I have been writing blogs about my home schooling experience. I also have been searching the web for other home schooling experiences. There are many ways to home school. The most important thing to remember is that it is your personal choice. Whether you home school from an online source, video classroom, workbooks or oral teaching from a book, is totally up to you.Remember that there is a lot of help in your community. People who also home school, usually have a group, where the children can interact together at functions. If you do not like that idea, then you can go for help on a home school website. There are many places to go.I have found that your ideas for your own children are the best. You know your children better than anyone else. You know their limits, what subjects they like the best, and their individual personalities.
When you start home schooling try different ways of teaching. Let your children, if they are older like mine, add some of their ideas. It really gets them interested in what they are doing.Remember to keep it organized. This is important. If it is unstructured then it will not work. Children need structure. Teaching them organization will help them in their own adult lives.Try to add classes, other than the norm, to the schedule. I mean like, photography, band, cooking, etc. This gives the kids something different to look forward to. Have fun and enjoy the day.I also found a lot of helpful websites, not only for me, but for my children to use too. I am sure there are many more, but here are the ones we use;storeforknowledge.com
www.ks-connection.org (library of congess pen pal site)
www.nationalgeographic.comI hope you find these helpful.Please visit my blog site: to http://www.writingup.com/blog/vicki-bennett
Keyword : home schooling,home school,home school curriculum,home schooling course