วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Quest For The Perfect Spiritualist Message

Author : Litz Blody
My quest began in earnest some 3 months after I began reading professionally myself. When I say ‘reading’, of course I mean Sitting for Spirit in an environment conducive for those in spirit to (attempt) to make contact with a loved one, friend or relative they left behind when they died.My mediumship abilities had been present all of my life, it is hard to know what its like not to be psychic/mediumistic if that is a natural ability. Similar I suppose, to not understand the efforts of those desperate to be able to sing and yet in reality unable to hit a note, when you can sing like a bird yourself.Many years passed where I gave messages to people and generally had a strong psychic sense before I was asked the question ‘Why don’t you do ‘it’ for a living?’ My immediate reaction was ‘You mean there is a living to be made out of it…..?’ And so I continued, with ‘feelings’, intuition, call it what you will, and the Clairvoyantly received familiar faces and voices and fleeting glimpses of shadowy forms which were all common place in my life.As with many epiphany’s, mine came through an illness. Not mine, but my 12-year old daughter’s near death experience. I shall not go into detail, suffice to say, watching your 12-year old child’s life hang in the balance for 48 hours initially and then on many subsequent occasions was not only enough to end my marriage but to ‘end’ the me that had been in existence until that point.Life changed permanently, I changed permanently. I had been a materialistic, self-centred individual, in fact a child of the 20th Century. When I look back now, 10 years later, I cannot even say I would have liked myself had I met me coming the other way. That aside, after the initial 2/3 years had passed and my daughter’s prognosis had become part of our lives I began to like myself, nay, love myself. Notwithstanding bouts of PMT, I am an affable creature now, I’m very pleased to say.And as a continuum to this happening, I realised that perhaps this ESP of mine could actually be put to use for others. So, after attending many talks, lectures, seminars, workshops, residential courses and Spiritualist church services over a number of years I began my ‘career’. Not without hiccups I hasten to add, the divide between a fortune teller that should be perched in a tent on a fairground and a Spiritualist Medium or for that matter Tarot reader is more vast that you could imagine. Sadly though, many, many clients ask to whom will they be married, or what date will the present strife within their life come to an end and give no margin for error.Message giving is an art in as much as one must interpret the information clearly, concisely and simply. Those in Spirit do not always want to give bundles of love or flowers for that matter, as is the insistence of many a medium. Neither do they want the message giver (medium), to know the reason or the intricacies of their communication – its basically none of the Clairvoyant’s business. The message is personal and should be kept that way. If the link is from a guide it is also personal to the recipient as it may be concerning spiritual development.Whether or not it is possible to give the ‘perfect’ message that would answer all questions unequivocally and without doubt disprove the theory that life does not continue after death, I am unsure. There are so many individual wants and needs to prove a person really is who you, the medium, say they are, so many memories that are lost in translation or names which when given are temporarily forgotten.A lady in a Spiritualist church (a regular church-goer herself), was being given a message by a credible medium. The medium had been discussing the deceased man’s (a neighbour) benevolent nature, saying how he would cook for neighbours and traipse around the neighbourhood doling out his meals from a carrier bag, the recipient in turn was agreeing wholeheartedly with this précis of his character whilst on earth.Unfortunately the medium made the fatal mistake of mentioning the name that was on the aforementioned carrier bags. Now bear in mind if you will, the message had been going on for around 6-7 minutes and the lady had agreed with every characteristic, personality and physical description of her late neighbour, but that one error allowed the recipient’s logical mind to kick into play and she immediately switched tactics and piped up ‘Oh no, it couldn’t’ have been him, he would never have shopped there!’.Sadly, I think what had happened with the medium is that sub-consciously he picked perhaps at random a store giant’s name and thus prevented the message from being accepted because of the blinkers still worn by society and the insistence that every message should be 100% perfect, regardless of the fact that it can sometimes be like Chinese whispers.Personally I felt sorry for the man in Spirit who wanted to come back and say ‘Hello’. It seems that when we expire we must find a medium that can give the finest details off to pat before we can roam the earth plane again.I am a Clairvoyant Medium and have strong beliefs in Spiritualism as a philosophy and a science. I use my natural abilities to tune into Spirit and pass messages on to those bereaved. I am based in Surrey, U.K. and can offer 1-2-1 sittings, a telephone reading or postal. Please visit my website at http://www.spiritswhisper.co.uk to see which suits you best and to read a little more about me.
Keyword : Psychic, spirit, medium, clairvoyant spiritual, tarot
