วันเสาร์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to Catch Bass Fish Successfully Every Time

Author : Baalaji Baashyam

Bass fishing is an enthralling sport. Every one will aspire to come out successfully in any sport or game. To be a good ang Text | Downloadler one should know the information that is discussed below.Depth of the waterAny water body will have three layers. They are deep layer, middle layer and surface layer. The surface layer will be warmer than the middle layer and the middle layer will be warmer than the deep layer. Before heading for the bass fishing you need to know the existence of the three layers and should be able to find out the temperature of the three layers. Thermometers can be used effectively to measure the temperature of the different layers of water.Bass fish prefers comfortable temperature. Hence in hot weather condition the bass fish will remain in the deep layer as it will be cold. During cold weather condition the bass fish will try to remain in the middle or top layer.Temperature of the waterThe metabolism of the bass fish is influenced by temperature of the water. There is no second opinion that bass fish can withstand temperature fluctuations better.Bass fishing can be done thorough out the year when the temperature of the water is around 70 -75 degree Celsius. The bass fishing is possible even when the temperature is around 32-39 degree Celsius. When the temperature of the water becomes cold the movement of the bass fish is getting slower. This piece of information will help the anglers immensely to get big boog is possible even when the temperature is around 32-39 degree Celsius. Try and know as much as possible about the nature and habitat of e fish you can successfully select the place for bass fishing. Once the place is selected thinking in the lines of bass fish will increase you chance of enjoying a successful bass fishingMapKnowing preferred habitats of the bass fish is possible though the map that contains the complete details of the place selected for the bass fishing. You need to find and select a map that has even minute details like length, depth and slope of the surface of the water body. Any beginner who goes follow the above mentioned process will surely know where and how to catch the bass with success every time he ventures into water. Signup now at Bass fishing Tackle Guide and receive a FREE copy of our best selling e-book "A complete guide to bass fishing"

Category : General Hobbies

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Nsauditor: Network Security Auditor

Author : Varuzhan Kankanyan

Conducting a network security audit isn't very easy the first
time you do it. You've got to either purchase a commercial audit
package and learn how it works or assemble your own adhoc
toolkit from open source offerings. Either way, you're looking
at hours of effort to get even a quick look at the security
condition of your network.

Now you can conduct an initial audit in just minutes, with a
total cash investment of only $37, thanks to Nsasoft's Nsauditor.

Nsauditor is a network security scanner that allows to audit and
monitor network computers for possible vulnerabilities , to see
all open ports on your system and owner program names, including
the process loaded modules, kernel objects, memory details,
remote address and state of connections, dns name, country where
from, service associated with connection, possible trojans
associated with port and service description. All the mentioned
features are provided with a user friendly graphical
interface.The product contains a built-in database of known
vulnerabilities, which allows you to select the items for
scanning and add custom entries. Nsauditor can reveal and
catalog a variety of information, including installed software,
shares, users, drives, hotfixes, NetBios, RPC, SQL and SNMP
information, open ports. It can also audit password and security
policies as well as make a variety of attack probes, such as
stealth port scans, HTTP/CGI server auditing, registry auditing.
In addition, over 35 network tools for scanning, sniffing,
enumerating and gaining access to machines, dns and whois
lookups, Finger, e-mail validate, Traffic emulator, HTTP traffic
generator and intrusion detection system based on security
events log analyzer are included. The program can sniff and use
brute-force and dictionary attacks on LM and NTLM password
hashes and expose the insecure ones. Nsauditor does OS detection
and automatically creates OS fingerprints which are not included
in database. The outputs of scanned reports are in HTML and XML


Category : Meditation