วันพุธที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Create Your Own Curriculum

Author : Camilla Ricketts
You don't have to shell out hundreds of dollars for a homeschool curriculum. With a little research you can create your own curriculum without breaking the bank.It takes time to create your own curriculum but the advantages far outweigh the inconvenience in my opinion. When creating your own curriculum you can change things around quite easily. If you find a better resource for history you can implement it quite easily.Here is an example of how our homeschool curriculum works. First, we pick our literature selections for the semester. Our goals are usually to finish five to seven books per semester. Our Vocabulary and Spelling lessons are incorporated into Literature. By looking up the unknown words we encounter in our literature selection we build our vocabulary. My kids write the words and definitions in a notebook and those words are their spelling list for the week. We study the time period of our literature selections for History. Researching the important people and places of the time period usually gives us more history lesson ideas than we have time for. Then we add Science by researching the scientific discoveries of each time period. This always leads to interesting discussions.You can study a certain subject in depth or just learn the important facts based on the level of your child's interest.We do use standard math worksheets, but we try to turn the math lessons into something interesting by building something or using math to figure the percentage of allowance the kids are allowed to keep.The key to creating your own curriculum is listening to your child's interests and adjusting your curriculum to fit their needs.Camilla Ricketts is a homeschooling mother of two boys ages 9 and 14. For more homeschool resources visit thefrugalhomeschoolblog
and hslit-collections.com
Keyword : homeschool, homeschooling, homeschool curriculum, lost cost
