วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

How New Testament Believers Were Led By The Holy Spirit

Author : David Keyser
The book of Acts is our primer on the Holy Spirit's dealing with people. I find at least ten different ways that the Holy Spirit directed those first believers.1. God Spoke To Them: Either By Scripture, Prophets, Or Internally. (Acts 4:25, 10:19, 21:4, 28:25, etc.)First of all, it says that the Holy Spirit "said" or he spoke to them. This speaking seemed to come in three different ways. The Holy Spirit spoke to them in the scripture which for them was what we call the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit spoke to them through New Testament prophets. The Holy Spirit spoke to them as individuals internally. As we look at these three ways the actual operation of them might seem to get more and more vague. If a person believes in the authority of scripture, the Bible, then it is easy to understand how we can read it or hear it being read and receive guidance from that. However, the how and when aspect of that guidance can be confusing.It is a little less clear to us today how a New Testament prophet might speak to someone. If you accept this kind of ministry today it is important to remember that when someone claims to have a prophetic word for us today we need to be sure that this word is "weighed" against the written Word and by responsible Christians or leaders before we accept it and act upon it.The other nine ways indicated in the book of Acts for the Holy Spirit to direct the lives of believers are subjective. In other words, these ways might operate or feel different in each believer. Also, we must remember that we humans can skillfully imitate the voice of the Spirit of God when we want to bad enough. However, this does not eliminate the reality of subjective communication between the Holy Spirit and the believer. We merely need to be aware that such leadings should be verified by repeated prayer and meditation and the counterbalance of others in the Body of Christ. Since these leadings are stated clearly right there in Acts they certainly deserve our consideration. They fall roughly into three categories which we shall call "Go", "Stop" and "Stay" which is sort of like "Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light."2. The Spirit "Witnesses" or "Testifies." (5:32, 20:23)This is a "Go" when The Holy Spirit "witnesses" or "testifies." In doing this he is affirming or reinforcing something. When he does this we may find ourselves doing or saying something that we would not ordinarily do. A quite person may become insistent. A timid person may become bold. A disorganized person may become very methodical and determined to follow through. The witness of the Spirit will affirm the reality and wonder of Christ. However it is shown we know that the Spirit is behind it.3. The Spirit "Comforts." (9:31)This is a "Stay" leading. The Holy Spirit "comforts." In doing this the peace of God is strong and given to an individual internally it sustain a person as he or she fulfills the will of God. Sometimes staying or holding or standing is the most difficult thing for us to do spiritually. Yet in Ephesians it says, "having done all to stand." (Eph.6:13) To hold our ground is often the most important thing that we can do spiritually. We want to advance, yet Jesus has already won for us and often all there is for us to do is to stand. God's comfort and peace enables us to stand.4. The Spirit "Bade Them Go." (11:12)This is definitely a "Go" leading. The Spirit "bade them go" or in some manner encouraged them internally to proceed. Sometimes this comes through a word from a brother or sister in the faith. Or it can be a very strong internal push along with an encouraging word. Or it can even be that we find ourselves in a situation where it is either "sink or swim." But the Spirit is with us and even if we don't think we know how to swim we find that we can.5. The Spirit "Signified." (11:28)This can be any of the three kinds of leading, "Go, Stay" or "Stop." In this instance through some word or action by a New Testament prophet the Spirit "signified" what was the will of God for an individual believer. Literally to "signify" means to give a sign. Often God does give us a sign in leading us. This sign can be a very obvious open door or it can be so gentle that only the individual being led will recognize it. Some signs can be false, so we need to keep our relationship with God fresh so that we are not taken in by false signs. I remember a story from a young seminary student. He and his wife and child had been accepted by a particular seminary and were driving a long way to begin there. Along with their confidence was also some doubt. Were they doing the right thing? They had left their home and jobs to follow God in this. Suddenly a large truck from a line with the same name as the seminary pulled in front of them. This is a little unusual because there are not many names common to seminaries and truck lines. When this truck turned off it was not long before another one with the same name appeared in front of them. There were a succession of such trucks almost as if they were being led to the school by these trucks. They took this as a sign. As it turned out if it was not a sign it was certainly an affirming coincidence. We should be open to the Spirit "signifying" his will to us.6. It "Seemed Good." (15:28)This is a "Go" leading. In this example it "seemed good" to the Holy Spirit and the leaders that something was approved. They reached a consensus through waiting and discussion and prayer together. This particular incident in Acts was the very important Jerusalem council in Acts 15. They needed to decide what requirements to put on the new gentile or non-Jewish