Author : Dave Robinson
Do you know if your car or motorcycle has a carburetor? Or, perhaps you are trying to figure out how in the world you are going to fix whatever is wrong with yours. The truth is that a little knowledge never hurt anyone. So, let's take a closer look at what the carburetor is and what it does. You may not even have one to deal with! But, if you do, here are some facts to help you along your learning way about carburetors.What Is The Carburetor?The carburetor is a device on the engine of a car or other vehicle that mixes fuel with air. These are featured on internal combustion type engines. In most cases, the carburetor is no longer used though. Most cars now use fuel injection as opposed to the use of a carburetor. Nevertheless, the carburetor is still used on many small type engines and in older or specialized vehicles. Cars built after the decade of the 1980's, no longer use a carburetor, but use an electronic, computerized fuel injector instead. In many cases, the motorcycle still used a carburetor.In most cases, engines that use carburetors only use one. But, in high performance vehicles and those with more than four cylinders, there may be more than one carburetor used. But, how does the carburetor actually work?Have you ever heard of Bernoulli's principle? It says that moving air has a lower pressure than air that is still. That means that the faster the air moves, the lower the pressure will be. The throttle controls the amount of air that is allowed into the carburetor as opposed to the amount of fuel that is used. The vacuum that is created by the carburetor is what draws in more fuel into the carburetor and allows for faster flows of air.When it comes to repair work that is done on the carburetor, it is necessary to learn not only what is wrong with it but also what is needed to repair it and why that is. When you understand how the carburetor works, you can get a better idea of what is needed to repair it. And, you will need to consult a professional if the task is beyond you because not repairing the carburetor correctly can and does lead to more serious problems with the engine down the toad.Manufactures Of CarburetorsThere are several different manufacturers out there. Most are specialized in where they serve, who they serve or in the exact type of device they make and sell. If you are looking for a manufacturer, consider these.Ford Motor Company's manufacturer of carburetor's is Autolite. Japanese automobiles are often equipped with Hitachi, Ltd, Keihin, or Mikuni carburetors General Motors vehicles feature Rochester Carburetor. UK motorcycle carburetors are usually Amal Ltd.About The Author
Dave Robinson
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Keyword : carburetor used, use fuel, still used
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