วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Children and Nature: Our True Connection to Oneness

Author : Melissa Privett
When I began my endeavor of working with youth as a Sunday school teacher at my church 4 years ago, I had no idea of the insight and wisdom that these young gurus would enlighten ME to. They marvel in such things that our own eyes overlook. The innocence in which these children show can remind us that we too are all innocents. We have simply forgotten. The world has taught us illusion. The surest way to stop spiritual growth is to limit our identity to our mistakes and burden ourselves with guilt. Our good deeds do not define who we are. We need to help our children remember that they are spiritual beings with unlimited potential and that God will help them grow beyond every mistake and every success. It would be good to remind ourselves of this point of truth at the same time. We are all spiritual beings trying to live a human experience. We feel alienated, at times, because we truly are in a foreign land. This is not our home.I find that my children, all of them, from my Sunday school to my Youth Groups to my own birth children connect when they are in a natural environment. They connect not only to each other, but to their surroundings as well. How do you feel when you are in Nature? Do you feel more at peace and whole? Most people do and that is because we are closer to home and "Source" when we are in this world of freedom and beauty and Gods creations. The most beautiful things to look at are sightings of nature and natural phenomena. Look at how many times we just get lost in the photo of a sunset or of majestic trees or mountains hovering over beautiful landscapes. The world seems so much bigger to us when we are among such things as these.Young children seem to delight in finding similarities and connections in the world around them. I have seen children become immediate friends because their hair is done the same way or their shoes are the same style. We fine-tune our children's observation skills to see differences, instead of similarities. "One of these things is not like the others" and "Find ten differences between these two pictures," are games most children play countless times before they reach school. We can re-learn how to see the sameness in the world from our children. We, in turn, can help them to see and feel a connection to the universe that goes beyond color, size, and shape by teaching them that we are a part of all that IS in a very real sense. God did not just create the Universe, God became the Universe, and all creation has the same divine origin.A wonderful way to teach our children of our divine connection to ALL things is through nature. My husband and I frequently do ritual with our children in natural surroundings and to those truly enlightened beings, those who have uncovered the mystery, unconsciously, of the illusion of separation, those who are eager to expand on the essence of their oneness, we do Ceremony with. You would be amazed at how even a child of 8 or 9 years old can grasp the concept of very deep self-expansion techniques to find the truth of their inner being. How often do we as adults seek to learn more? Why do we seek ever-new experiences? Because we believe that, through them, we'll expand our awareness. Children are no different. They are ever searching to stretch the mind and reach a higher level of understanding about the world around them.Work with your children. Start off with meditation. Just a few moments of silence. Even children of 2 or 3 can sit for a few moments. Say a prayer together while being still. As your child grows older, influence them to find that inner sanctuary alone. And as they grow older yet, try doing some Ceremonies with them that will feed their hearts and minds of all that is empty and confused. You are their teachers. We are ALL the teachers and guardians of the children. Lets teach them Truth. Let us never forget that they are our truest gift and the world's greatest natural resource!Melissa Privett is Owner and CEO of Pathworks Center for Life, a company dedicated to healing the planet one soul at a time. She and her husband, Keith, are both Unity Youth teachers and Ceremonial/Spiritual Mentors and are available for Sacred Rites and Rituals of all kinds including "custom designed ceremonies" for every aspect of your life's situations or your child's spiritual growth and empowerment. You can contact them at their website http://www.lifepathworkshops.com for further information or call 248-231-8018.
Keyword : children, nature, cermonies, spiritual, ritual,
