วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

NLP – Six Simple Steps to Train Your Mind for Confidence and Success

Author : Pradeep Agarwal
The internal voice is the voice of the mind talking to us. Everyone has a voice inside of them that affects our success and failure. This is the most significant voice of all. The voice maybe encouraging us to try something that we haven't done before or holding us back from us from situations where we feel we are likely to make a fool of ourselves. In this way, this conversation that we keep having with ourselves decides our level of confidence and accent.The best way to use this internal dialogue to our advantage is to replace all the negative talk that the mind gives us with positive one. Every time you find yourself saying something negative, stop and think something nicer and more pleasant. Slowly, you will be feeling much more confident and cheerful and your accent will improve. As we go on practicing this, our belief in our capability will strengthen leading to higher success.These are the 6 simple yet powerful steps you can implement today that will transform your negative thoughts into positive beliefs for better living.1) First of all, you need to observe where the internal voice is coming from and decide its location.2) Now try to go back to a situation in life where you were confident of yourself. Try to imagine yourself in that situation again. Remember what you felt, saw, heard and spoke as if it were happening right now. Try to recall your tone of voice. Monitor the changes between your usual voice and voice you had used in that situation and see whether the new voice is louder or softer, whether it is clearer and easier to understand, or whether the rate of speech is faster. When you accomplish this, put this new more confident voice in the location of the old internal voice.3) Go back to all the negative statements that you tend to tell yourself. They maybe statements like:'I am not quite confident.'
'I can't give speeches.'
'I will not be able to complete that project.'
'I think I will never find anyone I can settle with.'Go here now to read the complete article...Pradeep Aggarwal is a world renowned Hypnosis & NLP expert with a career spanning 3 decades as self improvement trainer and life coach working with sports teams and organizations.He offers 15 part FREE ecourse on How to Learn and Master Hypnotism at http://www.hypnosisglobal.com/ecourse
Keyword : NLP,NLP technique,NLP training,free NLP,hypnosis NLP,hypnosis,self hypnosis,depression,self improve
