วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Health Constituent – The Presbyterian (University) Hospital School of Nursing

Author : Milos Pesic
The New York Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing is the nursing course constituent of the University of Columbia and Cornel. Its Presbyterian Hospital-base currently has 4 distinct locations in the New York metropolis offering several nursing care specialties ranging from primary care to veteran quaternary nursing. With this, the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing is able to provide its students ample opportunities and exposure to learn and experience their profession.The Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornel is one of the largest and most appreciated hospitals in New York. Both the Presbyterian Hospital- Columbia University Medical Center (inclusive of the Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital and The Allen Pavilion) and the Presbyterian Hospital- Weill Cornell Medical Center (inclusive of the Phyllis and David Komansky Center for Children's Health and Payne Whitney Westchester Section) provide state-of-technology and excellence in inpatient, emergency ambulatory and preventative treatment in all areas of health care. And its outstanding performance is embodied and enhanced by its component institution, the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing.As the academic medical center of the Presbyterian University Hospital, the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing determines to pioneer in the study of innovative new treatment modalities not only to set a new standard of excellence in health care but also to raise the level of its hospital's medical and nursing performance. Its feat in the health care profession is heightened by its academic and research partnership with 2 Ivy League medical schools, namely the University of Cornell and Columbia, a collaboration that advances the frontiers of medicine and nursing against the wide spectra of human diseases, and making the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing one of "America's Best Hospitals" recognized by U.S.News & World Report.To keep with its superior culture and tradition in health care, the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing created the Excellence in Nursing Recognition program in 1987 to recognize and encourage nurses' excellence in their clinical practice and professionalism both in hospital work and in community care. The nurse recognition award categories at NewYork- Presbyterian Hospital- Columbia University Medical Center include: Clinical Excellence Award for Staff Nurses, Clinical Excellence Award for CN5's and above, Clinical Excellence for Nursing Leadership and Nurse Managers, Clinical Excellence-Rookie of the Year, and Excellence Nursing Leadership for Nurse Managers. The nurse recognition award categories at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital- Weill Cornell Medical Center on the other hand are: Excellence in Clinical Nursing Practice for Staff Nurses and Senior Staff, Nurses or Nurse Clinicians in each clinical department, and Excellence in Nursing Leadership for Advanced Practice Nurses (NP) CNS, or Instructor, ANM, and above, while the Excellence in Clinical Nursing Practice Awards at The Westchester Division are: Staff Nurses, Senior Staff, Nurses or Nurse Clinicians in each clinical department Award, and Excellence in Nursing Leadership for Advanced Practice Nurses (NP) CNS, or Instructor, ANM, and above.Its spotless reputation, outstanding patient health outcomes, and quality nursing has included the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing in the prestigious Honor Roll offering accredited learning environment suitable for its undergraduate and graduate nursing degree programs – making it a credible constituent with all those who share the same passion for health care excellence.Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Nursing Education web site. For more articles and resources on Nursing related topics, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nursing Education and much more visit his site at:=>http://nursing.need-to-know.net/
Keyword : nursing, nursing home, nursing job, nursing school
