วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

God, Have You Time for Us?

Author : Patricia Nordman
"Yet not one [sparrow] is forgotten by God" (Luke 12:6 NIV).Paul Harvey tells about the farmer who heard irregular thumping sounds against his kitchen storm door. He went over and watched as tiny sparrows beat in vain against the glass in an attempt to get to the warmth inside. The farmer bundled up and plodded through the fresh snow to get to the barn door and open it for the freezing birds. He switched on the light and threw some hay into a corner for them. But the sparrows hid in the darkness.The man tried various schemes to get the birds into the barn, but nothing worked. They could not comprehend that he was trying to help them. Finally, the farmer returned to his house and watched the doomed sparrows with deep sorrow. He thought to himself, "If only I could become a bird--one of them--just for a moment. Then I wouldn't frighten them so. I could show them the way to warmth and safety." At that moment he also grasped the reason Jesus was born.We are so tempted to doubt God's love and care for each of us. How can God have the time to care about our little concerns when He has the heavens and the earth to take care of? But -- even the hairs of our head are numbered. In today's complex and indifferent world it is difficult to grasp that there really is Someone Who cares about us so much that He died for us. All we need to do is "trust and obey," as the hymn says, and get on with our daily duties. The rest is up to our Father.We parents surely can relate to this kind of care. Our children know that we love them, so they don't spend their waking moments wondering about it. So God's children know, also, that their Father loves them!
Keyword : article submission, articles, writers, writing, publishing, ezine, email marketing, email newsletter, email
