วันพุธที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Bypassing the restrictions of Rapidshare

Author : Joshua Anderson

Rapidshare is the world biggest 1 click webhosting where anyone can upload files and share a generated link to it with anyone. This service has two types of accounts one is free and the other is premium where logically the free account has some limitations and two of them are that you can only download a file each time and in case the download fails and if you want to retry the download you will have to wait aproximately thirty minutes.Introducing Surf Da Cx:Surf Da Cx is a website that has only one purpose bring to internet surfers the latested web proxies available online. Using a web proxy you can access rapidshare from a diferent location therefore by using several diferent web proxies you can download more that one file at a given momment and of course bypass the thirty minutes or more restriction, clearly bypassing their system.The advantage of Surf Da Cx is that it isn't a toplist where the biggest traffic exchange web proxies get listed but only the fresh ones are available. This is a good point size the listed proxies have a below average load therefore they are much faster than the very known ones.To visit Surf Da Cx just point your browser to http://surf.da.cx Webmaster for six years living in madrid, Spain

Category : General Computer: Instruction
