n class="view_date">November 21st, 2004ends A Hand To Support Hollygrove, Home for AbuRaised within an artistic community in Hollywood, actor Eric Etebari learned firsthand about the plight of abused children when he was just 6 years old. While attending Vine Street Elementary School, Eric had several of the kids from the Hollygrove Home for Abused Children as his classmates!Best known for his role as the enigmatic Ian Nottingham in Warner Bros./TNT's "Witchblade" -Etebari's advocacy for abused children is also due, in part, to the example set by his great grandmother, who fostered sixteen boys on her farm in Bucks County, PA.In December 2001, Eric's devoted fans rallied to support a charity of his choice, and launched their 1st annual Hollygrove Auction Campaign with items from Erics projects. To date, the Eric Etebari Fan Club (<a href="http://www.EricEtebari.com" target="_blank">http://www.EricEtebari.com</a>) has contributed over $20,000 to Hollygrove's Theatre Arts Program.Hollygrove has now launched its own entertainment memorabilia auction on eBay (<a href="http://www.Hollygrove.org" target="_blank">http://www.Hollygrove.org</a>) which runs from Monday, November 15th through Monday, November 29th and is presented as the combined effort of AOL, InStyle Magazine and Hollygrove's Board Member, Lauren Shuler Donner. "This is a kick ass auction!" Eric exclaims. "It's a validation of the motion picture community coming together to support and offer hope for a brighter future to society's challenged children. We want them to know they are special and that we care about them."Etebari's contribution of autographed "Witchblade" memorabilia, joins over 362 items donated by Paramount, Universal and Warner Bros. Studios-including the mask that George Clooney wore in the 1997 film "Batman and Robin" and the1957 Marilyn Monroe Final Shooting Script "The Prince And The Showgirl." There are scores of personally signed items donated by a star-studded list of TV & film personalities including: Jim Carrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Richard Donner, Hilary Duff, Mel Gibson, Tom Hanks, Nicole Kidman, Avril Lavigne, Susan Sarandon, Will Smith, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Walker, John Woo and Denzel Washington. Don't miss the unique assortment of items from the films: Shrek, the X-Men, and Spiderman, and specialty pieces from TV shows including, Friends, Star Trek, Witchblade to name a few.Claim YOUR special slice of Hollywood magic now - by going to <a href="http://www.Hollygrove.org" target="_blank">www.Hollygrove.org</a> or directly to eBay <a href="http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZhollygrovekidsQQsatitleZQQsorecordsperpageZ25QQsosortorderZ2QQsosortpropertyZ3" target="_blank">http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZhollygrovekidsQQsatitleZQQsorecordsperpageZ25QQsosortorderZ2QQsosortpropertyZ3</a>Please Note: Eric's donated items end on Ends Nov-26-04 18:09:56 PST. (various items close from Nov. 25 thru Nov. 29) So put down that drumstick and get your bid in before it closes! The history of Hollygrove:Founded in 1880, originally known as the Los Angeles Orphans Home Society, Hollygrove Home for Abused Children is the oldest, non-sectarian facility for children in Southern California. Since its inception, Hollygrove has cared for more than 15,000 children. Today, Hollygrove serves abused children who have been removed from the custody of their families by the court. Very often, these children suffer from a combination of disorders including post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and cognitive disabilities. Hollygrove provides a safe & secure environment, with a nurturing family atmosphere. Hollygrove is a place where children can learn and grow, while healing their emotional and sometimes physical wounds. Hollygrove's mission, in addition to crisis intervention and meeting immediate needs, is to place these deserving children in stable, permanent homes so that they can become healthier, happier people who will be able to contribute positively to society.To contact Hollygrove directly, please call: Voice: 1.800.864.KIDS (323)463-2119
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