Author : Sue Bennett
Learn Easy and Effective Time Management For StudentsTime Management Tips for a College StudentIf you have problems on deadlines and commitments or sometimes you wish for a twenty-fifth hour in a day or for an eighth day in a week, then do not worry because you are not alone. However, you can still do something on that most valuable resource which is Time.You can never regain time once you lost it. In order to develop and advance in your personal life, you should wise in using your time. By the time you get old you could always go back and reminisce about your beautiful memories and activities. Always bear in mind that a well-spent time is more valuable than gold. Time management is a very vital instrument that can help you in achieving success in school, job and other personal undertakings.Normally, what comes to our mind when we speak about time management? Maybe, the executive who is so busy or owners of small business who are stressed out. Or a soccer mom who has a van filled with kids. It is somewhat possible that all of these will come to your mind. Nonetheless, have you taken into consideration that a college student will fall into this group? It is indeed true. A college student is not exempted from such situation.Let us consider the lifestyle of a typical college student. A college student is still very young in mind and heart, enjoys a social life which is so challenging, still learning the ins and outs of business accomplishment. As a college student you are supposed to manage your schedule properly, attend classes, study the lessons, do your homework, and perhaps perform a part time job, an active participation in extra curricular activities. A college student will always find time to be with friends, and family.With all these responsibilities, the college student will find it difficult to manage especially at a young age. Balancing the rigid schedule will be impossible for a college student to do it. Remember that if a college student will have inappropriate time management, then it will have lasting effects as shown by the failure of grades. Hence, the necessity of time management.Actually, time can not be managed. You can not slow down the time nor to make it faster or produce it. Man exists in time and space. Time management is when you are able to manage your self by making use of the its basic principles. Self management will make time not as an opponent, but as a friend.There are some benefits you could gain from time management. First, you will be able to have more accomplishments. Second, you will be able live an ordered life. Third, there will be more extra time. Fourth, you will be able to meet deadlines. Fifth, procrastination will be overcome. Sixth, the reduction of stress.Although, time management is a common necessity, this is one of the features wherein we do not have a standard which will be applied for everybody. The time management for a student in college is very much different from the time management for a worker in the office, soccer mom, or an owner of a business.The primary element for the success of a college career is surely a good quality of time management. It is very basic for you as a college student to be wise in making schedules and how to manage the time.Say for example, you fail to meet deadlines and important appointments. There will lead to conflicts and complications to your social and academic endeavors. Of course, you will experience more frustrations, guilt, anxieties and other horrible feelings.It is necessary for you to have a clearer idea on how you spend your time, before you manage your time. There are several time management tips for a college student.· Follow strictly your daily plan, whatever your new schedule will turn into a habit.· You should plan in order that your schedule will be organized.· There should be proper listing of your short and long term goals.· Take into account the best time for you to be more productive.· You should study first the more difficult subjects.· In order to maximize your effective performance, you should combine activities.· Spare time must be used properly.· Be true to yourself and allot some time to talk with yourself.· Make it a habit to say no, when you are supposed to say NO to somebody.· Avoid being a perfectionist· You should know how to do away with distractions and interruptions· There is always a time for everything.· Avoid the habit o postponing things which can bed done now.· In everything you do, you should be properly organized.· Be calm always.· Be a fast reader and selective.· Develop the habit of questioning everything that is included in your list to do.· Make use of a calendar for your schedule.Here is one of the easiest ways to Manage Your Time ... Simply Visit this site: www.TimeManagementForStudents.comSue Bennett is a time managment consultant, business woman and publisher.
Keyword : time management, college students, college timetable, time manage, time for party, time college
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