วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Livaholics Conspicuous

Author : Robert Curtis
Ready for a statement that exhibits the unique grasp of the obvious? Here it is:LIFE IS NOT FAIR.There you have it.Everyone thinks it, at some point, day in and day out. Now, once again, it is publicly published for all to see. And be reminded of."So….What's the point?", you ask. After all….it is a unique grasp of the obvious.That is exactly the point. Life is not fair, and yet how many of us go about our daily routines, constantly reminding ourselves of this fact? Why do we constantly dredge up the one thing about this earthly existence that we can not change? It has always been here and it will continue to persist long after we have gone.Isn't it time to let it go, and "get a life"?I would like to propose a new word. A word that should be incorporated into the dictionary and widely quoted and used as quickly as possible. The word would be: livaholic (n.) (liv-uh-hall-ik), and would be defined as follows: An individual who(1) lives life to it's possible fullest(2) is in constant search of service that may be performed for someone else(3) is consistently generous with their time and means(4) pursues the dream to "be somebody" with consistency and humility(5) sincerely strives to make the world a better placeI would further propose the creation of a national organization called "Livaholics Conspicuous – It's All About Us", with local chapters throughout the land and federal funding to assist in the promotion of our universal outreach theme: "Do Unto Others". (Why not? If the ACLU can pull it off, why not a good idea like this?)Our outreach would be multi-national in breadth and multi-cultural in scope.Why not?The mission of livaholics Conspicuous is to bring about world peace. Is that such a hard concept to accept? Not if someone takes the first step. Makes the first move.If someone cares enough to make a serious difference in this world. Haven't you ever wanted to really make a difference in this world before you are gone?Life may not be fair. But we can all survive it well with just a little more love and concern for one another.Think about it.Bob Curtis has a bachelor's degree in Psychology, and has been writing about the elements of relationships for a number of years. He is the manager of the Essential Sunshine Association, a new website for positive relationship development at http://www.essun.blogspot.com
Keyword : live,survive,concern,outreach,propose,dream,life,fair,let it go,get a life,make a difference,love