believers. They had to talk and pray and, yes, perhaps argue for a while. Finally James saw that they had reached a consensus and they issued their decision as a group. A friend of mine says that he often has to "try on" a decision for a while. In doing this he decides that he will do this or that because he is fairly sure that it is the will of God for him at that time. So he says to himself, "good, that it what I will do." But he does not act just yet. He waits to see how the decision feels. Is it like a coat or a pair or shoes that fits? He asks someone else to pray. After a day or so if it seems more and more like a fit he proceeds. We each have to work out our own pattern of working with the Spirit to find out if it "seems good." God is good, so if it seems good it should be like God.7. The Spirit "Forbids" Or "Suffered Them Not." (16:6-7)This is obviously a "Stop" leading. The Holy Spirit "forbids" or "suffered them not" to do something. This is a negative direction given as things were moving. Nevertheless, it is a clear direction. Sometimes in our zeal we will proceed without actually checking with God on each and every incident. We are moving out. We are going to do for God. Then, suddenly, we feel hindered, rebuked or stopped. It is interesting that the hand signal that goes with the command "stay" in dog training classes in to put your opened hand directly in front of the dog's face. When the Spirit forbids us to proceed we may sense God's opened hand in front of our face. It is good to stop when we are aware of this. There may be a bridge out on the road ahead. Or we could do serious damage to our Christian witness. Often when we are forbidden to go in a certain direction a new direction opens up and we find that it is a much better way to go.8. The Spirit "Provoked." (17:16)This is a "Go" command and it is very definitely internal. It says that Paul was "provoked in his spirit." The spirit referred to here is probably Paul's human spirit. Deep inside himself Paul felt sharply and profoundly moved to proceed in a particular direction. The key word here is "sharply." When we are provoked about natural things we feel very strongly about something. It either includes or borders on anger. It is a strong feeling and it tends to block out other issues at the time. We feel that the Spirit's feelings are identical with our own. We need to be sure that it is the Holy Spirit that we are identifying with before we proceed. Is the cause of Jesus glorified? Evil spirits will not glorify the cause of Jesus. Our own bad tempers will not glorify the cause of Jesus.9. They "Purposed In The Spirit." (19:21)This is a "Go" leading and it is much like number 6 where it "seemed good to them and to the Holy Spirit. When we "purpose in the Spirit" to do something it is an inward feeling and a process. They made up their minds to proceed after thinking, talking and praying together. God influences our mental processes and speaks to us that way as he does in many of these leadings that we are considering here. To help assure that our mental processes are in line with God's will be need to be sure that we are being "transformed by the renewing of our minds" (Ro.12:2) by the Holy Spirit. This takes us again to examine our level of commitment to God.10. They were "Bound In The Spirit." (20:22)This can be to "Go" or to "Stop." They were "bound in the Spirit." This means that they were so strongly impressed that they could do no other. Would that all of the Spirit's directions where this clear, but they are not. When we are "bound in the Spirit" it is like being tied up with a strong rope by the Spirit of God. Martin Luther sounded like he was bound by Spirit. When he was commanded to "recant" or take back his teachings by the highest civil court of his day he is reported to have said, "I can not, I will not recant. Here I stand. God help me." He was in fear for his life, but he could do no other. It may be scary but at least there is no doubt who is in control. When we are bound in the Spirit we know that God is in control no matter what.Other ConsiderationsWe should remember that some are individual and some are group given directions. In the Western world we are very centered on individualism. This is the thinking of the United States and of Western Europe. We respect the "rugged individual" and what he has done. However, the Christian faith originated in the Mid East. In the Mid East and even more so in the Far East, places like China, it is the group that is important. Actually, this is the emphasis in the New Testament church. The Church is seen as the "Body of Christ." (I Cor. 12) It is a group or corporate entity. It's calling and it's leading is meant to be a group thing. What is done in the church should be done as a group effort. We often can not find the will of God individually because we are isolated in seeking it. We need to seek it in the middle of the group. This is a hard lesson for Westerners to learn and we fail again and again because of this. If you are having trouble understanding or doing the will of God break out of your shell and get with some other believers.Also, no one way is exclusive. We can be led by one way this time and by another way the next time. As humans we have the tendency to find one way that works and use it every time. But God will not allow us to do this because we walk by faith, so all ways are needed. If a way of being Spirit directed works for you then it is good, but do not get too attached to it. Remember to give others their freedom and to seek the counsel of other believers often. There is safety in a "multitude of counselors." (Pro.11:14)All Biblical references are to the King James Version of 1611.David J. Keyser, Ph.D.
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