew that his words would be repeated. Mr Charles Duell, The Commissioner of the United States Patent Office said nearly the same thing in 1899: He said:&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&quot;Everything that can be invented has already been invented.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The rate of change is moving upwards at an ever increasing pace. We no sooner buy a computer than it becomes obsolete with outdated programs, chips and hardware installed. We no sooner buy a mobile phone than a newer and better looking one becomes the latest in fashion. There is no appreciation of electrical goods; there is instead a rapidly reducing value on any item purchased as to make it worth almost nothing from the moment that it is bought.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The Human Nature&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;It is in our nature to keep up with life, to be on top and to be one step ahead of our peers, neighbors and friends. It is natural to want to be at the leading edge of the game, to know and to understand what another is talking about, to have the answers available and ready and on the tip of the tongue. The average worker does not want to be seen as slacking or lacking in knowledge and the fashion conscious do not want to be caught wearing old hat clothes. The Bankers and Insurance agents do not want to be caught unaware and the salesmen need the latest in shock patter. &lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;To read magazines and news reports, press-releases and advertisements in a vain attempt to keep up with latest trends, ideas and on-the-market availability is time consuming and exhausting. To have endless newspapers delivered to the door, to have magazines pouring in at the office and to always talk about the latest in an effort to not be caught out is damaging to family, friends and health. This though is what current society makes us do: to push out and reduce contact with social friends, to work overtime in an attempt to be on top and to read product magazines whilst the squash court remains neglected. Life, relaxation, enjoyment, socializing and hobbies become secondary to a constant search for updated knowledge.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The issuance of News has become one of the worst culprits in throwing information at the brain. And in such a way that the brain feels that it needs a constant update of this news even if it has just been heard. Breakfast starts with CNN blasting out over the cornflakes and the children become relegated to enforced silence incase an important news item is missed. This carries on throughout the day with endless repetitions of the same news being blasted out in a different way - through meetings, lunch in the canteen, in the office and dinner in the evening. Watched by thousands of goggled eyed desperados desperately looking for a nugget or change - so that they may not be caught unawares.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Through this requirement to be up-to-date children are ignored, conversations are minimal and relaxation and enjoyment are relegated to a harried five-minute episode before bed.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The Staggered Approach&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;For a human to cope with such change and newness it is necessary to cope in stages. To take onboard change and newness in a staggered manner and to only accept change when it is either required or wanted. To buy a personal computer at great expense only to find that within six-months new software is now available, that surpasses the configuration or ability of the machine, is heart breaking. To find out a mate has bought a better machine than you is soul-rendering. How much can a human take?&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;When the clippers docked in Liverpool after a lengthy two-month voyage from the Far East they broughe machine, is heart breaking. To find out a mate has bought a better machine than you is soul-rendering. How much can a human take?t tea and the latest in fashionable goods for the high society in Britain. They also brought news of people, events and happenings in far flung places. This news may have been four months old (if not more) before it reached the ears of a not very interested cobbler plying his trade on the high street. He might not get around to mentioning it to his wife for another three weeks or so and she may or may not mention it to the neighbors all depending on the state of her bunions at the time.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The next update that the cobbler might or might not hear about might be when the next clipper arrives in town a month later. Hopefully from the same port in the Far East and assuming that those onboard were sober enough to have taken note of life around them. It is quite safe to say that events before the turn of the nineteenth century existed for most in a staggered manner. Declarations of war were made, armies sent, battles fought, surrenders made and hands shaken before news of anything untoward arrived back home.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Yet today this summarizing of world events does not exist. The ability to know everything within five-minutes of it having occurred is readily available to everybody. An ongoing and smooth road takes society from the beginning to the end without hiccup or falter and as it unfolds. &lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;All this though is so unnecessary and the time spent listening, reading and catching up with trends, fashion, news, etc could be better spent. This is where the staggered approach has to be enforced and by self-policing can become a part of a good and enjoyable life.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;For Example: To go out and buy the latest in modern technology requires the buyer to be at the top of current events and trends. This requires allot of reading and conversations with the experts. The machine is then bought and it is at this point that further research, talk and listening can be dispensed with. At the point of payment, the need for the latest information on technology and software becomes superfluous and attention can now be turned to something more worthwhile. &lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;At the point of payment it is very important that the mind can now accept that from this moment forth it will always fall behind with regard to future innovations and changes. It is necessary that the buyer can accept that the recent purchase will slowly become obsolete and that his own knowledge will decrease during the time that he has that machine. &lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The buyer has in effect put is first foot up the staircase. He has researched, become knowledgeable and wise on the subject and made his purchase. There is now a waiting stage, a time lapse where the quest for knowledge becomes pointless. For the next few years or so the buyer can seriously enjoy using his machine for the value and output that it can give. It will only be necessary to place another foot on another stair when the machine fails: when it is blatantly obvious that it cannot keep up with modern trends or when someone points out that it is from Noahs Ark. At this point and after three or so years of abstinence the magazines can be bought, the talks restarted and the quest for information can be instigated and again up to the point when the next machine is bought.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;This approach to keeping up with trends can easily be applied to the receipt of news. Instead of watching the news on television, all day and everyday a half hour summary would do either in the morning or evening. The need to have newspapers delivered every morning to be faithfully read before work can be replaced by the Sunday edition which suitably summarizes a weeks events. Magazines like the Times, or Newsweek become priceless in their ability to subjectively give important news over a month period, without all the clutter, useless and unfounded opinions and errors that work through in daily news.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;This staggered approach will save money on newspapers, magazines, clothes, and telephone bills. It will give that much needed time for a conversation with the wife, a play with the children or a beer whilst watching the sun go down.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;To tackle life like a set of stairs rather than a steep path is the only way to accept the rate-of-change that exists around us and it would make for a far calmer and more rational human than the one that never has the time.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;table width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=#dddddd&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;About The Author&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Ieuan Dolby, from Scotland is an Engineering Officer in the Merchant Navy. He has been travelling the world for 15yrs on an endless tour of cultural diversification. Currently based in Singapore he writes various articles for magazines and newspapers and is working on a marine glossary.&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;mailto:ieuandolby@lycos.com">ieuandolby@lycos.com</a><p><p><p><p><p></td></tr><p></table>

