วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Success Through Failure

Author : Lynn Bradley
Some are lucky and talented enough to go straight to the top of their profession without failure. These are few and far between. Most of us struggle with obstacles, trip over our weaknesses, pick ourselves up and start over, perhaps more than once. This is not all bad. Failures permit us to correct errors, and adjust sights to eventually hit pay dirt. This article may be published if the resource box is left intact.Success Through FailureIdeally we would be a success the first time we tried, but that is not the real world. There are always obstacles to overcome. We often make wrong decisions. We get chewed out by the boss or rejected by our customers. We have to go down before we go up. The path to success is through failure.Babies crawl before they can walk. They have to pull themselves up with their hands before they can stand. They have to walk before they can run. They have to fall down numerous times while learning to walk and run. They have to practice long hours to learn to play a musical instrument or be good at sports. We often forget this painful process when we set out to make our fortune as an adult. We have to start the procedure all over again when we begin our career.Most of us get dejected when we lose our job or lose what we spent on a business venture. We think of our self as a worthless failure. We have to realize that failure is the natural process of succeeding. We have to find out what does not work before we discover what does. Even if we copy the methods of a successful person, we have to discover what works for us.Everyone's mind works differently. We have different abilities, experiences, finances and training. We see different opportunities and pitfalls. Our moves are judgement calls. They may be based on gut feelings. We may take off in a different direction then others.There are many different ways to make a living. They take different training. Everyone is different in their abilities and passions. We have to discover who we are before we decide which job is right for us. We have to pick a profession that fits our talents, passions and temperaments. We need one that takes advantages of our strengths and minimizes our weaknesses. We have to find our niche. Many never do. They drift through life trying different jobs but never find fulfilment.Ideally we would pick a profession before we go to college, but it does not always work that way. It takes time to sort out whom we are and where we belong. Sometimes one of your classes turns you on and points you in the right directions. Some do not discover where they fit until they have tried different jobs. A good general education will definitely help.Life is about learning. Graduation from college is just the beginning. Everything you do teaches you something if you keep your thinking straight. Don't be discouraged when your projects land bottoms up. Your mistakes and failures teach valuable lessons if analyzed properly. They show you what you have done wrong. Make some adjustments and try again. It is like learning to shoot a gun. You hit the board the bull's-eye is on, see how far you missed, and aim closer to the center. Keep trying until you consistently hit it in the middle of the eye.Find out what kind of problem you are good at solving without excessive stress. One person said, "The boss thought he was chewing me out, but he was not because I did not take it that way." Stress is how you take it. What one person goes in a panic over, is second nature to another. Discover what comes naturally for you and that you have a passion for. Make it your profession.Find an experienced fellow worker who will act as a mentor to show you the ropes, and help you over the rough spots. Some of his ways may not work for you, however. Develop your own method that is consistent with whom you are. Keep fine-tuning your methods and you will become an expert.You can't soar with the gurus if you keep putting yourself down over your mistakes. Learn from them, let them be your schoolmasters, and you will succeed.This article was written by the author of, "Climbing the Heavenly Stains." Faith not only permits worshiping an unseen God, it controls your whole outlook on life. Biblical principles work in your marriage and your job as well in your religion. Discover what Jesus said about doing seemingly impossible things. Go on to Spiritual maturity and live life to the full. Read more at: http://thelynnbradleybook.com
Keyword : crawl, walk, run, success, succeed, succeeding, through, failure, learn, learning, fit, belong.
