Author : Dave Ferruolo
In these days of Spiritual rebirth, there are many sages of knowledge, who willingly and lovingly profess their doctrines of light and love. It is sometimes easy to get lost in the whirlwind of information provided by new age authors, spiritual teachers and of course the Internet. As a seeker of Truth myself, I know the difficulty of sifting through piles of books and browsing endless web pages to find what is right for me. But I have learned to take an easier path to find what resonates for me personally.I have learned to trust the wisdom of 'the book will find the reader when she is ready.' This is a much simpler and stress-free way to find those certain words that will move you. It is sometimes strange how books and teachers come your way when you are not concentrating on finding them. Ask the universe to bring into your life the texts and teachers who will serve your best and highest interest at this moment in time. Ask, and the Universe will answer. The Universal Source always answers. It is us that sometimes dose not hear or see reply.My technique is simple. I, routinely, ask Universal Source to bring to me what I need at that moment in time, and to guide me in my search for my personal Truth. I set my intention to allow these books, teachers or web-sites to easily come to me, exactly when I need them too. I then stay tuned, and Trust in the Universal response. I keep my senses and intuition open, and I follow and trust my inner voice. I look and listen as I go about my life, not focusing on finding anything, but aware of the subtle voice of spirit. I notice the synchronicities of my day, listen to the people I come in contact with, notice the song on the radio or the words on a billboard as I drive by.For example: a few months ago, I went to a guided meditation. The participants received, in meditation, Archangels Michael's sword of truth and crown of Glory. During the meditation, we were asked to see who was putting the Crown of Glory on our heads. I had a vivid experience of two cavemen assisting me with the crowning ceremony. I felt foolish, as everyone told stories of beautiful Angels and Heavenly beings crowning them, and I only had a cave man.Later that week, I went to a local metaphysical shop for an appointment for a Spirit Guide meditation. My facilitator did not show. The manager asked me if I wanted Reiki instead. I happily agreed. I ended up sitting in a room with the Reiki Master talking after our session and was amazed at a picture I saw on her wall.There was a framed picture of several cavemen, and one of them was the guy who crowned me with Archangel Michael's Crown of Glory. Babaji was the Yogi in my vision. I was spellbound, as I told my new friend the story. She then, excitedly, passed me a book from her bag entitled "Autobiography of a Yogi' by Paramahansa Yogananda, in which the life of Babaji was written. I left and drove to Borders and purchased a copy that day. For me, Yogananda's autobiography was one of the most inspirational books I have ever read to this day. I have since traveled to California to visit his ashram in Encinitas.The universe, in its subtle and synchronistic way, guided to me to that specific book at the moment when I was most receptive to its information and messages. I have had many books and teachers come to me that same Divine way. Ask and you shall receive is written in the Bible, and I truly believe and understand the scriptures simple message.One thing I always caution my clients about is to never blindly follow or adopt another's Spiritual doctrines or beliefs that are not synchronistic to your own path and truth. There are many philosophies, religions and new age spiritual views, but not all are for everyone. I suggest being a scientist and researching things thoroughly. I also believe in fully trusting your gut feelings and emotional guidance system. Simply, if it does not feel right or it brings emotional stress or turmoil, then it is not right for you. Trust your instincts fully. Your higher self always knows what is right and wrong for you. Trust that your little inner voice will always lead you in the direction of your best and highest interest.If someone were to ask my advice about following a spiritual path, I would say to always stand in YOUR power and YOUR truth. Do what YOU know is right for you and not for others agendas or reasons. Don't blindly follow others paths, doctrines or behaviors because you 'think' they are where you want to be. Know you are perfect following your own path and your own instincts, even if it leads you away from what you 'believe' may be a truth or away from people who you 'believe' may have the answers... Things are most often always never what they seem. Your Self-truth and belief are the divine truth for you and only you.Stand with integrity, honor and truth. Continue to seek information and knowledge from others, but never follow them and loose your identity. You have as much to offer yourself and the world as anyone else does. Trust and follow your own inner guidance and instinct, for it always knows the path of your perfect truth.© David M. FerruoloDavid Ferruolo is the author of 'Connecting with the Bliss of Life; Powerful Lessons for Living a Peaceful and Happy Life.' He is a former Navy SEAL, who has chosen a spiritual path. A lifetime of interest in philosophies and metaphysics gives David a vast knowledge bank of information for his writing and life coaching practice. David is a Professional Bliss Technician Practitioner, certified in Usui Reiki, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and Certified Angel Reader. His life has been nothing less than inspirational.
Keyword : spiritual path, teacher, spirituality, reading, metaphyics, angels, meditation, learning
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