วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Machiavellian Style Management Very Popular Over Seas

Author : Lance Winslow
Most politically correct folks cringe when we talk about Machiavellian Management as in the Western World we are more into a win/win situation than any sort of dog-eat-dog attack style business negotiation or management. Nevertheless, cheating, lying, deceit and positioning for your advantage is consider Business a Usual in many nations and the American Entrepreneur who thinks it is not has got some hard lessons to be learned if he does business over seas.You see, Machiavellian Style Management Very Popular Over Seas and that is the way it is in politics, business, war and sports. Business is all of those put together believe the Sun Tzu followers of Asia, so perhaps you might indeed simply forget your MBA and consider getting a reality check on the subject.Do I personally approve of all this? Totally irrelevant to the subject, in fact I have no comments only stories of businesses deals and hard lessons along the way. Yes, indeed I came out victorious as I recognized what was going on.Thus I believe every good Corporate Manager and executive ought to read; The Prince and consider some of the Machiavellian Tactics we see every day in normal primate human politics from kids in the sand box to those who are wonder what color their parachute would have been if someone climbing the corporate ladder had not thrown them out of the plane with only a backpack on? Think on this in 2006.Lance Winslow
Keyword : Machiavellian Style Management, Very Popular, Over Seas
