Author : Clint Hough
In Diagnosing Mercedes Benz drive Noise it could be as many as four differant noises that could be the cause of the problem for your Mercedes Benz ! Starting with the C/V joints/universal joints defective joints may cause a clicking noise from driveline play and may be improperly diagnosed as drive axle problems.Axle shaft noise is similar to a gear noise when the ring and pinion bearing whine .Axle shaft bearing noise will distinguish itself from other gear related noises and occures in all driving modes the drivetrain noise will persist with when driving at the problem speed with the transmition in neutral.A howling or whining sound can be caused from the ring and pinion,caused by improper gear pattern or gear damage caused by improper bearing preload and will occur with the sound increasing with rpm.A whine will occur in driving is usualy coased by excessive clearance caused from excessive gear wear and or by a damaged tooth on the coast side of one or more of the teeth on the ring gear,even a small nick on the ridge on the edge of the gear is enough to cause the noise.This condition can be corrected by cleaning the nick on the gear with a smalll grinding wheel or if too badly damaged the gear must be replaced And make sure to remove all particles from the housing so not to damage gear in the future.A bearing noise sounds of a high piched sound simular as a whistle .It usualy occures from the malfunctioning of the pinion bearings! These bearings will whine when they are completely dry of lubricant, These bearings will whine at all driving speeds and to distinguishable from gear whine which will come and go with speed changes.You can get your Mercedes Benz parts from and also where you can find the cheapest prices on the internet!Clint Hough is an author and web site publisher on imported car parts and you can get all your Mercedes Benz Parts from our on line catalog for all your Mercedes Car Parts needs at Imported car
Keyword : Mercedes benz driveshaft,axleshaft,bearings differential,wheelhubs,
วันศุกร์ที่ 29 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551
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