Category : General Family

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Why Would Anyone Consider Network Marketing

Author : Bill Dunigan
Extra income, extra income, extra income!
Residual income, residual income, residual income!
That's it, plain and simple.This is a question I'm sure most people have asked. With the proliferation of products being thrust upon us from what seems to be a never-ending stream of marketing empires, what would motivate an individual to even consider network marketing? Certainly it's not the perceived rejection one feels when a potential customer says no. Nor is it the skepticism about reported incomes. Just what could possibly draw someone to pursue the field of network marketing?The first and most obvious answer is that there are people who are in sales as a career. Those are the ones who enjoy it and are good at the art of selling anything. They will be attracted to sales whenever they are looking for a new position. Most of us are not comfortable trying to sell to others.The second type is those who have not chosen sales as an ongoing career but are involved in it on a temporary basis while looking for a position in the field of their choice. The fact is, there are numerous sales positions available at all times and when someone needs work, it is the easiest type to find in a reasonably short time.Then there is a third category. Here you will find those who probably had no intention or interest in selling. These are the individuals who have chosen to become independent distributors. They become affiliated with a large company that provides them with not only product, but also a myriad of support and assistance. The better the parent company the better the support. In spite of some popular belief, these can often be quite lucrative and beneficial for those individuals who decide to pursue such a path. In order to really be successful in this type of system it is necessary to grasp the concept of marketing an idea and system of ongoing income possibilities tied in with a particular product line as opposed to simply selling a product to someone.This system has become the chosen format for a great many highly successful companies and has actually helped create numerous millionaires over the years. Today all indications are that it is here to stay and will actually continue to grow even larger. Many people still remain skeptical of it and the claims of high incomes, but the fact is that it really does work. These systems are usually quite simple to implement and anyone could do it. However, in order to succeed one needs to be willing to learn, either have or develop a positive attitude, be serious about it as a business, and probably most of all, be willing to teach and help others succeed. It is a learning and growing process.The challenge for most individuals is getting past the idea of focusing on product sales and realizing that the real profits are centered around teaching. Yes that's right, teaching. You see, that is the true basis of network marketing, people helping and teaching other people. Once we are able to grasp that concept everything changes. From this point on it becomes possible to actually build a network of ongoing distribution as well as that illusive residual income. That is the real prize!In today's world we have all become well aware of the fact that there is no such thing as a good reliable job, and forget about any benefits. We are all familiar with lay offs, downsizing and corporate failures. If we have not ourselves experienced one of these, we certainly know someone who has. That's what makes the residual income so vital, because it's not offered anywhere else, unless you are a recording artist, actor, author, etc. Where else can the average person work on something once and continue to be paid for that effort on and on into the future. This is the crown jewel of the income scale, especially in a time when all of the traditional businesses are cutting back on everyone's benefits. In fact in many cases, just when you reach the point at which your seniority with a firm entitles you to a few extras, that same firm is looking for any excuse to get rid of you; so much for thanks and loyalty for your years of dedicated service.Many of the companies utilizing this form of distribution, usually known as network marketing or multi level marketing, have selected this format because it is one of the easiest, most economic, and user friendly systems for introducing a product line to the marketplace. In addition it is a way of developing a solid, consistent, and faithful customer base for life. The distributors marketing their products are operating their own businesses and buying for themselves from themselves and at a discount. This is hard for a competitor to penetrate.Now that these types of marketing operations have been around for a while, we have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Fortunately there have been enough of the good ones to prove the validity of such a system. They have actually produced enough successful results that we can no longer say they are all a scam. Yes, there have been those who were not completely honest and aboveboard. However, they have not stood the test of time or the courts and are no longer around. There have been enough investigations and legal actions taken over the years so that now the cream has risen to the top. People are more sophisticated and savvy now and look a little deeper before jumping into things.In today's world where everything has become so much more expensive and everyone is looking for a better way and more income, this form of business venture is quite appealing. Where else can the average person develop a legal business of their own, work from home, with quality products, and step by step guidelines and support for a surprisingly nominal start up fee. Along with this come the normal tax benefits of owning your own business. In addition, you are your own boss, build up