Author : Sharon Marquart
Life, or living as we know it, is a Universal life force continually expanding, expressing, and experiencing itself. Life unfolds itself before our very eyes every second of every day. Life is compelled to be the full expression of itself, meaning we need to Live It in Full Expression at all times.Nature will always help us get back to the basics of life. Nature is always expanding, always seeking to create. Plants use their roots to dig deep into the earth for nourishment so they can push their shoots upward and grow. The shoots first produce blossoms, then flowers, followed by fruits and finally seeds. One plant continues to reproduce, repeating the procedure year after year, season after season. Nature is life, always seeking to express itself over and over again, creating a never ending cycle called life. The letters L, I, F,E signify Living In Full Expression. We are all created with the same Universal energy and have the same basic desire to expand, express and experience. How we choose to utilize this energy means the difference between living a life of abundance or a life that lacks true meaning.Life is continually expanding before us. The more consciously aware you become, the more you may realize that the creation of your life is not random - it is not being "played out" before you without any input from you. The more awakened you become to the powers of the Universe to create from within, the more equipped you are to consciously create the world you choose to experience and express. For some, this concept may be challenging. For others who have begun to use the internal power of the Universe, it becomes an exciting journey. In various languages this is known as the "Art of Deliberate Creation," or "The Law of Attraction" or "The Secret of Life." It is not a new concept and has been acknowledged and practiced since the beginning of time. (The Universe, which is timeless, created itself this way.) As we as humans evolve and our conscious minds expand, opening ourselves to understanding the secrets of the universe, we become more and more aware of the True Nature of our Divine Self and the Powers of life that dwell within.When learning how to intentionally use these powers to create a world in which you want to fully express yourself, you once again expand your knowledge to the hidden wisdom within. Expressing yourself fully is something we were not taught from our tribe or through years spent in the educational system. In fact, the total opposite happened! We were taught to know the rules, obey the rules and hope for a lucky break in order to validate ourselves within society or to have good fortune. We were taught that we need to work very hard at achieving, accomplishing and abiding by the standards established by civilization- an outside force, when in reality, we should have been searching within. Even though every generation has had its rebels, it lawbreakers, its renegades who fearlessly broke the mold and expanded life beyond what is the "norm" of the day, they were always criticized and chastised by the tribe at large. They were the "oddballs." Thank God, they didn't adhere to the rules or conform! Thank God they chose to be "unrealistic!" It is because these fearless pioneers dared to push the envelope and think outside the box that we have all the marvelous inventions and tools we take advantage of today without thought as to how they came about. Technology is a product of the expanding universe that offers us new ways to express ourselves and experience life as it was not known before. Can you imagine life without your computer? Thank a "computer geek" for not shying away for being ridiculed for wanting to tinker in the garage instead of passing a football or kicking a soccer ball!I am committed to teaching us all how to harness the power of the Universe within and to consciously learn how to Expand the world before our eyes; Experiencing the life of our dreams and Expressing ourselves fully. This begins the first in a series of articles I will write based on the concept of living a Life In Full Expression! I hope you will join me on this journey!Sharon Marquart is a gifted Certified Personal Coach, inspirational speaker and author. For more than 13 years she has share with audiences large and small. She is the author of "Working For God," "Living With Soulful Purpose," and "Creating A Wedding Ministry." Her latest e-book, "9 Steps to a Happier Healthier You" is now available at Her coaching practice is Living at YES!(You Embracing Spirit) where she passionately supports clients in identifying mistaken beliefs and self-limiting thoughts. She coaches them in getting unstuck, setting intentions and living possibilities! Sharon teaches via tele-classes and facilitates tele-groups and e-courses. Her coaching clients are nationwide. Sharon is committed to bringing Metaphysical and Spiritual Truths into everyday language and applying them to everyday life experiences.
Sharon is the Director of Spiritual Coaching at the Coaching Academy of North America
Keyword : life, empowerment, joy, fun, co-creation, spirituality, self-empowerment, prosperity, choice, love
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