วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

10 Steps To Creating And Achieving Your Goals By This Year's End

Author : Frank Gasiorowski
This essay was presented on the Mike Litman's Greatness Nation call as an example on how you can create a system to give a talk and achieve our own goals.1- Significance begins with insignificance2- Take your dream and make it a goal3- Write it down *** (this is of vital importance)4- Take action on that goal, focused action and laser focused action5- Action creates movement, movement creates momentum, and momentum creates habits. It takes 30 days to create a habit, now do it again & again, that equals 90-Days. They become your 90-DayGoals.6- Get feedback, ask questions, ask questions about those questions,
(Go back to 3, repeat and move forward again)7- Your next action will reveal itself as if by magic.8- Take those previous small steps and build upon them.9- Have FAITH in yourself, never, never give up, persist until you succeed. (My definition of F.A.I.T.H. is Find Answers In The Heart)10-Create enthusiasm in everything that you do, smile and know that you are unique, no one will ever be like you and you are here to fulfill your mission, the one that was placed in your Heart when you were born,NOTE! You were made to succeed; all adversities are the homework studies at the life-learning university. You already have your diploma; you received it when you were born.Your birth certificate is your diploma for your life-mastery; your Total self-mastery. That certificate allows doing or becoming whatever you desire.Don't take my word for this system. Try it yourself until the end of the year. When you see what happens you will be ready for 90DayGoals. Don't let the New Years Resolution trick take you down. There is a better way.Frank Gasiorowski or as he is known on the Internet as, "Mr.90DayGoals" has been teaching 90 Day Goals techniques as a speaker, workshop and seminar leader and "TodaysGuest" Interview TV Host with Goals TV and Goals Radio. Voice-Over Artist for Proverbs Smoothe Mix, Frank started a Voice Over International Communications Entertainment Network, http://www.VoiceDirectMedia.com & Studio. Call or email for VO quotes and samples. Greatness Nation Morning Calls, 6:55 and 9:55 am, EST, M-F
1-512-225-3513, Guest code: 68335#Get your FR*EE 90 Day Goals "TIPS" ezine at http://www.90DayGoals.com

Copyright 2006For info please send an email to Frank@90DayGoals.com
Keyword : greatness,goals,90day,dreams,write,action,focused,laser,habit,magic,development,easy,10,steps,you,I.