you business at your own speed, and decide when to give yourself a raise or time off.Don't misunderstand, these are real businesses and must operate as such, but the relaxed atmosphere and the ability to control things has unparalled appeal. If one is willing to work hard and adhere to the normal rules and protocol for operating a legitimate business, there is no reason why one of the many opportunities offered by these systems should not be seriously considered. If on the other hand you are looking for a get rich quick or no work success story than this is not for you. It will only work if you work it. There are no short cuts.Many distributors today are pre-qualifying potential or prospective new distributors for their organizations. No longer are they willing to work with just anyone. Today they fully realize just what they have their hands on and they know from experience what it will require on their part to train and bring along that newbie. With the amount of money to be generated and made, they are not willing to bring in dead wood. Their time is much too valuable to waste on someone who is not serious and willing to learn. Don't make the mistake of thinking this is small time stuff; far from it. There is way too much money to be made for them to waste their time with someone who doesn't really want it or isn't willing to put forth the effort. If an individual simply wants to have the retail profit or develop a few hundred extra dollars each month that's fine. However, it's the ones looking for larger incomes and asking for help both verbally and by their actions that will get the real attention and time from those who are already successful.What it boils down to is that they have already secured their own incomes and many times don't need to do much else. Most of them by this time, however, have become excited about seeing others achieve their goals and dreams and have discovered that when they stay away from it they actually become bored and miss it. That's where the new people really benefit. These successful individuals have paved the way and know the ropes inside out. They know what works and what doesn't. Where else can you get that kind of counseling and guidance free of charge?This type of business will be a learning experience and can be an enjoyable journey if you accept the idea that there are others doing this who know more than you, and they are willing to teach you and help you succeed. Remember, with most of these systems their continued success depends on them helping you to succeed. That is a difficult concept for most of us to accept. It is not what we are accustomed to. We have become skeptical and suspicious out of the need for self-preservation. What we are more used to experiencing is others not helping us for fear we might replace them or surpass them at the workplace. This type of thinking does not breed good will, honesty, support, relaxation, trust or happiness in the workplace. Is it any wonder that so many people are unhappy in their jobs and wish they didn't have to go there every day? How many times have you heard someone say, "If only I could start my own business"? How many times have you uttered it to yourself?If you are one of those who are truly willing to put forth the effort to learn and then develop a solid lasting business operation of your own with residual income, then you should give one of these types of business strategies a serious look. Try the products first and if you like them and the people you will be dealing with, than go for it. In most cases the start up fees are reasonable and you have nothing to loose.Think of it as a training ground in the beginning and learn everything you can. If the one you first choose turns out not to be for you, don't think of it as a big mistake. Instead, understand that what you have learned belongs to you. Take that knowledge with you and move on. Remember, I said it would be a learning experience. Most successful business people have tried several different times before finding the right place. You are customizing your future, and there may be several design changes along the way. Welcome these changes and realize each one takes you one step closer to your goal of independence.If you have taken the time to read all of this than you are probably looking for something yourself. Why wait any longer? Go ahead, do it. All you will be doing is kick starting the rest of your life the way you want it to be. Good luck, and don't wait any longer.If you would like to know what my personal choice in this matter has been, please feel free to contact me and I would be more than happy to discuss it with you. Remember I said it's about people helping people. I, like you, have looked for some time and had all the same questions and doubts. You can contact me from the safety of your own home where you are not cornered or trapped in a conversation. I have no intention of trying to convince anyone of anything. You are either seriously looking or your not. I don't want to waste my time any more than you do yours. It's just that simple. I have chosen to kick start the rest of my life, what about you?I am quite serious about this and there is far too much money generating potential to waste either your time or mine. So, as I said, if you are seriously looking, honest, and reliable, you may call me, and yes you will actually get me. I am in the USA Eastern time zone and you may call me toll free at 866-645-1193.Thanks for your time and attention, Bill.Most of my adult life I have been self-employed. Like many others I have looked around longer than I care to admit, for something to give me an ongoing income, regardless of my ability to work. Having seen friends with ill health, downsizing, and depression, it was time to take some proactive steps myself in order to avoid having the same negative things in my future. Without needing to give up anything, I have kick started the rest of my life.
Category : Business:Network-Marketing

