วันจันทร์ที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How do You Know When You Forget Something if You Cannot Remember What You Are Looking For?

Author : Lance Winslow
Have you ever had a conversation and you forgot something and wondered why you forgot that particular fact at all? Well even more interesting is that if you forgot the fact how did you even remember that you knew it in the first place you see? Well many would say if you completely forget something and cannot even remember you have stored that information in the first place then that is a sign of Alzheimer's, but you would not know you are coming down with the disease because you would not have remembered the thing that you no longer know, you know what I am saying here?Now then have you ever considered why you forgot something? Perhaps the circumstances you learned it in are no longer present and it was attached to another piece of data, but during your conversation you came looking for it going the wrong direction and there simply was no connection there to get to the information, yet if you quickly considered or placed yourself in your mind at the point at which you received that information, you could more easily and probably retrieve it rather easily you see?If you forgot something and you know you forgot it you are not going crazy and there is nothing wrong with you, but you might needs to think on that thought and relate it to other thoughts to help create multiple connections to the information you might need at a later date. So consider this in 2006.Lance Winslow
Keyword : forgetting something you know, remembering that you forgot, losing your mind, crazy
