วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Tribrid Cars Powered in Part By Wind?

Author : Lance Winslow
Is it possible to build a wind-powered car where the wind generation systems would charge a battery which would power the car? Could it charge the batteries enough to make it all work? Well this concept was recently discussed in an online think tank.Maybe enough energy could be generated from just that to drive to the freeway or around the block a few times. Then the braking system would be a charging system so you do no waste any kinetic energy that you used. Also the car would have to be lightweight,http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?s=5818ba06b4638508d9cfbe2e7ad3e958&showtopic=679extremely aerodynamic for speeds over 35 and especially 55 mph and use a motor for higher speeds; maybe you could get away with an 80 hp motor instead; diesel charging the batteries too? Fuel Cell all the better; E85 Ethanol Alternative Fuel good too.http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showforum=57http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?s=5818ba06b4638508d9cfbe2e7ad3e958&showtopic=1809If you could as you say harvest the relative wind without creating too much drag or friction; let's say a magnetic charging unit not a direct friction drive charger, that could work? And if the airflows were sped up around the car you could take the air in via NASA scoops and funnel it to optimum speed and efficiency with the least amount of drag? Maybe use sound waves to thicken the air in the scoop to provide more density to charge? Perhaps the air under the car could be used to fly the car or make it lighter on the wheels using ground cushion and sandwiched airfoils underneath? You know what we are really talking about here is to "shit can" the automobile design and we know it and start over using composites, lighter materials, better systems and better use of energy? A SpaceShip One Concept Car for the Soccer Mom so to Speak?http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=572http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=571You mention some other systems like the stereo, lights and etc. I say use electromagnetic induction for all that by way of the buffeting of the airflow over the car and the bumps in the road. For the stereo use Earbuds so the speakers do not soak up any juice.http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=1225http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=1214http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=1210http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=1192Can we actually build a car, which is for the most part wind powered and if so, how far could it go? Is it feasible and what on Earth will the world say to that? Consider all this in 2006.Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
Keyword : Tribrid Cars, Powered, Part By Wind