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Planting Amaryllis

Author : Briscoe White
Amaryllis are great plants – they are easy to grow and have large, beautiful flowers in wonderful colors that brighten any indoor spot! They come in lovely shades of red, white, pink, salmon, orange and multicolored varieities. They have extended blooming seasons; flowering can last up to 8 weeks! All they need is a little warmth, regular watering and a little light! A great gift as well. Choose your pot: Make sure that the pot is "not too big, and not too small". Try to have at least 1" around the sides, as an Amaryllis likes to be snug. Use a good potting mixture and plant so that the top inch of the bulb is sticking out of the pot.Water sparingly at first: You want to make sure that you don't rot the bulb as it begins its growth. Once the stem has emerged you may water regularly, but make sure that it is never overwatered.Give it some sun: Once planted, place the bulb in a cool, bright location. A sunny window is great. Your amaryllis will grow quickly. Generally, the temperature should not exceed 65 degrees during the day and usually hover around 55 degrees at night. If you want to speed things up, give the pot a little warmth by placing on a radiator for bottom heatBlooms will appear in 6-10 weeks: Depending on the variety, you should see blooms within that timeframe. A second stalk will appear just after the first. As the spectacular blooms emerge, keep turning the pot to make the stalk grow straight. They have a tendency to grow towards the light. Once the flower appears, take it out of direct sunlight. And, water only when the soil is dry to the touch. Fertilize with a diluted mixture once a month.During and after flowering, water only when the soil is dry to the touch. Feed lightly with very diluted fertilizer once a month. Continue to feed all through the spring until mid summer. Blooms should last about two weeks, and will last longer if the plant is taken out of direct sunlight once it begins to flower.After flowering: Do not toss out your amaryllis. The bulb will rebloom year after year with just a little "aftercare". After blooming, cut the flower stalks to within 2" of the bulb and leave the foliage. Continue to water and fertilize regularly throughout the summer – allowing the leaves to fully develop and grow. Once the nighttime temperatures are above 50 degrees, place the pot in a partially shaded location where it gets only morning sun. In mid-September, bring the pot inside. Reduce watering to about ½ of what you had been doing, and leave the pot in a dark, dry spot. When the foliage turns yellow, trim to about ¾" from the bulb and the fun begins, again!In 1985, Briscoe White opened The Growers Exchange in an abandoned Texaco station on a busy urban street corner in Richmond, Virginia. The facility has grown over the years, and is now 5 distinct growing environments with 5 acres under cover. Briscoe has over 25 years of gardening experience. For further information on gardening products or gardening tips please contact Briscoe White at bwhite@thegrowersexchange.com.
Category : Home-and-Family:Landscaping-Gardening

