Did you know the higher the vibration of your prayer, the more Angels you will contact? Let's talk about the lower vibration of consciousness.Think of it like a radio frequency. The radio can easily bring in the stations that are close by. If you want the ones farther away, you need to raise the antennae, right?When we are in pain, impoverished, or feeling like a failure, where do you think your frequency is? Real close to home, shall we say is the metaphor? Can't even get to the neighboring town's frequency? How do we change that? We don't have to move a muscle. We just sit or lie down as we are. Then we say one sentence, "Glory to God." When we cannot think of anything except that sentence, there is no static, so to speak. We have a clear channel to God. *** TIP *** If you are really sick and/or downhearted, maybe you could get a *coach.* A coach is a person who will sit by you and make sure you are saying ONLY "Glory to God." When we are giving God the glory, guess what? The Glory comes back. What goes around, comes around. You would then have God's Glory, God's Peace. When you are at peace, your body and your mind can heal. What are you thinking?Now, do you know how to pray?Thanks Did you know the higher the vibration of your prayer, the more Angels you will contact? Let's talk about the lower vibration of consciousness.Think of it like a radio frequency. The radio can easily bring in the stations that are close by. If you want the ones farther away, you need to raise the antennae, right?When we are in pain, impoverished, or feeling like a failure, where do you think your frequency is? Real close to home, shall we say is the metaphor? Can't even get to the neighboring town's frequency? How do we change that? We don't have to move a muscle. We just sit or lie down as we are. Then we say one sentence, "Glory to God." When we cannot think of anything except that sentence, there is no static, so to speak. We have a clear channel to God. *** TIP *** If you are really sick and/or downhearted, maybe you could get a *coach.* A coach is a person who will sit by you and make sure you are saying ONLY "Glory to God." When we are giving God the glory, guess what? The Glory comes back. What goes around, comes around. You would then have God's Glory, God's Peace. When you are at peace, your body and your mind can heal. What are you thinking?Now, do you know how to pray?Thanks for reading,JanP.S. Here's what I've found to be the best methods for attracting your Angels:Http://www.angelsarewithus.com/31ways.php~~~~~~~~~Copyright 2006, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide~~~~~~~~~Check out my Angels Are With Us Blog here:
http://www.angelsarewithus.com/blogaawu/Check out all my blogs here: http://tameyourbrain.com/blogs.htmContact your Angels today! *How To Attract Your AngelsEvery Day Of The Week!* is a fr*ee ebook. You can access it here: http://www.angelsarewithus.com/ebook/attractAngels.pdf==>Publishers, you are welcome to reprint this article in its entirety, provided you retain the above resource box including this notice. If you are interested in more Angel Articles, visit my article page at