Author : Kelly Graves
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just take a simple test to resolve your conflicts and have proper conflict resolution? A multiple choice test would be the best:1. The person you are in conflict with is?a. Controllingb. Indecisivec. DemeaningJust choose letter A, B or C and you magically uncover the solutions to all your conflict problems.How great and easy would that be!Unfortunately, conflict is much too complicated to squeeze into a simple multiple choice test. Conflict is a complex experience involving feelings, thoughts and behaviors of all people involved.No two people are exactly alike; therefore no two conflicts are exactly alike. Every conflict requires its own unique resolution that could never be figured out by answering a series of multiple choice questions.Remember, every conflict is unique. Each requires its own solution in order to arrive at a reasonable and fair resolution.Knowledge is power!By first understanding what your conflict looks like, you will begin creating fair and useful resolutions that everyone will be satisfied with.Here is a list of questions to ask when you are in the midst of conflict...ESSENTIAL CONFLICT RELATED QUESTIONS:
Is the conflict specific to a situation? (i.e. due to a specific event or person(s))
Does the conflict arise from a specific task or goal you are trying to accomplish?
Is the conflict related to defining what a goal should be?
Is the conflict due to differences in how a process should be carried out?
Is the conflict something people discuss freely or is it covert and "taboo?"
Does the conflict exist within a group or team, or among a few?
What has prompted you to seek conflict resolution now instead of earlier or later?
On a zero to ten scale (0= not a problem, 10=unbearable), how would you rate the level of conflict six months ago versus currently?
You may be able to answer these questions, but how do you begin to take the next step toward conflict resolution? Building on these questions often requires the assistance of a conflict resolution professional. A professional serves as an objective observer who understands how to identify and find resolution to even the most complex conflicts.Proper resolution to conflict will equal unparalleled benefits:
Create more profitable work teams
Improved communication, creativity and motivation
Inspire improved performance from employees
Strengthen employee loyalty and commitment
Improved organizational decision making and follow through
Kelly Graves is the founder and CEO of Internal Solutions Consulting. ISC specializes in organizational conflict resolution. With over 85 years of combined experience in organizational conflict resolution, Internal Solutions is able to quickly address conflicts within an organization to facilitate a more successful, productive and profitable communication environment. For more informaiton about Internal Solutions Consulting please visit http://www.conflictresolutionusa.comARTICLE REPRODUCTION
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Keyword : conflict resolution, workplace conflict, conflict resolution activities
วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551
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