Stock Markets Of The World

Author : ron king
"Stock Market" is a term that is used to refer both to the physical location for buying and selling stocks, and to the overall activity of the market within a certain country. When you hear "The stock market was down today," it refers to the combined activity of many stock exchanges.

The major exchanges in the US are the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the American Stock Exchange (Amex), and NASDAQ.

The correct term for the physical location for trading stocks is the "Stock Exchange." A country may have many different stock exchanges. Usually a particular company's stocks are traded on only 1 exchange, although large corporations may be listed in several.

Investing Around The World

There are stock exchanges located throughout the world, and it is possible to buy or sell stocks on any of them. The only restriction is the oparating hours of each exchange. Both the NYSE and NASDAQ, for example, operate from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

Other exchanges have similar opening hours based on their local time. When you trade on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, your order will be executed sometime between 9:30 pm and 4:00 am New York time.

The locations of the major stock exchanges of the world are:

Japan (Tokyo Stock Exchange)
India (Bombay Stock Exchange)
Europe (London Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, SWX Swiss Exchange)
the People's Republic of China (Shanghai Stock Exchange)
United States.

Stock Market Fluctuations

The economic health of a country will strongly influence its stock market. When the economy is doing well the market is bullish. Bull markets occur during times of high economic production, low unemployment and low inflation. Bear markets, on the other hand, follow downturns in the economy. When inflation and unemployment are rising, stock prices are usually falling.

Stock price fluctuations are also driven by supply and demand, which in turn are dependent to a great degree on investor psychology. Seeing a stock price rise rapidly can cause investors to jump on the bandwagon, and this rush to buy drives the price up even faster. A falling price can have a similar effect in the other direction. These are short-term fluctuations. Stock prices tend to normalize after such runs.

The stock exchange is only 1 of many opportunities for people to invest. Other popular markets include the Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX), the Futures Market, and the Options Market.

FOREX: World's Largest Market

The FOREX is the biggest (in terms of value) investment market in the world. FOREX traders buy 1 currency against another and can profit from small changes in currency value. Most FOREX trades are entered and exited in 1 24-hour span, and traders have to keep a close watch on the market in order to make profitable trades.

The Futures Market

The Futures Market is a market of contracts to buy and sell certain goods at specified prices and times. It exists because buyers and sellers of goods wish to lock in prices for future delivery, but market conditions can make the actual futures contract fluctuate considerably in value.

Most investors in the futures market are not interested in the actual goods -- only in the profit that can be realized from trading the contracts.

The Options Market

The Options Market is similar to the Futures Market in that an option is a contract that gives you the right (but not the obligation) to trade a stock at a certain price before a specified date. These options can be traded on their own or purchased as a form of insurance against price fluctuations within a certain time frame.

Stocks: Low Risk, Long-Term

All 3 of these markets are considered quite risky without considerable knowledge and experience. They also require close monitoring of market movements. Stocks, on the other hand, are less risky because movements of the market are usually more gradual. Although short-term investment strategies are possible, most people view stocks as long-term investments.

PHP:Form Series, Part 1: Validators & Client-side Validation

Author : Dennis Pallett

Introduction Welcome to the first part of a new two-part series
on the PHP:Form web component. In this part, I will give you an
introduction to PHP:Form, its features, and why it is so useful.
I will also discuss the inbuilt validators that PHP:Form
supports. In the second part I will discuss the more advanced
features of PHP:Form.

