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How To Become a Charismatic Leader

Author : Joe Love
Charisma is a quality that can enable you to accomplish almost everything you could ever want faster than you can imagine. It is a quality that all highly successful people have developed and use to their advantage in everything they do.Charisma is an indefinable personal magnetism that can earn you the support and cooperation of people in almost everything you do. When you take the necessary steps to develop charisma, people will find themselves attracted to you and will want to help you achieve your goals.Charisma is a personal magic of leadership that arouses loyalty and enthusiasm in other people. It is a special quality of magnetism that each person has and that each person uses to a certain degree. You have a special charisma to the people who look up to you, who respect and admire you, the members of your family, friends and coworkers. Whenever and wherever a person feels a positive emotion toward another, he or she imbues that person with charisma, or attractiveness.People who have developed their charisma are often described as having an aura. This aura is a light that is invisible to most people, but not to everyone. This light radiates out from a person and affects the people around that person in a positive or negative way. The halo around the heads of saints and mystics in many religious paintings was the artist's attempt to depict the light that many people reported seeing around the heads of these men and women when they were speaking, praying, or in an intense emotional state.You also have an aura around you that most people cannot see but is there, nevertheless. This aura affects the way people react and respond to you, either positively or negatively. There is a lot that you can do, and a lot of good reasons for you to do it, to control this aura and make it work in your best interests.If you're a business owner, developing greater charisma can help you tremendously in working with your staff, your suppliers, your bankers, your customers, and everyone else upon whom you depend on for your success. People seem naturally drawn to those who possess charisma. They want to help and support them. When you have charisma, people will open doors for you and bring you opportunities that otherwise would not have been available to you.In your personal relationships, the quality of charisma can make your life more joyous and happy. People will naturally want to be around you. Members of your family and friends will be far happier in your company, and you will have a greater influence on them, causing them to feel better about themselves and to do better at the important things in their lives.There is a close association between personal charisma and success in life. Most of your success and happiness in life will come from your relationships and interactions with others. The more positively others respond to you, the easier it will be for you to get the things you want.Charisma is based on the Law of Attraction. This law states that you inevitably attract into your life people and circumstances that harmonize with your dominant thoughts. You are a living magnet, and you are constantly radiating thought waves, like a radio radiates sound waves, that are picked up by other people. Your thoughts, intensified by your emotions, as radio waves are intensified by electrical impulses, go out from you and are picked up by anyone who is tuned into a similar wavelength. You then attract into your life people, ideas, opportunities, resources, circumstances, and anything else that is consistent with your dominant frame of mind.Your charisma is really a measure of the power of your personality. It is determined by a variety of factors, most of which you have control over. The critical thing to remember about charisma is that it is largely based on perception. It is based on what people think about you. It is not so much reality as it is what people perceive you to be. For example, one person can create charisma in another person by speaking in glowing terms about that person to a third party. If you believe that you are about to meet an outstanding and important person, that person will then be charismatic to you.The foundation for developing charisma is having a strong purpose. Men and women with charisma and personal magnetism almost invariably have a clear vision of who they are, of where they're going and what they're trying to achieve. Business leaders have a vision of what they're trying to create and why they're doing what they're doing. They're focused on accomplishing some great purpose. They're decisive about every aspect of their lives. They know exactly what they want and what they have to do to get it. They plan their work and work their plan.You can increase your charisma and the magnetism of your personality by setting clear goals for yourself, making plans to achieve them, and working on your plans with discipline and determination every day. The whole world seems to move aside for the person who knows exactly where he or she is going. In fact, the clearer you are about your purpose and goals, the more likely people will be to attribute other positive qualities to you. They will see you, or perceive you, as being a better and more admirable human being. And when you have clear goals, you begin attracting to yourself the people and opportunities necessary to make those goals a reality.You must have strong self-confidence to develop charisma. Men and women with charisma have an intense belief in themselves and in what they are doing. They are usually calm, cool, and composed about themselves and their work. Your level of self-confidence is often demonstrated in your courage and your willingness to do whatever is necessary to achieve a purpose that you believe in.People are naturally attracted to those people who exude a sense of self-confidence, those who have an unshakable belief in their ability to rise about circumstances to attain their goals.
People with strong charisma have developed expertise or competence. The more knowledgeable you are perceived to be in your field, the more charisma you will have among those who respect and admire that knowledge because of the impact it can have on their lives. This is also the power of excellence, of being recognized by others as an outstanding performer in your field. Men and women who do their jobs extremely well and who are recognized for the quality of their work are those who naturally attract the help and support of others. They have charisma.One of the most admirable qualities of leaders, which lends a person charisma in the perception of others, is the capacity to step forward and take charge. The leader accepts complete responsibility for getting the job done, without making excuses and blaming anyone. When you take complete responsibility for yourself and your actions, you experience a tremendous sense of control and power that enhances your feeling of well-being and that generates the charisma that is so important to you in attracting the help of others.When you set clear goals and become determined and purposeful, backing up those goals with unshakable confidence, you develop charisma. When you are enthusiastic and excited about what your are doing, when you are totally committed to achieving something worthwhile, you radiate charisma. When you take the time to study and become an expert at what you do, and then prepare thoroughly for any opportunity to use your knowledge, skill, or experience, the perception that others have of you goes up. When you take complete responsibility and accept ownership, without making excuses or blaming others, you experience a sense of control that leads to the personal power that is the foundation of charisma.By merely looking like a winner in every respect, you will have the kind of external image that others admire, you build your charisma. When you develop your character by setting high standards and then discipline yourself to live consistent with the highest principles you know, you become the kind of person who radiates charisma to others. Finally, when you concentrate your energies on achieving the results that you have been hired to accomplish, the results that others expect of you, you develop the reputation for performance and achievement that inevitably leads to the perception of charisma.You can develop the kind of charisma that opens doors for you by going to work on yourself, consistently and persistently, and becoming the kind of person everyone can admire and look up to. In the final analysis, that is what charisma is all about.Copyright© 2005 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many of America's largest corporations, on the subjects of leadership, self-esteem, goals, achievement, and success psychology.Reach Joe at: joe@jlmandassociates.comRead more articles and newsletters at: http://www.jlmandassociates.com
Keyword : success, achievement, personal success, business success, leadership, self-development,
