วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Driving ROI from Executive Leadership Training

Author : Holly Latty-Mann
Effective leadership is not a function of high IQ or cognitive intelligence; we've all known brilliant people who de-motivate and demoralize. Case in point would be Harvard University's president, Lawrence H. Summers, who was reported by the Wall Street Journal March 16, 2005 to have received a vote of 'no confidence' in his leadership by the majority of his teaching faculty.Effective leadership is a function of a honed social intelligence. The best leaders have learned how to optimize their personality – that is, their own delivery system – to inspire and motivate others. They interact and value others bringing out what's unique about those persons' personality, purposes and potential.In short, leadership is all about relationships. It's about managing perceptions across multiple relationships – their perceptions of you, your perceptions of them and your perception of yourself. Even if others' perception of you is inaccurate, it nevertheless represents their truth about you, and you must learn how to manage that truth about you.Learning to leadChange is the only constant. Therefore, we all must be prepared to go to the next level in our professional development. Whether you are in the midst of succession planning, wish to raise your own bar as a leader, mentor a rising star, or simply need to reel-in the office bully, the right leadership workshop can successfully address these and many other needs simultaneously. For that matter, the most robust workshops will not only offer that kind of diversity within its format, but will also offer diversity across industries, persons and executive functions. After all, one naturally practices his or her leadership across multiple settings, personalities, positions and challenges.As such, if your aspiration is to be the preferred provider in your industry, you must first enjoy the reputation of the preferred employer in your industry. And what it took to be the preferred employer a generation ago no longer works because of the "new breed of dog" we have occupying a growing proportion of the workforce – the generation Xers and Ys. Ineffective leaders are essentially spending significant dollars training young adults, only to watch them leave to work for the competition. Think about it - low morale and attrition are more costly than it would be for an entire senior management team to attend such a specialty workshop.What attributes are important to identify a leadership program that is considered the best of the best? And what best practices are important to ensure the highest ROI?Six traits that are "must-have"Look for leadership training that has self-awareness as its focus, because if you don't know, you can't fix. These training programs will include the following best practices in a way that optimizes one's self-awareness, which is the key to optimizing social intelligence:• A lot of one-on-one attention. This means you will need to inquire as to the size of the class, opting for those that are limited to approximately 10 participants because of this notable amount of personalized attention. Otherwise, you are likely to find general instruction with 30 people in a room, creating a "one size fits all" approach.• A radical 360 feedback process. It has to be an "out of the box" process to jumpstart even those who perhaps have already received feedback, even recent feedback and unfortunately did not have a turnaround experience. The instrument itself needs to allow for open-ended responses elicited from people including and beyond the work setting (i.e., family, friends, committee members, etc.). Work respondents may also include vendors, customers and shareholders, those beyond overhead, direct reports, and colleagues.• Experiential exercises. Einstein discovered the theory of relativity in his right brain, which is activated through experiential exercises. Housed within one's right brain is creativity, motivational and inspirational forces, emotion, intuition, sensations, and elements that make it possible for people to connect on a meaningful human level.• Assessments that address interpersonal relationship dynamics and communication styles within the context of teambuilding.• An overall unique teambuilding process. Look for a program facilitator to draw participants subtly into a team atmosphere so that they are motivated to connect and engage upon returning to their respective organizations.• A tangible, personalized action plan that's workable. Participants leave with a clear, individualized psychological roadmap of how to turn around that which is compromising their success ratio. A segment on "taking it out there and making it work" ensures success upon one's return, both at work and at home.• Processes and models that speak also to issues involving those important relationships beyond work. Because work affects the quality of home life, and home life affects the quality of work, seek a comprehensive personalized program that offers a format acknowledging this crucial relationship between work and home along with a viable means to ensure noteworthy gains in both arenas of life.Once one has mastered self-awareness, one has mastered other-awareness. This is key to not only effective leadership, but also to a happy life.Dr. Holly Latty-Mann is president and co-founder with the late Dr. Jim Farr of The Leadership Trust®. Holly was former Executive Professor of Leadership Development at Wake Forest Babcock Graduate School of Management and has enjoyed an alliance with them as well as with Duke's Fuqua School of Business/Coach K Center of Leadership and Ethics. View our Executive Leadership Training
Keyword : Executive Leadership Training, Ledership development, Leadership Trust, Leadership