What is PHP:Form? PHP:Form is a (new) web component, developed
by TGP PHP Scripts (http://phpscripts.pallettgroup.com). It is
designed to help you create forms with a lot less effort. When
you're creating a new PHP script, you will undoubtedly have to
create forms to allow input to be entered. There is (almost) no
PHP script without forms, and forms usually require solid
validation to make sure there are no security leaks. It would be
nice if those forms are accessible as well, but this often gets

We've all had to create forms again and again. And every time
we've had to write those validation functions. I'm sure you
remember... if (empty($blah)) { echo 'Invalid'; }, etc. After a
while it becomes a really boring and mundane task, and most of
the time we don't do it properly either. One of the hardest
things to do is to return error messages, indicating what is
wrong, and allowing visitors to fix their mistakes, without
having to re-do the complete form. I used to simply tell them to
hit the back-button, after returning the errors, but this is
obviously a not-so-good way of doing it.

Thankfully, that's where PHP:Form steps in. It handles all the
boring parts for you, and does it properly as well.

PHP:Form has support for inbuilt validators, which means you
only have to use a simple HTML-like syntax to add new validation
logic to a form. With these validators also comes automatic
client-side validation. All the necessary JavaScript is created
for you, and there's nothing you need to do. Another remarkable
feature of PHP:Form are so-called "formtypes", which are
basically form templates. These allow you define form templates,
which can be re-used over and over again.

Let's have a closer look at the validation part of PHP:Form; the

Inbuilt Validators & Client-side Validation Before we look at
the validators, let's first look at the basic PHP:Form syntax.
It has a really simple syntax, because it's basic HTML. To
create a new form, use the tags, like so:

... form html goes here ...

That's all that is really necessary. But you must also tell the
form to display, using PHP, like so:

$_FORMS->display ('example');

Those two things are the only things absolutely necessary to
create and display a new form. Of course, nothing will be
displayed yet because you haven't created any input fields. To
see a simple form in action, have a look at demo 1

Let's move on to validators now. Validators are used to validate
form fields, and just like the form tags, they are simple html,
for example:

Your error message

You can either place validators in between the form tags, or
outside the form tags. If you place them outside the form tags
you must specify the form name (using the 'form' attribute).

A simple form with a validator would look like this:

enter your name


When using validators, you will probably want to check if a form
validates or not. To do this, use the validate() method, as seen
in demo 2:

If ($_FORMS->validate('example') == true) { echo 'It
validates!'; } else { echo It 'doesn\'t validate!'; }

Client-Side Validation PHP:Form also automatically generates
client-side validation (JavaScript) when using validators. It
natively supports the required, numeric and regex validators,
but it doesn't (fully) support the callback validator. This
isn't really possible either, because the callback validator
points to a function on the server-side. But if you create a
JavaScript function with the same name as the callback function,
it will work, and it will run the JavaScript function you
created. This gives you great power, and means you can even
using advanced JavaScript functions and Ajax to validate data.

If you would like to see the client-side validation in action,
have a look at demo 2 again, and make sure you have JavaScript
enabled. You will probably notice how fast the errors are
returned, and that no refresh happens at all. That's the
client-side validation.

Conclusion In this first part of the PHP:Form series I have
shown you what PHP:Form is: an extremely neat PHP form
component, that is really useful for building web forms. I have
been using it myself now for a few months, and I still can't get
over how great it is. It has really simplified things, and I can
focus on the important stuff. If you're still in doubt, have a
look at the PHP:Form product page for more information and
demo's (http://phpscripts.pallettgroup.com/phpform/?ref=phpit).

I have also shown you exactly what validators are, and the
different types. Validators are the most important part of
PHP:Form, and you will probably use them in every form. You can
some really interesting things with them, and when you combine a
few validators it's possible to create a extremely secure form.

In the next part I will have a look at "form types", the form
templates of PHP:Form. I will also have a look at setting
default values, using the set_value() method of PHP:Form.

If you're interested in purchasing PHP:Form, don't forget to use
the special PHPit coupon code: phpit PHP:Form product page

Category : Diabetes